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Pairings: Kim Kardashain/Reader

Summary: With a life as busy as hers, Y/n could use someone she can relate to. Kim is someone she met through a friend and the unknown remedy she needs for her stress. 3rd POV.

Content: Degradation, slight humiliation (not really but just to be safe), overstimulation, sex toys (vibrator and strapon), oral, penetrative sex.

Y/n was in awe as she approached the huge mansion in her path. This was her first time coming to Kim's house although this isn't the first time she's been invited over here. She knows Kim through a mutual friend, a business associate. While Y/n doesn't quite work in a field that would help Kim with any of her businesses, Kim still found Y/n interesting and asked if she would be able to "pick her brain apart." Y/n was flattered that someone was interested in her work and work ethic. She had hung out with Kim among friends a few times before and found her to be very nice.

She had left work about an hour and between the long day she had and the LA traffic, she was so tired. Her feet were hurting and she had a headache. She almost went through with cancelling tonight's plans with Kim, but this would have been her second time rescheduling this and she was beginning to feel bad. She wasn't trying to blow Kim off or anything, she was just really busy. She hoped that Kim wouldn't go too hard with the work talk because Y/n just wanted to unwind. Maybe they could talk about work after she has a glass of wine or two.

She knocks on the door and smooths out her black work dress. She didn't have any spare clothes to change into, but figured the simple dress would do. They were just having a get together, Y/n had to remind herself, there wasn't any need to dress fancy.

Kim was patiently waiting for Y/n to arrive. She jumped up with excitement when she heard the doorbell ring and she was there to open it in a matter of seconds. It was just who she expected, but a clearly worn out version. She almost feels bad seeing the lines of exhaustion on Y/n's face, but seeing the smile spread on her glossy lips reassures her.

"Hey! Come on in!"

Kim is aware of Y/n's busy work schedule and how she rarely has time for herself. She's stealing some of that precious time, but she plans to make tonight worth Y/n's while. Y/n never explicitly talks about how stressed out she is, but it's coded into all of her text messages -- Kim can very much read between the lines. She could relate to Y/n feeling overworked. Of course her life is significantly easier than Y/n's because she has more resources than her, but she knew a thing or two about de-stressing.

"Sorry I'm a little late, I had a meeting that went over," Y/n apologizes as she sweeps past Kim and walks into her house.

"Don't worry about it," Kim reassures her, "you can take off your shoes if you'd like."

"Thank you."

Y/n kicked her heels off and then looked around at the spacious entryway. Kim's home was beautiful and she can only imagine that it was decorated and designed by some of the finest designers in the state. It compels in comparison to Y/n's apartment, which is very nice, but not as nice as Kim's place.

"Let's move into the den. It's one of my favorite places in the house. Plus my living room is a mess. I have swatches and sketches everywhere since we're gearing up for another release," Kim explains. Y/n nods and follows her to their destination.

The den is cozy and a warm brown color. It's so inviting. Kim thought this would be the perfect setting for Y/n to relax in. They could parse through the small talk and then really get to know each other.

"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Wine?"

"Wine is fine. Do you have a Riesling?"

"I should. I get a variety imported from wherever I want...perks of being in a wine club."

Y/n sat on the couch in the den as Kim grabbed a glass and began to pour some wine for the two of them. Y/n thought she would go to the kitchen for the wine, but she figures that there is a wine stash all over this place. She tries not to be enamored by the decadence, but it's a little hard not to be.

"Here you go," Kim hands her the cool glass, only filled a quarter with wine. The bottle is nearby in case they need it anymore. "You probably need it after working today."

"Ugh, don't get me started. I feel like I do so much everyday but I'm accomplishing nothing. The project I'm working on won't be finished until next year which would make it a total of two years of working on it. I thought having a two year window would make it easier, but everyday there is still so much work to be done."

Y/n was slightly rambling, but Kim didn't seem to mind. She likes hearing about other people's lives since everyone knows so much about hers. She doesn't have the luxury of being a mystery because her business being her life.

Y/n finishes the glass of wine quicker than expected. Kim had to get right back up to just grab the bottle and bring it back to the couch with her. She pours more into Y/n's glass before setting it on the coffee table before them.

"Long term projects are rough. So much to do and it's usually the most tedious work." Kim finally relaxes into the couch. She sits with one leg folded on the couch so she can turn her body towards Y/n, giving her all of her attention. "But, you're not at work right now so reward yourself by not thinking about it. Everyone deserves at least five minutes of the day where they just clear their head of everything bothering them. There are no bosses, no annoying co-workers, and no clients; it's just the two of us here, together."

