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Finished strip will go up Tuesday at the earliest, Wednesday at the latest. Weekly updates will commence now. Read on for apologies and the usual whiny rhetoric from yours truly:

I am soooooooooooo very sorry about the drought of content this past week. As I said in my previous post, I've had very, *very* severe partial complex seizures this past week. And they've been not only far more frequent than I've ever experienced but much stronger than any I've experienced. To say I was physically incapacitated is putting it lightly. My partner tried her best to make me go to the hospital up the road, but I refused. I have gone back on my carbamazepine (which I stopped because it was making my vision blurry) and my doctor has requested I stay on it for at least 6 months and is pushing me for a brain scan (which I would be open to if US medical costs weren't preposterously high).

The good news is that the seizures have eased off significantly. While I am experiencing frequent auras, they're not barring me from getting strips made, though I'll admit to not being at full capacity. I intend to return to weekly updates, but with my mental and physical health constantly in question these days, I can't offer a reliable update schedule at present. I'm not particularly happy to see myself typing that, but I have to be real and admit that my health just isn't great and the past few years (as well as my dwindling Patron count) reflects that. I'm still trying to get disability benefits but it's been slow going. Anyways, I'm done whining for now. Thank you for sticking it out with me everyone. I'll do my best to make it worthwhile for you all. Love y'all!




Pete Spicer

Take care of you; everything else will follow.

Juy Juka

Hi, @Health: take care and get well. @Inks: Shinny! Lovly. Greetings Juy Juka