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Summary: AU! They're complete opposites in personality and life, but Zendaya keeps Y/n coming back for more despite Y/n's lingering uncertainty. 

Content: FWB/Casual relationship, angst, fluff towards the end, smut, oral sex, fingering

A/N: I normally don't do AUs like this but I was inspired by a story my friend told me. Anyway enjoy!

Y/n hates LA. Any time she has to step foot in that city she feels like her body is going to spontaneously combust. The only thing that can bring her here is work and reluctantly the few close friends she has scattered across the city.

She refrains from complaining to her friends or work colleagues about having to visit LA sometimes. However her true feelings are written all over her face every time she talks about the city. It was so different to other places she has lived and where she is based for work. She’s not pigeonholed in the countryside necessarily, but nothing is like the hell on earth that is LA. The people she’s been introduced to by her best friend were unsavory and desperate at best. When they hear that she works in the music industry and who she has worked with, they cling to her as if they actually give a fuck about her beyond her connections. Or they were upfront with the fact that they didn’t give a damn. Sometimes she was shocked by how unapologetically gaudy and shallow some of them could be. LA to her was the place healthy friendship goes to die in selfishness and replaces any sort of empathy. The selfishness doesn’t even strengthen their self sufficiency!

She feels guilty for how negatively she thinks about this place when her best friend lives and loves it here. Granted her best friend was trying out the influencer thing after having one photo go viral. To Y/n it looked like a losing game. She loves that girl, but nothing can make her love this city. Not her friends, not the food and not the dumb girl who keeps texting her.

'You sure you don’t need a ride?'

'I’m okay Zendaya.'

'Okay Will I see you tonight tho? And stop calling me, Zendaya you don’t need to be so formal babe lmao'

Y/n groans before backing out of her messages with Zendaya. She hid behind a blank face as if anyone at the airport would be able to know what a smile on her face could mean. Inside she was smiling wide like a teenage girl.

She likes Zendaya, and liked her from the moment she met her. She's boisterous, funny and always on the go. Zendaya is exactly the kind of girl Y/n expected to meet at a party thrown by a sleazy influencer and yet she likes her — really bad.

Her Uber arrives before she could get another text from Zendaya offering to pick her up again. It's going to be a while before she gets to her hotel. Traffic was hell and always left her feeling lethargic. The driver is nice, but she felt so shifty in the back of their car. She almost wishes she had told Zendaya to come pick her up, but that would signal something to her.

They don’t have any relationship of importance with each other although Zendaya is trying to change that. They are just two adults who enjoy each other’s company and fuck whenever she’s visiting. Zendaya may act like she wants more but Y/n isn’t too sure. She tells Y/n she’ll take her out to some coveted restaurant or event, but all those promises sound too empty for her liking. 'A woman of her word', Zendaya has always said about herself. Her reputation precedes her, and Y/n is hesitant to be associated with that. Although she wonders if she could tame the beast…

She opens her phone to her text thread with Zendaya. She could scroll up and read the past messages while being anxious to answer one of the newer texts. Even reading the old messages makes the tingling in her stomach worse. ‘Babe’, ‘baby’, ‘I miss you so much’, ‘ I’m horny’ — all of Zendaya's words are too much to take in when she is so near.

Y/n's body is screaming “fucking her tonight!” She’s almost embarrassed by how turn on she gets from simple text from Zendaya. Those simple texts trigger memories of Y/n on top of her, underneath her, and in various other positions.

‘Skip the party — just fuck her and let her listen to you bitch about work’

In her opinion, this arrangement benefited everyone: Zendaya gets to have Y/n and Y/n has someone to listen to her. Zendaya is shockingly a great listener; that was what drew Y/n to her. When they met at some random house party, Zendaya introduced herself first. Y/n was a little surprised that this stranger wanted to know about her and not the other way around. Zendaya was curious, she asked many questions about the music industry. Y/n is used to curious people, but Zendaya would stare and listen to her as if she was the only person in that room, seven big personalities and beautiful women. Of course Y/n felt special, but after going over that moment time and time again she began to wonder if she did this to other girls. Did Zendaya single them out at parties, and make them feel like the only girl in the world?

