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Finished strip goes up over the weekend. Sorry for the delay and change to schedule, a lot of BS transpired around my apartment complex this week that made it difficult to get anything done. If you're on the Discord, you likely heard me bitching about it last night. Anyways, hopefully back on track here. I poured my all into this fight scene and I hope it ultimately turns out to be worth the effort. I'm not intending to drag this out, so this strip effectively begins and ends this little conflict. I do enjoy drawing fights, but they can bog down things if I don't reign myself in. Hope y'all like it~

I'm posting a poll to see what strip y'all want me to work on next. As always thank you so much for the support and allowing me to keep making these! Love y'all and see y'all back here over the weekend with the finished strip~



The Sexy Beast

Go Ginger! Kick their ass! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


That's a really fun fight scene, very high energy!