Kim's words were calming. Y/n is always thinking about work: what can be done once she gets to the office in the morning and what she should be proactive about during her time off. Being here with Kim gives her an excuse to be distracted from work and it's a problem. Instead she can focus on the nice décor or the excellent wine Kim has.

Y/n turns toward Kim so she's also facing her. Their knees slightly touch each other before Y/n's quickly retract hers. She takes a sip of wine to ease the nerves she feels from being around someone like Kim.

"You're right. I should try to carve time out of my life to just relax. I've always been a workaholic so it's hard, but your advice is helpful," she says graciously.

"That's sweet of you to say," she says as lays a strategically placed hand on Y/n's thigh.

It's a friendly gesture, but Y/n and Kim really don't know each other like that. Y/n looks down at the perfectly manicured hand on her thigh before her eyes move back up to Kim's

"I'm grateful that you could take time out of your busy schedule to come and visit me. Sometimes I long to meet new people and make new friends, but it's just so hard to do that as a celebrity. It's good to be around someone who isn't concerned or obsessed with family -- someone who is just down to her Earth. People have a lot of preconceived ideas about me, but I'm happy for the people who don't pay any attention to what others say about me," she prattles on, only stopping a few times to sip her wine.

"I think I got over the allure of celebrities after my 10th encounter with them," Y/n jokes. "I guess I'm too much of a career woman to worry about celebrities. I've dealt with a small few because of my job and it's possible that I will deal with more in the future, so I just always try to be cool. It would be so embarrassing if I was full out fangirling over someone in front of my boss or colleague."

Y/n spoke with ease despite the hand resting on her thigh. She felt like it was burning a hole through her thigh. Her eyes had narrowed while she was speaking. Y/n is not use to Kim so she can't tell if this is normal for her or something that should stick out to her.

"Well besides work, what do you do?"

"Not much. Sometimes I'll go on a hike with my friends, but that's kind of rare. I haven't been to a bar in a long time and most of my outings are really just work meetings disguised as dinner at a nice restaurant."

"Oh, so no boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"No, not at all," Y/n says rather quickly. She always became awkward around the top of relationships. It was the one question people loved to ask during small talk; if she had a significant other or not. "I haven't dated in such a long time. I would like to, but I just don't have the time. Plus I'm too busy for a relationship -- and too stressed."

"Yea but having someone in your life could help take your mind off of that stress," Kim pauses for a brief second, "you know, one of my favorite ways to calm my nerves is to cum," Kim says suggestively. It was a bold turn in the conversation, but she wanted to see Y/n's reaction.

Y/n's face begins to burn. She wonders for a second if she drank too much wine and is hearing things. But the look on Kim's face told her that she wasn't imagining things.

"Oh...wow," Y/n says nervously. She feels stupid for that being her response, but she's truly at a loss for words. She lets out a nervous chuckle and grabs at her wine glass. She avoided making Kim's eye contact like the plague. She feared that she would look like even more of an idiot.

"You may not be dating someone, but are you at least hooking up with someone?" Kim asks as she scoots closer to Y/n. She considers moving it but ultimately decides against it.

"I-I don't think I need one." Y/n's eyes flicker to the hand on her thigh once more.

"Well you should consider that as an option. When I was in my 20s I use to have a good girlfriend I would hook-up with whenever one of us was stressed out. I'm sure you've had a similar situation before?"

Y/n struggled to form a coherent sentence in her mind. She clutched her glass of wine to ease some of her nerves.

"No...I was never big on hooking up...I've only slept with whoever I was dating at the time."

"You should consider it," Kim's voice is almost as soft as a whisper. She likes seeing Y/n get all flustered with every word she says. She's heard so many things about this woman from her friend, all of them very positive things too. She was a force to be reckoned with when she was at work, but here she is blushing like a little school girl. "I hope I'm not coming on too strong. You're just a great person to talk to, and you're gorgeous," her tone is teasing even though she's trying her best to reassure Y/n.

"I-I don't...I-"

"It's okay honey," Kim coos as she leans over to grab Y/n's glass of wine out her hands. She sets it down on the table and Y/n doesn't even protest at the action. "You don't have to be nervous around me. In fact, I just want to help you out. We're both working women and could use the time to de-stress."

Y/n is still stuttering like an idiot but Kim is so calm and collected. Y/n has been in situations where the pressure was a thousand times worse but somehow she isn't able to handle this.