Zendaya asked for her number that night, and Y/n gave it to her. She texted her ‘its Z :)’ as a way to start a conversation. Y/n put up a good front acting unbothered, but she couldn’t stop thinking about her. Zendaya's number sat in her phone for a while because Y/n was scared. She remembered how she looked at her when she spoke and it left her bereft. She was oddly charming.

She dropped the unbothered act when she felt compelled to ask her best friend everything she knew about Zendaya. The two had a few mutual friends but ran in different circles. However, LA social circles aren't as big as Y/n assumed them to be. If one person knows your business then their friends know and their friends' friends know. It didn’t help that a lot of Zendaya's business was already out there permanently on the Internet. Y/n was tempted to Google Zendaya's name but settled for what her friend told her. Stories of crazy ex-girlfriends, messy hook-ups, and controversial friends left Y/n feeling jaded. Somehow she always ends up falling for the fucking messy one.

‘Whose party are you going to?'


‘Oh, fuck no…def not going’

She always got that warm, fuzzy feeling when texting Zendaya. She has no clue that she's the dickhead of Y/n's dreams. Y/n has finally texted her back and hopes that she might be able to convince Zendaya to ditch the party and ask her to come over instead. Zendaya would do it in a heartbeat if Y/n just asked, but she's too stubborn to do that.

'Come on baby Josie said she's coming! Who r u staying with btw?'

'Hotel And I’m not an extension of Josie. Love her to death, but I don’t party like that'

'Too good and too pretty will be seen with the LA degenerates lol'

'Z cmon…'

The thought of Zendaya growing tired of her false disinterest always crosses Y/n's mind. Zendaya just pokes fun at her every time (especially since she knows exactly where she's gonna end up when she's in town). But Y/n still worries that the everlasting well of patience Zendaya has is going to dry up one of these days; and when she least expects it.

'You never go to any parties with your friends and the one we met at doesn't count Come out with us just one time.'

Y/n was shocked to see that Zendaya sent her a selfie with a text that read 'Do it for this face' with a crying emoji. She poked out her bottom lip like a needy child. Y/n rolled her eyes so hard at her pathetic selfie -- but she looked so cute. Zendaya's eyes were soft and so was her skin; she wondered if she bought that facial sunscreen she was telling her about.

'If you think that face is gonna convince me then you are fr as crazy as I expected'

The car came to a stop, pulling Y/n out of her phone and into reality. She had arrived at the hotel.

After a long flight and a long layover, her hotel felt like a safe haven. She had checked in and ascended to her room on the fifth floor. She forgot to text Zendaya back which prompted a call then eventually a facetime call. Y/n didn't answer the first call because she was checking in at the front desk, but by the time she got to her room she was receiving another facetime call. Y/n didn't want to answer it because she thought she looked gross. When she saw herself on the screen, she was looking at someone who could use a full day of sleep. However she found herself answering the call.

"What do you want Zendaya?"

"There she is," she adapts a sing-song voice, "there's my girl."

"What do you want?" Y/n repeats again, wanting to desperately gloss over the words that left Zendaya's lips -- "my girl." She says it frequently and each time it's like a shot to the heart. Y/n places her phone on the hotel bed so the camera is facing the ceiling.

"C'mon, don't be like that!" She whines. "I haven't seen you in months and this is how you treat me."

Y/n felt a little bad despite the playful inflection in her voice. She always laughed when Y/n iced her out, but Zendaya knows that Y/n really likes her. Despite it all, Zendaya is very sweet. She can be a bit abrasive for someone who is not used to her lifestyle, yet there is a gentleness to her that Y/n wonders if she only shows to her.

"Hi, how are you?" Y/n asks as a way to reset the conversation.

"Happy now that you're in my city. I'd be even happier if you came out with us tonight."

"Why does it have to be an 'us', Z?"

"Fine, it can just be me and you."

"I don't want to go out tonight, Zendaya. I hate to sound whiny and ruin the fun, but I'm exhausted. And I look disgusting."

"You don't, but I get it baby. I won't ask you to go out tonight, but I still want to see you tonight."

Y/n pauses. There is no way she isn't seeing her tonight. She's been thinking about it for her entire ten hour flight. It's been two months since they saw each other. Y/n still remembers their last time together vividly. Last time she did go out with Zendaya and mutual friends. The entire time she felt like she had to fight for Zendaya's attention. Y/n knew about her, but to actually witness all the girls coming up to her and trying to be around her made Y/n want to leave. When they were finally alone Y/n felt like she had Zendaya's full attention but she felt jaded. She bit her tongue because she felt no right to complain since they're not exclusive. If this were to become something more, would she always have to put up with this?


