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First thing's first: Next update will be next week. I don't know what day but it WILL be next week! And for my next 5$ patron thingie I'm going to try a stand alone BDSM-y/Fetishy pic because I haven't done that sorta thing in forever! I'm gonna try to have that up next week as well!

Nowthen. At some point the world got turned upsidedown and we're all sorta trapped in our homes, yeah? I sorta feel like I'm living in a TV version of the movie Outbreak. Joking aside, I really encourage y'all to just take a cue from us agoraphobics and stay inside. It's dangerous out there right now and I'd rather y'all not wind up having to fight off this Coronavirus. Most of y'all are people I've known for a long while now. I don't want anything happening to y'all. So please don't put yourselves at risk. Please.

Until next time, all of you stay safe, and as always, I love you all~



Great Scott

Caution -- don't get ahead of yourself. I agree that you'll have an update next week, that's a good goal for you. Maybe it's the next C6, maybe it's your extra. But you'll have one or the other for sure. Now beyond that, maybe you want to work on one, then work on the other. Or maybe you will alternate one then the other then go back to the first, and that's fine. Pace yourself. When you finish one of them, then you can release it, whenever that happens to be. After you've done that, then you can see how much work is left for the other, and then decide when you think that will be done, and aim for that. Don't over commit yourself -- you know what happens to you when you do that. (As for Covid-19 -- I, and my mother, so far seem to be safe with that. you keep yourself safe.)


Thanks. Best wishes to you and yours, and everyone else here.


seems like, some of Trinas Original Personality is still intact!:P

Jason Wyatt

Yea I noticed that


Don't fuck with Trina or she will kick your ass.


Is this a battle of dom's cuming up.


Well someone was getting a little too carried away (even for a character clearly not intended to reflect a responsible Dom). Good for Trina to remind her to butt out.


Oh, for crying out loud Michelle, haven’t you learnt anything from all the other times you have been punished so far; ever since your arrival on the Blackstone Estate... Is your sense of pride that strongly ingrained in your nature, that you would rather run the potential risk of mentally breaking down and end up being reshaped into the submissive personality of Red Knight (by Blackstone's hands), instead of just deciding to concede defeat (temporarily at least) and follow the orders which you’ve been given, keeping your eye out for a better opportunity which may let you turn this current situation around? Of course, I could be totally wrong about what Michelle’s current state of mind actually is like at this time, with her potentially having already begun slipping into an extremely submissive state (despite Michelle’s attempts to resist this); while only providing a minor verbal protest to both of her current trainers about their commands, simply because Michelle’s fully aware that kind of defiant comment is something which both of her captors might expect someone who is still fighting hard against them to say and she doesn’t want to give any of her captors (both of those present and Blackstone herself) the satisfaction of knowing that they have bested her. But it may only be a token gesture and there’s no real force behind Michelle’s words, given the surprisingly calm expression which she is wearing in panel one, compared to the other times that Michelle has ended up losing her temper in some way! And it briefly seemed as if a part of Trina was still her normal self, with her stopping Zircon’s attempt to force Michelle to carry out the order given to her; but turns out that this brief moment of compassion was actually due to the Azurite personality wanting to be the only person that would primarily handle the training process of her charge, since Blackstone had personally assigned her to this task and Azurite doesn’t seem like she’s willing to let anyone else interfere with her job… While this comment may have been a little bit discouraging to Michelle at first (due to her hope that Trina’s original personality was after coming back), maybe this could be something that she could use to turn things around for her later on; by being willing to fuel Azurite’s desire to keep Michelle for herself, rebelling against Blackstone? As for your plans for next week, they sound good to me, but don’t stress yourself if things go awry. Your health (both physical and mentally) and general well-being should take top priority over all!