"Should we really do this?" Y/n's voice is barely a whisper. She needs this, she knows she does. She needs someone to take control for once and just sit back and relax. Her hesitance is going to get in the way if she lets it win.

"Oh c'mon," Kim grabs her hand and grips it. "You don't know what you're missing, and I'm willing to show you."

Kim  grabs her chin and brings Y/n close enough to kiss her. Her lips are soft and the taste of wine is strong on her lips. She kisses her hard, not letting Y/n have a moment to think about what's going on. The last thing she wants is Y/n to pull back even as alarm bells go off in her head. She's stuck between a state of panic and enjoying the soft lips pressed against hers. It's more than just the wine on both of their lips that is making her feel intoxicated. She feels Kim's strong pulse through their palms. She holds onto each beat to calm herself. Y/n let's her body relax, and she parts her lips, deepening the kiss.

Kim knew it wouldn't take much to have Y/n in the palm of her hand. She has met many women just like Y/n in her life and what usually makes them pliant is just a little nudging in the right direction. She kisses her tenderly, moaning into their kiss as she does so. Y/n  begins to respond well to the kiss which makes Kim's ego soar. For someone who wasn't so sure about this, Y/n surely is enjoying this kiss. She wonders how wet she is, and she plans to find out for herself. Her hand slides up Y/n's thigh and under her skirt. Her fingers find her underwear and she presses her thumb against her clit. Y/n gasps into her mouth which makes Kim smirk. She's absolutely soaked.

Y/n's brain turns off and she runs on autopilot. She places her hand on Kim's back as if they're familiar lovers. She feels a cold hand slip under the hem of her dress, causing her to shiver as goosebumps rise on her skin. The gentle fingers trail up her leg and find her little nub, pulling a moan deep from her chest. She can't believe how wet she's got in such a little amount of time. Maybe she needed this more than she thought. She rolls her hips which slowly presses her thighs into the probing fingers

"Good girl," Kim purrs before kissing her lips slowly.

A firm hand on your clit makes it hard to resist, and Y/n looks as if she has completely let her guard down. Kim rubs her hard, eliciting a few moans from her needy mouth. Y/n becomes pliant under her touch as if she's putty.

"Want to take this to my room?" Kim asks innocuously as if she doesn't have an array of toys waiting for them in her bedroom, ready to be used on Y/n.

Y/n nods her head and stands up as Kim guides her. She follows her throughout the house without a sound. It's quite a walk in this spacious house, but once they arrive at the door Kim ushers her into the room. Her room is very simple and smells like lilac. Kim walks past her into the room and walks straight to her closet. Y/n stands there a bit awkwardly until Kim comes back with a bin. She takes the top off and dumps a handful of sex toys on the bed. Her collection rivaled a pornstar's stash. Kim had everything under the sun and they looked very expensive too. Kim looks over to Y/n to see her reaction. There is both excitement and fear written on her face

"It's all for you baby," Y/n says gesturing to the toys on the bed.  She walks over to her and comes behind her. Her lips are right by her ear as she speaks, "I could tie you up and make you cum over and over again. How does that sound? You don't have to worry about a thing...just me making you feel good."

Y/n's mind envisions what Kim could do to her as she speaks; all the devious and lascivious things that they can do together is overwhelming. Kim's breath tickles her ear bringing her back to reality.

"Were you expecting this to happen? For me to say yes?" Y/n asks quietly, her tone filled with a sense of disbelief.

"I always like to be prepared," Kim says vaguely. "I'm going to be nice and let you pick what we do first." Letting her pick now is the least Kim can do since she's pretty much sprung this situation on Y/n.

Y/n inspect the toys laid out on the bed for her. There are some that are obviously familiar, but others look very new to her. She wondered what kind of access celebrities had to designer sex toys or something like that. There are so many options that she struggles to choose one. She picks up a small vibrator that has a remote control laying next to it. She's still feeling a bit shy about all of this and she doesn't know how she'll react to being touched by Kim. This is the safer option for her.

"What's this?" Y/n holds up the toy to show Kim what she's curious about.

"Ooh, that one is perfect. It may look small, but it is very powerful; you'll like it. Why don't you get on the bed," Kim nods towards her huge bed. It looks so comfortable that it's one of the first times Y/n didn't hesitate tonight.

Y/n sits a bit awkwardly on the bed. The look on Kim's face is encouraging her to relax. She lays down without being told to and a smile spreads upon Kim's face. Y/n is learning so fast.

"Take those tights off...I want easier access to your pussy."