"Maybe? There isn't any 'maybes', I'm seeing you tonight."

Zendaya would probably drive to every hotel in LA to find her if she said no. She's persistent and it's been a very long time since someone has been so keen to be around Y/n like that.

"I don't want you to not go out and have fun because of me."

"I can see you after. I'll leave early."

Y/n was grateful her phone was on the bed 'cause she certainly made a face at that. It stung that Zendaya couldn't take one night off of the same-old-same-old to spend it with her. Her time in LA was limited, but the parties Zendaya could attend were not. She was begging to see her -- getting to desperate levels even. However Y/n must not be that important. It's why Y/n knows deep down that they'll never be compatible.

"What time?" She feels like an idiot giving into her.

"11 at the latest."

"Zendaya, LA's hardest partier, leaving a party at 11!? The world surely must be ending."

Her sarcasm was always at Zendaya's expense. It was her way of coping with their undefined status and Zendaya always took it in jest.

Before she could respond, someone in the background started talking to her. Y/n recognizes it as one of Zendaya's friends, one that sort of rubs her the wrong way.

"Okay babe, I gotta go but I'll see you tonight!"

Zendaya hangs up before Y/n could say goodbye. Hearing the sound of the facetime ending felt like hearing the losing sound on The Price is Right. Zendaya, for all the affection she shows to Y/n, sure does know how to make her feel like an idiot and a loser.

She could always cancel on her. She could text her right now and say something has come up, or that she's too jet lagged to see her tonight. Y/n could say anything that makes herself feel less and less like a loser. Yet she keeps going and fully plans on seeing Zendaya tonight. She keeps her phone on the bed and begins to unpack. There are a handful of outfits shoved into her suitcase, outfits that she packed specifically for Zendaya to see her in. Also packed were her beauty products including the color of nail polish she likes to see her in, the wine red color that she says reflects her the most. Y/n's going to put on a fresh coat tonight just to please her. She's going to wear a tight dress that she finds incredibly uncomfortable. Anything to take Zendaya's mind off of the girls she's going to see tonight. Cue the clown music; some people will never learn.


Zendaya told Y/n that she'd been there 'in five', but it's going on ten minutes now. It was cooler out than Y/n had expected which made her regret choosing to wear the shortest dress she owns. Despite that, she was warmed by anticipation. The glow from his porch light felt like a spotlight. She probably glanced at herself 20 times in the reflection of the glass front door. She'd been looking forward to this ever since she booked her flight, yet it doesn't feel as glamorous as she imagined.

Her car pulls into the drive away about 12 minutes later than the supposed arrival time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zendaya says apologetically as she jogs to the front door.

As she approaches Y/n, she grabs her waist and presses her side into her body. Zendaya kisses her temple as if it's second nature to her.

"Got caught in some traffic."

"Yea, yea -- let's just go inside. I'm freezing."

"Sorry about that baby."

She pulls Y/n into her house where she's greeted by comfort. Everything looks exactly the same as the last time she was here. Y/n always wondered if Zendaya's insistence of keeping everything nice and neat was her hiding evidence of another girl sleeping at her place. Zendaya is not her girlfriend, she's completely single, but the thought of her with someone else makes Y/n's skin crawl. She's here with her alone yet she's thinking of other girls that may have had her.

Zendaya takes her to the lounge aka the "love dungeon". The comfy, soft couch faces a fireplace that she sets alight to warm Y/n up. It's a romantic setting but feels tainted by the knowledge of Zendaya's past. She can sense the stiffness in Y/n's body when she sits down next to her. Always persevering, Zendaya wraps her arm around her shoulder which prompts Y/n to move in closer. Zendaya then rests her arm on the back of the couch.

Her voice nears a whisper, "I finally got you where I want you." Zendaya's breath tickles Y/n's neck which gives her goosebumps. She tries not to make it obvious when she presses her legs together.

She couldn't look at her. If she does, Y/n swears she will melt. No, she didn't want to fall under Zendaya's spell; she wanted to keep her wall up, especially since she can't take her mind off of her reputation. However, she's already at Zendaya's house with a warmth growing between her legs, so how guarded can Y/n really be?

