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Updates will resume Wednesday. I'll be doing short 1-3 panel updates that'll release every Mon/Wed/Fri afterwards henceforth. Collar d6 is gonna have to wait until I'm out of this rut, unfortunately, so I apologize to those of you who voted for it. For the time being I'll just be drawing short strips that focus on fetish and sexy stuff. To be fully transparent, I'm losing readers left and right and I have to put a focus on increasing my output and keeping things NSFW/Fetish-centric. Otherwise I'm gonna have to close up shop here. See y'all Wednesday with a new strip. Much love.


Wild Card

I think pushing for a new strip each week is too much, go for every other week. Give yourself breathing time. If you find that you can do it quicker, then it is fine to do more. But start slower, please.

Stefan J Neylon

Sorry to hear that. I hope to see more of your work and would hate to lose you.