Y/n pulls her dress up with a warm face. She grabs the elastic of both her tights and her underwear and pulls them down her legs. She shivers as the draft of air that hits her exposed pussy. Her chest feels tight as it sets in that this is really happening. She feels that it would be pointless to go back on it since she has come so far. She spreads her legs, revealing her pussy to Kim. Kim is delighted to see the beads of arousal lining her lips. Of course she was wet, how could she not be? She feels small watching a fully clothed Kim walk closer to the bed with the toy and remote in hand. Kim watches Y/n intently like a predator sizing up potential prey.

The toy Y/n picked out is perfect. It looks like it'll feel snuggly inside of her. Kim spreads her legs further apart and aims the toy at her wet opening.

"You're just dripping," Kim teases.

She pushes the toy inside of her causing Y/n to inhale deeply and hold her breath. Kim keeps going until the vibrating part is pressed right against her clit. She doesn't wait a second longer to turn the vibrator on and watch Y/n begin to squirm.

Y/n is already trembling at the small vibrations against her clit. The toy goes in her about two, three inches which gives her the slight satisfaction of having something inside of her. Y/n parts her lips and her tongue runs along her body lip. She's never felt so hot or overwhelmed by small actions. This almost feels...taboo? She can't put her finger on how she's feeling but two women who are just acquaintances exploring each other is new for her, but it's exactly the type of excitement she needs in her life. She almost hides her face when Kim makes a comment about her wet pussy. She feels herself getting even wetter now that the toy is inside of her and she has the vibrator against her clit. Y/n can't contain those small moans that escape her. Her pussy loves the feeling and is much more inviting than her. The muscles in her legs momentarily tense up before relaxing. She lets herself go completely, letting the pleasure take over all of her senses. The vibrations are intense even though the setting is currently on it's lowest. Her body desperately craves more from the pulsating sensation of the vibrator. Her growing moans convey the pleasure she's already feeling.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

Kim watches her reaction closely — the way Y/n  spreads her legs wider and her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. She controls the toy with the remote, sometimes letting it fall to its lowest setting then slowly creeping back up. Y/n is moaning and writhing against the bed as if she's in heat. Kim knew that she would quickly succumb to the pleasure once it hit her. She was so hesitant earlier, but pleasure is pleasure no matter who is giving it to you.

"S-So good," she moans with a broken voice. All the blood in her body rushes to her clit and makes her so sensitive. Her nipples are so hard that they almost hurt. Those small vibrations feel like huge waves throughout her belly. Her eyes are shut tight. She wants to cum, she needs to cum, but Kim isn't being consistent with the setting. Sometimes she cranks it up, but then she brings it all the way down. It frustrates a part of Y/n who just wants to feel pure pleasure.

"Tsk. Tsk...you were so shy earlier, yet look how much of a whore you are for me?" Kim teases before turning the toy all the way up to its highest setting.

Y/n was too turned on to be slightly offended by that comment. She's never been called a whore before, at least not in bed. She never thought she could get off by being degraded, but her pussy is getting wetter. Her loud moans probably make Kim believe that she loves being called names. The vibrations are making it harder for her to determine whether she doesn't like it or if she does. She's just too lost in pleasure to take Kim's words to heart. She slips her hand under her shirt, and under her bra to grope her tits. Her fingers pinch and roll over her sensitive nipples which makes her gasp every time.

"You're so close to cumming...let me hear you beg for it," Kim says forcefully. She knows how strong-willed Y/n is, but she likes to see this more submissive side of her. She has to be on the verge of cumming from the sound of her louder moans and the look on her face. Her thighs are trembling and she's mewling like a bitch in heat. Kim  wishes she could take a picture of the sight, but she just mentally stores it away from safekeeping.

Y/n always had so much pride, but those walls fell down the moment she let Kim put that toy inside of her and turn it on with the remote.

"Make me cum, Kim! Please please please make me cum!" She begs so desperately as the pressure in her lower belly reaches it's breaking point.

Just as those words left Y/n's lips, Kim turned the vibrator to its lowest setting. That action earns her a pathetic whimper from Y/n. Her smirk gets wider watching the beauty squirm on the bed.

"You cum when I say so."

Y/n felt so pathetic whimpering and whining like a wounded animal just because Kim won't let her cum. She should be able to restrain herself and keep herself composed even in a situation like this, but she wiggles her legs in frustration. She could take control of this situation and simply pull the toy out of her pussy and finger herself to get the job done. But, she doesn't do that, something inside of her stops her from doing that. Y/n can see the flashes of triumph in Kim's eyes. Slowly, Y/n was beginning to realize that giving her power over to someone else will make her feel so good. She hates being out of control, but this may be the safest situation for her to relinquish that power.