"How was the party?"

"I left before 11 so it wasn't much of a party yet."

"Sorry I took you away from your party and your fun," Y/n pushes out. She told herself to bite her tongue but she's been feeling spiteful since their earlier call. She continues with a whisper, "and your girls," under her breath but Zendaya hears her.

"Y/n," playfulness coats Zendaya's voice but she can hear the hints of impatience in there. She grabs Y/n's chin and gently makes her look at her. "There aren't any other girls."

In her eyes, Y/n can see hundreds of faceless girls that may have had Zendaya. Girls who may be prettier, hotter, and sexier than her. Her insecurity was rife despite having Zendaya's undivided attention at the moment (and allegedly all the time). She strokes Y/n's cheek with her thumb, making her feel special like she always manages to do.

"You're so cute when you're jealous."

Y/n felt a rage surge in her core. She pulls her head away from Zendaya's hands and crosses her arms defiantly.

"I'm not jealous. I just have valid concerns, Z."

"I'm telling you there aren't any other girls and it's just like you don't want to believe that! I left the party just so I could see you. If I wanted to be with some other girl right now, I could be! I could probably be fucking some model right now, but I'm not. I'm here with you, who is constantly on my ass. I'm letting you think so low of me because I just want to be around you."


"Y/n, look at me."

Zendaya was annoyed with her now, and it may have been warranted. Y/n was being unfair because of her glaring insecurities. There was no evidence of Zendaya lying to her. She was justified in being upset with Y/n's accusations, but Y/n felt justified too.

She looks at Zendaya again but this time she's a goner. The softness of her face contrasted by the wildness in her eyes makes Y/n's heart race. Zendaya was going to fuck the shit out of her tonight.

"I'm sorry," her words wave the white flag. She backed down pretty quickly, surprising the both of them. She didn't want to argue or be a stand-offish bitch anymore. She was just going to make herself upset when she had Zendaya all to herself.

"You need to start trusting me. I know you know things about me, and I know I was sort of kind of a hoe, but I also have a heart."

Zendaya knows how to lighten the mood without fail. She was a hoe, but she was Y/n's hoe, and she was sweet to her.

"I'm trying babe," Y/n is close enough to kiss her but holds back. She shouldn't be so worried about trusting her when she told herself that this is the only thing she wants from Zendaya.

Zendaya makes the first move and kisses her, and Y/n can taste the hard liquor on her tongue. Y/n came here sober but being around Zendaya makes her feel deliriously high. One thing she can never deny is that she loves what she does to her body and how she reacts to her mere presence. Her kissing her back gives Zendaya permission for her strong hands to roam her body.

The way she touches her screams "I was waiting for you to come back to me." When she touches her it shows that there aren't any other girls -- just Y/n.

Y/n moans her name against her mouth. She loves the build up but she wants to feel Zendaya on top of her. She begins to fumble with the zipper and button on her pants before Zendaya stops her. She looks up at her as if she's rejecting her.

"Lay down," she says sternly and in seconds Y/n is on her back.

Her short dress rides up and gives Zendaya a peak of the white cotton panties she has on. Suddenly Y/n is feeling self-conscious again and comparing herself to faceless girls again.

"You're so fucking pretty," Zendaya places her knees on the floor as she speaks. Y/n's legs are soon thrown over Zendaya's shoulders and she's overwhelmed.

The wet spot on her panties gives away how much sway she has over her. She feels like weeping when Zendaya kisses her inner thigh; it's almost like a slow burn. Zendaya is not known to be romantic outside of their moments, but the scene she sets is. Her large hands scale Y/n's thighs before she lightly rakes her fingernails along her sides. Y/n is squirming from anticipation and her wet mouth is on Y/n's skin. When has Zendaya ever taken anything slow? She's usually rough and quick, but she wants tonight to be different.

"Z," Y/n whines before placing her hand on the back of Zendaya's head, guiding her closer to her desire.

"What? Want me to take these off baby?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, she just takes charge. Y/n wants to close her legs to hide but she can't with Zendaya's body in the way. She's so wet for him that it's embarrassing. Their little back-and-forth was foreplay for her.

