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I've included a copy of the discarded original script I had ready that was intended to wrap up the storyline. At the last minute I realized there were serious loose threads I could easily use for more stories set in this universe and rewrote the script to set up for a second arc~

I'll be posting a poll for what y'all want to see next out of me, but as promised, the next one will not include Collar(ed)6 as an option. The one after that, however will, so to those of y'all who enjoy this alternate setting, stay tuned, there's more to come!

I'll see y'all back here next weekend with a new C6, and check in early this week for the new poll! Love you all! Try and have as good a weekend as you can, even if we are stuck indoors~




Ouch, Trina's certainly feeling extremely bitter here (but it's for a very good reason, she clearly considers being mind controlled into accepting Evita's collar during their battle [something she had entered into out of a desire to rescue Michelle from a situation where she had been collared against her will, not realizing that her friend had willingly gone along with Evita's plan for the most part] as an extremely dirty trick, one which had only benefited Evita and Michelle), hence why it's totally understandable why she's wanting to cut ties with them both (at least for a while, she might forgive both of them eventually, but it might take a couple of months passing for wounds to heal; or something major forces everyone to work together again) and she's asking Laura to come along with her now! However, Laura seems surprisingly willing to stay with Evita and Michelle now, despite everything that Evita did; a decision which might end up seriously upsetting Trina, given that the pair (Trina and Laura) seemed to have been fairly close before this whole situation had started, with Laura seemingly having been collared by Trina in #4 of this (in a slight twist of the whole situation in canon where Trina had been the one taken by Evita)... Wonder why Laura's so willing to forgive Michelle and Evita for all their actions though and just what exactly her connection to Xor's sister Arkon is? It's certainly going to be interesting to see how exactly things develop now.

Great Scott

having read the discarded script and the "official canon" story -- I'm glad you discarded it. This story line does have some more places to grow and ending it too soon would not have been a good thing. Keep going in this way -- you've got more things to say in this alternate storyline. (you made a good decision here.)


Тhese are wonderful outfits, wonderful expressions. You hit in ten, with this, hon.

Joshua Workman

Yes, Laura, stand up for yourself. If you can't say what you want now, you never will.


Thank you~ The original ending just felt too forced and left so many pressing questions. It wouldn't be fair to y'all to just end it now and never attempt to answer them.