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Pairings: Blackpink x Reader (series) this chapter: Jennie x Reader x Lisa

Summary: Y/n's new internship at a music label doesn't really go as planned. 3rd POV.

Warnings (series): Semi-dark fic!!! degradation, humiliation, pet names like "puppy" and "pet", free use, this chapter: dubcon.

A/N: Shooting to get the rest of the stories out before September ends! Things in my personal life have been kind of tough lately, but I really want to get these stories out because I love them! Enjoy!

(twitter account for visual content)

Y/n didn’t expect to climb up the ranks so fast so much so that she was already being pushed to apply for an internship at a major music company. Usually the undergraduate students were pushed to apply for local internships at radio stations or small venues, but Y/n’s teacher pushed her to apply for something bigger than that. She was shocked that someone believed in her and her work so far despite only being in her early 20s. She was over the moon when she was actually accepted into the internship.

There were three other interns who were much older and experienced than her. Y/n was happy (and lucky) to snag this internship, one that was paid and somewhat came with prestige), but she quickly noticed that she was beneath the other three. She was going to be stuck doing all the hard and boring work while the older interns will somehow find themselves working directly with the artist under this company.

She was told by some professional looking lady that her first days was going to be spent in orientations, but she only told her that she was going to be in orientation. Y/n did her best to try to eavesdrop on what she was telling the other group of interns but she couldn’t pick up anything useful. When she went to her first orientation, she noticed that the other 3 weren’t in the room with her. She had to sit through hours of dense information  with a few other people in the room. Y/n isn’t sure if they’re interns too but they look to be around her age.

The same woman who told her to go to the orientations was the same one to tell her that her first few days are going to be spent sorting through mail: placing them in the correct bins and discarding spam mail. Y/n never learned the woman’s name that day, she only knew that she was a senior executive of one of the company’s branches.

She should have known that she wasn’t going to get to do anything exciting, but she was expecting to oversee the business side of the music industry, something that was advertised in the internship’s description. This was essentially low-level work instead of a learning experience.

“That basket is full. Take it up to floor three.”

An older woman who worked in the mailing room was overseeing Y/n’s efforts and she didn’t seem so fond of having her there. Y/n was more than happy to leave her presence and get out of that cold room. The only problem is that she had no idea where she was going. She was just told to take it to floor three, but as soon as she got there she was surrounded by doors. What if she walked in on an important meeting, embarrassed herself, and was let go of her internship?

Y/n went up to every door and placed her ear against it to prevent herself from walking in an occupied room. Some of the doors had name plates on them, but one that read “mail room” was not found. She walked to each end of the hallway twice and failed to find anything that would be remotely helpful. She tried to open a few doors, but they were locked. Not a soul seemed to be on the floor as no one came in or came out of the doors.

She decided to try her luck with one of the doors, but it led her to a dark and empty room. She tried the one next door and it was the same thing. None of the rooms had light leaking from underneath making Y/n wonder if she was sent to the wrong floor on purpose.

She had no clue what to do, but it was nice to be out of that cold mailroom for just a few minutes. So many people who worked here were hostile. She wonders what those other interns are doing, and if it’s something better than what Y/n is doing.

Just to have some time alone, Y/n starts walking down the hallway again but this time she walks slower to read some of the things taped on the doors. They were littered with posters of music artists and various things related to the company. She was in awe of how much of a reach this company has and what stars they represent. Even though she was stuck in the mailroom for the time being, she still found it valuable to be spending her time here.

Curiosity makes her open one more door, and it’s not dark and empty like she suspected it to be.

It’s a dance room, the mirrors and lines on the wooden floor give it away. It’s brightly lit and it’s hard to ignore the two dancers in the middle of the room. The music was somewhat recognizable, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on where she heard it from. The two dancers in the middle of the room she recognized quite quickly.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!”

The person keeping count of the beat was none other than Lisa from Blackpink, one of the biggest acts that the label represents. Dancing next to her was Jennie.

Y/n was shocked that she just stumbled upon them like this. She at least thought it would be harder to be in an area where she might run into one of the label’s artists. These people seemed so untouchable yet here two famous girl group members were, dancing like they were trying to please an audience. Y/n reckons that she’s their unofficial audience. She’s starstruck as she watches them move. Seeing videos of them dancing paled in comparison to the real life thing. Even when they were just practicing, they were still on the A-game.


Y/n was so bewitched by their moving that she nearly fell through the door when she got yelled at.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she acts a bit clumsy and stumbles over her own feet. She wasn’t expecting to get caught and she can barely think straight.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Y/n…I-I’m an intern. I’m sorry I was just looking for the mailroom.”

Neither girl could care about what Y/n had to say. Their interest was piqued when learning she’s an intern. They haven’t encountered any interns, but they’ve had their fair share of run-ins with overzealous interns. They found them to be annoying, but they were also fun to toy with. Y/n looks so unsuspecting and like she’s in over her head.

