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I'm sorry y'all, but I still have nothing to show. I'm having a serious case of art block and nothing I've tried is helping me do more than waste paper. As I said on twitter, it's like my hands know what to do but refuse to do it. Everything I churn out looks wrong and winds up in the trash bucket beside me. The longer I go without an update the more Patrons I'm going to lose so each day without an update my nerves are worse and worse. I don't know what to do. Anyone have any advice or suggestions?


The Sexy Beast

🫂 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


If you're still not feeling particularly artistic after taking a week off, you could always draw yourself cuddling with your Daddy. If you're feeling spicy, you could make Daddy satisfy you, if you're feeling overwhelmed, make yourself chibi-style.