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My current approach to making comics is not working. I've become too focused on making every strip as elaborate and polished as I can, and the expanded cast and narrative has become well beyond the sort of simple, 2-3 character joke strips I started this out with. It's too narrative focused, too talky and I'm losing my audience. At this rate, I'm going to be out of an audience and out on the streets. This is unsustainable for me and likely very boring and tiresome for y'all. I'm going to have to rethink my approach to everything from presentation to narrative. I'm feeling very disheartened and uncertain about myself and every choice I've made that's taken things this direction. I've failed, and I know it. I have to fix this. And it has to return to being focused on bondage and NSFW material. So I'm going to do just that. See y'all Friday with a new strip.



Rob abram

I always Love seeing pony girls


I actually enjoy the narrative just as much as the fun art we have here... But no matter what happens next, I'm not going to stop supporting you, okay Fiona? And it looks like Ginger's after hitting a slight snag in her attempt to escape with Trina and Michelle, thanks to the rare competent guard, who has refused to let the three of them pass through that checkpoint without first clearing it with one of her superiors, which will both take extra time that Ginger's group could have used for a potential head-start and/or reveal the whole deception. However, it looks like Ginger's planing to take the more direct approach now, with her about to attack the guard, or use her new ability to order them to get out of their way! Either way, things are now about to get loud very soon here... Just take much time as you need to make the next comic page though, okay? The results on display are always well worth it in the end. Thanks again Fiona!