Her panties are off in seconds and her legs are pried open. Zendaya stares at Y/n for a second before diving right in. She never waits because not only does she love eating pussy, she loves eating Y/n's pussy.

The moan that comes from her mouth is almost as embarrassing as her body's reaction to her hot tongue. Zendaya's mouth feels like heaven against her warm sex. She's shivering and she has barely started. The reaction gives Zendaya a high better than any hit she could take in this wretched city. She missed Y/n so much she wishes she could meld into her and go with her wherever she goes. Zendaya wished she wasn't so attached to this dizzying life. Quiet and calm with Y/n feels like a dream.

"Z!" Y/n's cry prevents her from getting lost in thought. Y/n's soft body was exposed just for her -- she needed to be present for this.

She looks up at Y/n as she flicks her tongue against her sensitive clit. Making any sort of eye contact seems impossible for Y/n. her eyes hide desire and a desperation for Zendaya; she could fall apart at the seams at any moment because of her. But Zendaya pulls away for a split second which makes Y/n squirm and whine. She watches her tightly as she waits for Zendaya's next move. Even the few seconds of Zendaya not touching her makes her impatient and want to cry.

“So fucking wet for me.”

Zendaya likes to talk dirty and remind her how much Y/n turns her on. She would always hide her face when she would do that and this time it’s no different.

“No, no. Look at it,” Zendaya whispers. She grabs Y/n's chin with warm, damp fingers and Y/n doesn’t know if it’s from sweat or if it’s her own arousal. Zendaya makes her look at the sloppy mess between her legs. She whimpers at the sight. She didn’t realize how messy she was getting until she looked at her face and saw the glistening.

Her eyes move back down between her legs just to watch two fingers prod at her opening. It’s not intentional that Y/n clamps up on her, but she is so riled up she finds it hard to relax.

“You gonna let me in?” Her words hold a double meaning.

Y/n was once again struck by how soft her voice was. Zendaya was being gentle with her when usually she’s throwing Y/n on the bed and fucking the attitude out. It’s possible that she could recognize Y/n's frustration with their current relationship status (or lack thereof), and she feels like she has to prove Y/n wrong. All of the hook-ups are fast, rough, and don’t have an ounce of romance in them. Y/n, for Zendaya, is somewhere in between “just a hook-up” and a girlfriend and she’s trying so hard to get her to the girlfriend side.

“Z,” her voice shakes just from feeling his fingertips at her entrance. He looks so beautiful between her legs she could cry. She needs him in every way possible — more than she knows.

Zendaya doesn’t spend another second not pleasuring Y/n. Two fingers slide into her pussy with determination. She’s so damn tight but her walls feel like a warm hug. It only takes a few pumps before Zendaya feels the rush of arousal coming to aide her in finger fucking her. “That’s a good girl,” she coos as he enjoys watching her fingers disappear inside of Y/n and then come back out messier and messier. She’s whining like a cat in heat, arching her back like one too.

She didn’t want to hide from Zendaya's praise and eyes anymore. It made her feel on fire any time she was her good girl or her slut. She’s a good girl when she’s letting Zendaya take her in her arms, and spreading her legs wide enough for her to finger her. She’s a slut when Zendaya has 7 inches buried inside of her with her face in the mattress. Y/n is completely her whether she’s aware or not.

“I want you to squirt for me,” Zendaya's words are punctuated by a kiss to Y/n's inner thigh.

Her fingers begin pumping into Y/n a bit faster and harder. Y/n’s body is screaming for her to say okay and give into Zendaya's demand, but a swift, “no!” comes out of her mouth. The last she did that for her she was deeply embarrassed despite Zendaya reveling in what had happened.

“No Z!”

Y/n puts her hand between her legs, but Zendaya grabs her wrist and then pins it to her stomach. She whines in defeat. Zendaya's fingers were curling so hard against Y/n's sweet spot that she had no choice but to let her body go limp. She leans down and kisses her clit; the final thing to push her over the edge.

She doesn’t squirt but she cums embarrassingly hard for Zendaya. Y/n wonders what Zendaya thinks of her as she cries and digs her nails into her wrist. She hisses at the sting, but she loves it.

