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And we're back. Not the prettiest return, but ya gotta lay the groundwork for these things and I apologize the pencils aren't more spectacular in this case. That said, inks will be up Wednesday with the finished strip releasing Saturday. I know I initially said Friday, but having an extra day means I can polish it more and y'all know how I can get perfectionist-y.

Also, I realize this strip isn't quite full of the sexytimes, but I kinda needed this strip to set-up for the sexytimes about to happen. Evita's gotta help our former Mistress Sixx acclimate to her new public outings and this is part of that. I'll be working on the second page immediately after this so there will be sexytime payoffs~

Again, I'm sorry for the lapse in content and all but vanishing for a month. As I said in my previous post, things have been... less than ideal as of late. I'm going to be leaning into making these strips to help me deal with everything so don't expect anymore long lapses from me. Every week I'll be posting a new strip (after these two Collar(ed)6 II strips I'll return to mainline C6) with Pencils on Mondays, Inks on Wednesdays and the Finished Strip on Fridays. Thank you all for continuing to support me despite the content drought. I couldn't do this without y'all and I can never truly express my gratitude for the support and love y'all have shown me all these years. Thank you.

See y'all Wednesday with the inks! Love y'all always~!



Wild Card

Good set-up, looking forwards to the inks


Looking forward to this easily my favourite storyline 😀