Lisa wonders if Jennie is having the same kind of thoughts in her head as she is. Y/n is wearing a business skirt that would look more professional if it wasn’t so short. The white blouse underneath her blazer was unbuttoned, exposing some of her cleavage. She looked a bit disheveled as she was waiting to get scolded by the two of them and told to leave.

“It’s your first day here, huh?” Jennie folds her arms and smirks at Y/n. She’s enjoying seeing Y/n look so nervous.

“Y-Yea…I’m just looking for the mailroom.”

“We could use your help here…we get so tired and pausing to get extra water from the fountain down the hall is taking up our time. You should probably be helping us instead.”

“But I was told to find the mail room.”

“So, you’re not going to help us? I don’t think it would be wise for a little intern to turn down helping one of the major artists of the company the intern at.”

Y/n felt the pressure. She had no choice but to abandon the task she was sent on, stuff the mail in her bag, and sit on the floor.

“Good girl,” Jennie purred.

It made Y/n’s face heat it up. She felt so small in their presence, their larger-than-life attitude taking up the whole room as they went back to dancing. It seemed that once Y/n was there, they weren’t as focused on dancing and seemed more interested in making Y/n do stuff for them. Within 30 minutes she thinks that she has at least gone to refill their water bottles 9 or 10 times. While she didn’t feel the most useful, she liked to be working directly with the artist, even if it was going to get them water.

The music kept playing, but Jennie and Lisa decided that it was time for a break, namely a time to mess with the innocent intern some more.

“So, how old are you? They usually have an older intern helping us with something.”

“Uhh, I’m 20,” Y/n answers as if she forgot her own age. They were staring her down which was almost unnerving. Their looks and how they held themselves was mesmerizing, even when they were tired from practicing.

“Stand up for us,” Jennie asks in a sweet voice but the look in her eye was the opposite of that.

Y/n’s legs begin to shake, making her turn into a clumsy person that she normally is not. If it were not for Lisa standing close enough to grab her, she would have stumbled over her own two feet. She can’t decide what’s worse, falling in front of two popular idols, or being caught from falling by one.

“What’s wrong?” Her voice is more teasing than it is concerning. “Are you nervous around us?”

“I think she is.”

Jennie brings herself closer to the two of them. Thus trapping Y/n so she’s stuck between her and Lisa.

“I-I gotta get back to work,” Y/n stammers over her words. They disregard what she has to say and start to fiddle with her blazer. It’s ill-fitting and kind of old which is something she hopes they aren’t judging her for; even Jennie and Lisa’s dance clothes look more expensive than her professional attire. Her heart began to race when the blazer was starting to come off of her and she panicked, what are you doing?”

“Shut up,” Jennie barks at her.

Y/n whimpers like she’s a lost puppy. Jennie and Lisa won’t take their hands off of her. Once they successfully take her blazer off of her, she begins to give into their advances. Her biggest fear was making one of them upset and her chances of working in this industry goes poof before she even graduates college. She’s heard of people having to do things in order to raise up the ranks, but she never expected to have two idols toying with her.

“Don’t be nervous. We just want to show you something more fun than sorting mail.”

Lisa starts to unbutton the off-white blouse she’s wearing until Jennie is able to pull it off of her body and discard it like the blazer. Her bra barely contained her tits making her look like the office slut.

“Look at these tits. They’re so pretty, aren’t they Jennie?” Lisa gropes her tits and juggles them in her hands. Her tits are nearly spilling out of her bra.

“It’s like she knew she was going to see us today,” Jennie says when she sees that Y/n’s bra is borderline lingerie. Jennie’s finger runs over the lace, resisting the urge to practically rip it off of her body, and Y/n shivers because Jennie is touching her in such an intimate place. She thought nothing of her bra choice this morning, she just wanted to wear something cute so she could feel confident walking into the building today. All that confidence was crushed and now it’s completely decimated as Jennie and Lisa take advantage of her.

Next thing Y/n knew, her skirt was falling to the floor, joining her blazer and blouse. The two of them going at her at once makes her head spin as she could not keep up with the both of them. One moment she is trained on Jennie who is unhooking her bra and the next she is looking at Lisa who is trying to take her panties off.


“Shh,” Jennie places a finger against Y/n’s lips, forcing her to stop her protest.

Her thighs clench together in hopes of Lisa not being able to get her panties off. She can feel how damp she is between her legs and she’s ashamed to be so turned on from the roughness of their touches. Jennie and Lisa aren’t that much older than her but they possessed a dominating presence that made Y/n obey. Maybe it’s her submissive nature, but she felt her walls easily falling down and a sudden urge to let them use her body to make themselves happy. It has to result in something good for her, right?

Now fully unclothed in front of the two popular idols, the question doesn’t matter anymore as she is vulnerable to their every whim. She tries to cover herself up with her arms and hands, but it doesn’t make things any less humiliating.

“Get on your knees, puppy,” Jennie instructs in such a condescending tone that it makes Y/n shiver.