It feels like their time together right now should last forever, but the continuous buzzing from Zendaya's phone takes Y/n out of the moment once her high begins to dissipate. However it seems as if she’s the only one fixated on it. Zendaya is too busy licking her fingers clean of her. “I wanna see you ride me,” she nearly begs. Y/n is too fixated on that damn phone to pay attention to what Zendaya has to say but she nods her head anyway.

She can’t stop staring at the screen lighting up on the coffee table, even as Zendaya moves her around. It’s too far away to see the names but her fears fill in the gaps. If she’s going to play a game of speculation every time, why is she even here?

When she finds herself in Zendaya's lap, the phone is no longer in her line of sight. Zendaya sees her face and instantly knows something is wrong. Every inch of her to continue their pleasure party, but she can’t ignore how Y/n's mood has changed.


“I’m sorry,” she apologizes instantly as if she has been found out. It isn’t until Zendaya hears the sadness in her voice that she knows what’s going on.

Zendaya sighs in defeat. She believes that Y/n has the right to feel how she feels, but it’s frustrating. She doesn’t know what to do because the only thing that might make Y/n feel secure with Zendaya is for her to do a complete 180 on her life — which is unfair to both of them.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No…no I just — I want to make you cum.”

Y/n doesn’t sound sure of herself despite her beginning to grind on Zendaya's lap. It felt more like an attempt to prove something to herself than to turn her on. Zendaya grabs her hip and forces her to stop moving. It feels like rejection, but it's more so of a confrontation.

“We have to talk about it someday, you know.”

Y/n groans and places her hands on his shoulders before leaning down to rest her face against Zendaya's neck. Y/n feels bad for ruining their moment when it has been a few months of not only being intimate with each other, but other people. Zendaya is supposed to only be her fuck buddy but deep down Y/n is not built for just casual sex. She doesn’t know how to say she likes Zendaya. She’s so scared this is going to blow up in her face in the worst way possible.

Despite her feeling like she fucked things up, Zendaya wraps her arms around Y/n and embraces her. This warmth is comforting just as much as it is haunting. Y/n wishes she never met her or that at least she could have the same mindset as her.

“I care about you a lot, more than you realize, and I wish you’d stop hurting your feelings with those thoughts,” Zendaya whispers near her ears. She doesn’t want to put the blame on Y/n, but she has shown her time and time again that she can trust her. If Y/n didn’t mean anything to her then she surely would’ve fucked a few people in the two months between their visits. Instead Zendaya satisfied herself with thoughts of Y/n while waiting for her return.

This has turned into such a bittersweet reunion. Y/n can feel the physical satisfaction still stirring deep in her hips, but it’s not enough to combat her perpetual sadness over their situation.

“Can you look at me?”

Zendaya is taken back at the softness of her own voice. Never being one to describe herself as gentle, Zendaya is a protector and she knows this is the best way to disarm Y/n. She obeys and looks at her with an almost blank look in her eyes. She wants to laugh at how no matter how up-and-down she is, Zendaya still wants to stick around.

“Why do you keep me around?” Y/n asks as to say ”why do you like me?”

She’s constantly comparing herself to the girls on Zendaya's following list and it’s going to drive her crazy.

“I could ask you the same thing. You know you can do much better than me.”


“I’m not saying that for you to feel sorry for me. I genuinely just wonder how I got lucky with someone so beautiful, so talented and smart. I don’t mean to be corny when I say you’re different from what I’m used to. It’s weird, but I like it.”

Her words are meant to be comforting, and they are at the moment. Y/n only has two options: go along with this or run as fast she can away from her. Seeing that she’s in the same city with Zendaya for the time being, she wants to go along with it. Completely trusting Zendaya is something she’ll have to work on, but Y/n can’t deny the feelings she has when she’s around her. She can read her like a book and right now she’s aware that she is falling. All Zendaya wants is Y/n's trust and validation.

Zendaya planned to fuck the absolute shit out of her, but seeing her cum is enough for tonight.

“You wanna stay with me tonight?” She punctuates her words with a kiss to Y/n's cheek.


“And how about the next night?” Another kiss.


“And the night after that? And the one after that?”

She's an idiot sometimes, but Zendaya is her idiot. This time Y/n is the one to kiss her cheek, providing Zendaya with the answer she wanted. She's never enjoyed having to prove herself to people, but she will show up for Y/n in a way that will surprise even herself. And she’ll do it over and over and over again just to see her happy. Just to feel her trust.


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