She whines again, still touching her tits and playing with her nipples.

"I need to cum so bad," she whimpers.

Kim  is enjoying every second of this. She had given Y/n some control by letting her pick the toy, but she had picked a toy that rendered her completely powerless. Y/n's hips lift off the bed before falling back down in frustration. Kim keeps the setting low despite Y/n begging for more.

"You better not cum until I say you can," Kim says forcefully. She walks over to the bed and gently circles her finger around Y/n's hard nipple. "So cute when you're begging like a slut."

"Ahh!" Y/n whines when Kim touches her sensitive nipple. Someone else's touch just makes her so much more sensitive and needy. She can't explain with words how her body is feeling right now. She arches her chest up towards Kim to get her to touch her body some more. Her mind still doesn't forget about the toy that sends low vibrations straight to her clit. That low speed is almost torturous. She could barely breathe at this point, smothered by lust and need. A thin layer of sweat rests on her body.

"Please Kim...please make me cum," Y/n whimpers. She sounds so drained at this point that Kim feels a little bad for her. Her simple, soft touch was driving Y/n crazy.

Kim hums at the state her new friend is in, eyeing Y/n for a few seconds, before saying, "cum for me." She turns the setting all the way and watches Y/n reach her high. She wants to cum so bad, well Kim is going to make her cum over and over again. The vibrator is on its highest setting and buzzing against Y/n's clit. The woman is trembling, already overwhelmed by Kim's brutality.

Y/n doesn’t wait around for Kim to speak before she’s cumming harder than she has in months. It’s like it’s all been built up inside of her and it was so hard trying to hold it back just to be obedient for Kim. Now she lets wave after wave of pleasure roll over her. Her whole body tenses up; her legs, her abdomen, and her toes. It’s a breathtaking orgasm, one that feels like pure bliss. Her high lasted for a consistent 20 seconds, but the vibrator still kept it’s brutal speed against her swollen clit. Her pussy gets puffier as the overstimulation continues. Her high was quickly becoming slightly painful from the overwhelming sensations.

“Okay…okay…that’s enough,” she hisses.

"Do I have to remind you that you’re not the one in charge here?"

Kim kept the setting the same and watched as the high vibrations sweetly tortures Y/n’s poor clit. She almost felt bad for her — almost. She wants to see her trembling and dumbed down.

Y/n clamped her legs closed as the vibrations continued which only made things worse for her. Her sensitivity prolonged the high of her orgasm. She cracked open for a second to see Kim’s sweet face turn into one of a cruel bitch. She was enjoying this. "Please Kim," She whimpered. It still feels good but it feels too good. She might pass off if it continues.

Lucky for Y/n, Kim turns the vibrator off. Not because she's feeling lenient though. She's feeling far from losing her control over Y/n and she's not done with Y/n yet. She watches the woman's body relax against the bed as Kim finally gives her the relief she was desperately seeking.

"You're so pathetic," she teases, "I've fucked girls who could handle that and then some. I didn't think you'd be so weak." She puts emphasis on the word 'weak' to get Y/n riled up.

Y/n lets out a choked gasp. She already feels so much relief from the blinding pleasure, but her body is still weak. She struggles to sit up as her body trembles with exhaustion. Kim’s words sting even though she feels like they’re true. She was a strong woman, much more use to dolling out orders instead of taking them. Yet Kim had her shaking and whining like an inexperienced virgin. She tried to find the dignity inside of her but it was hard when she still had the toy inside of her and placed directly against her clit.

"I-I’m not pathetic," she quips but her trembling voice didn’t help make a strong case.

Kim just giggles at her. They all say that when it's their first time being dominated. But Kim knows that those harsh words make them sticky between the legs.

"What? You don't like being reminded of how pathetic you look when you're begging me to stop? Most people want to feel good but you're so ungrateful. I guess I have to fuck you harder."

Kim walks over to her and pulls the vibrator out of her. Y/n moans as the toy was pulled out of her with a wet 'plop.' It's completely covered in her slick. Kim gets a quick taste of her sweet pussy and hums. Y/n’s eyes are boring into her as she does it too. She wonders what she’s thinking in her head as tonight’s situations quickly unfold.

Since she let her pick her fate the first time, this time it's up to Kim and she wants to bend Y/n over and fuck her until she's satisfied with the mess she’s made of her.

"Get up."

Y/n groans as she sits herself all the way up. She swings her legs around so she can stand on the ground. She has to use the bed as leverage since she’s feeling a little bit weak right. And, as if she couldn’t feel anymore embarrassed, her cum begins to run down her inner thigh. The heat has never left her body. It naively begs for more despite Y/n’s mind feeling completely worn.

"You're such a messy little thing."

Kim knew that Y/n was going to turn into this for her. It was written all over her face when she stepped into her house. Her resistance is now at a minimum. Kim runs a finger through her slick folds to feel just how wet she is. It makes her shudder to feel how wet her pussy is. Kim is tempted to bend over and get a taste, but more so than anything she wants to fuck Y/n.

She grabs her strapon and puts it on. Y/n thought that maybe Kim was just bluffing and that she had gotten her fun in with her little game, but no. She’s serious about fucking Y/n. The strapon is very thick, perfect for filling slut pussy. It’s not the biggest Y/n has had, but she wonders if she can handle it after what just transpired. Kim can see the worry in her face at the size.

“Bend over.” Y/n doesn’t have to be told twice. “Good girl, now crawl onto the bed.”

Y/n’s movements are slow due to the soreness creeping into her body. She feels Kim rub the tip against her slick, puffy folds before pushing in immediately. Y/n instantly began to moan. She grabbed at the bed beneath her, her back arching upwards as she was spread open.

“Fuck!” She cries from still feeling so sensitive. Kim pushes on her back so her back curves

"Such a wet pussy...you hear how fucking we you are for me?" Kim grabs a fistful of Y/n's hair, which makes her really cry out, and really starts to fuck into her. The harder and faster she fucks her, the louder her pussy gets. It's like music to Kim's ears as she completely bottoms out in Y/n's tight pussy.

"You're such a good little girl when you're being obedient for me," Kim places a hand on her ass, "so pliant for me," she says in a hushed whisper.

Her nipples graze the inside of her bra painfully. She’s reminded that she didn’t wear such a good bra today because her tits swing back and forth instead of staying in place. She couldn’t care less about them making lewd sounds as they slap together, not as long as she has Kim’s big cock inside of her. Y/n has never been fucked like this. She can’t stop whining like a needy little thing. She never feels slight pain from being overstimulated, she’s just glad that her poor clit gets a break while Kim uses her hole.

“Fuck! Don’t stop!”

Neither woman can believe the words coming from Y/n’s mouth. Kim was wishing that she had a large mirror in her bedroom so she could see what kind of mess Y/n looks like right now while beginning to have her pussy filled and used more and more. As her hips snap to Y/n’s ass and her own tits jiggle under her loungewear, she wishes she could have a visual of this forever and ever.

“Such a needy fucking slut,” every word is punctuated by a harsh thrust. She’s sure that Y/n is going to cum again very soon. “This pussy loves my thick strap.”  Kim is loving the sight of how her pussy is gripping her cock. It drives her to fuck Y/n’s cunt harder and faster.

“You better cum in 30 seconds or else I’ll leave you on the bed all alone.”

The threat lit a fire under Y/n. All she wanted to do was cum, it’s what she begged for all night, even when it was too much. She fights the urge to rub her clit just to give it a break. She doesn’t need to because Kim’s stroking was making her cum.

“Fuck! Oh god!” She cries out as she cums all over Kim’s cock.

Kim was delighted to hear those moans sound so sweet again instead of pained, and to see Y/n’s pussy creaming on the strap.

“Good girl…good girl,” Kim purrs as she begins to slow down her thrust. She keeps the cock inside of Y/n for just a little bit before pulling it. It’s covered in all of her cream.

Y/n is so tired, panting to steady herself. She falls over onto the bed and lets her body be cushioned by the cloud-like mattress.

“I really did a number on you, didn’t I?”

Y/n nods absentmindedly, her running mascara staining Kim’s perfectly white bed cover. Kim would be pissed if she wasn’t so turned on by the site of Y/n’s sloppy pussy. She bends over to give her languid lick, collecting all of her cum. Kim would continue to lap at her pussy, but the reaction makes Y/n jump. She’s so sensitive so she minus well give her a break after going after her for so long.

“You did such a good job,” Kim coos over her body. “I look forward to doing this again. Maybe next time we can stretch your limits a little bit more, yea?”

Y/n never thought about this happening again, but she can’t deny that she wants this to become a thing. Her head is spinning from everything happening so fast. She reached her limit today, but she’s determined to go further next time these two are alone together.


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