Y/n gets down on her knees and then places her palms on the cold floor. She feels utterly objectified. Lisa and Jennie are laughing at her while she stares at the floor. It was so easy to make her bend.

A yelp fills the room when Lisa smacks Y/n’s ass. The stinging gets to her right away and she bites back her tears. They seemed to be getting off on seeing her squirm because Jennie does the same thing except this time she grabs a hold of Y/n’s ass and jiggles her cheeks. “Perfect enough to bruise,” she remarks.

“Roll over,” another instruction that sounded like a command made for a pet was lobbied at her.

Obeying just gets more shameful. She has no choice but to comply, but she wishes that she didn’t have to get on her back and show off how wet her cunt is. They’re not supposed to know how wet it makes her from being degraded like she’s nothing but a whore.

"For someone so nervous, your nipples sure are hard."

Jennie and Lisa each grab one of Y/n’s nipples and they tug on them. It elicits a moan of pain from Y/n, just what they wanted to hear.

“She’s got a cute pussy,” Lisa leans over to look at the honey pot between her legs, “she’s wet too.”

“What a cute little intern,” Jennie pinches Y/n’s nipples again, making her cry out from the pain. Jennie couldn’t keep her hands off Y/n’s sweet tits. She kept pawing at them, and was tempting to lean down suck on her taut nipples until she was whimpering.

“What should we do with her?”

“Her pussy is wet enough to get stuffed already, but I also want to see what her sweet mouth could do.”

They talked about her, over her body, as if she wasn’t in the same room as them which made her feel even more inferior to them. She was quickly learning her place, that she was just a toy for them to exude their power over. No one would believe her if she told them about this, but she plans on taking this to her grave. The amount of shame and pity she would receive from others if they found out that she was just a girl group slut pussy; something for some bored famous girls to see if they can push someone to their limits.

Lisa runs her finger against Y/n’s clit and her body jerks against the delicate touch. Seeing her body tremble felt slightly sadistic, but she was the cutest thing they’ve had so far and seeing her squirm was gratifying. She whimpered even at the smallest touches

“Stop making so much noise,” Lisa taunted. She pressed up against her clit even harder knowing that it would be impossible for her to stop whining and Lisa was right.

“I’ll shut her up.”

Y/n was anxious over what Jennie was planning to do to her to “shut her up.” A moment later, Y/n sees Jennie straddling her head, her cunt bare and exposed over her mouth. Her eyes widen but she’s given no time to prepare or adjust to the feeling of a wet cunt on her mouth; Jennie lowers herself onto Y/n’s face and waits for her tongue to slide into her hot twat. Y/n has no idea what she’s doing, but she has no choice but to stick her tongue out and move it against Jennie’ pussy. It’s the first time she’s gone down on another girl and it probably showed in her performance. Her mouth was nice and wet for Jennie though it did quickly become obvious to Jennie that their intern bitch was not that experienced. Jennie took matters into her own hand and started grinding her pussy on Y/n’s mouth. Her tongue would glide over her clit and it was just enough for Jennie to get some pleasure from it. She loves the feeling of a warm and wet tongue on her cunt. Usually she has someone like Rosé who likes to go down on her, but nothing beats the innocent interns that were eager to make Jennie happy through her pussy. She’d trade a skilled mouth for a chance to turn out an intern any day.

“Sweet little intern pussy,” Lisa coos, still observing and playing in Y/n’s wetness.

“Little bitch has a good mouth on her…she must — fuck — really wanna be apart of the company.”

Jennie grinds her clit against Y/n’s tongue. She was good at keeping that tongue out, but that was all she was good at right now. Once Lisa and Jennie are done with her and pass her around, she ought to turn out to be a trained slut for them. As long as she’s an intern here, Y/n was going to have to learn how to become a better, obedient slut.

“She looks so tight…I wonder if she can take more than a finger in her little pussy.”

“Slut better be able to. Once she gets passed all the way to Jisoo she’s going to be all stretched out.”

Y/n found herself acting like a slut grinding her pussy against Lisa’s fingers. She tried her best to focus both on that and keeping Jennie satisfied. The famous idol was still playing with her tits while sitting on her face, making her nipples impossibly harder.

Lisa was having fun watching the little intern grind against her like a desperate bitch in heat. She must be so confused discovering that she’s turned on by things that would disgust other people. Lisa’s fingers tease her sopping slit. She then slides up and down before circling her sensitive nub again. Her legs shake and her back arches up into the air as she waits for more. Her tongue began to lap at Jennie’s clit harder and faster.

“Keep your legs open slut,” Lisa demands. Y/n already has her legs open but she spreads them even wider to keep Lisa happy. Her lips spread apart but lines of her desire cling to each fold. Lisa was allured by the sight of her wet pussy. “I can’t wait to see what this pussy looks like once we’re all done with it,” she says but it’s mostly a comment for herself.

“Fuck she’s going to make me cum,” Jennie weakly declares.

Lisa pulls her eyes away from Y/n’s cunt and fixes her attention on her group mate. Jennie was so hot and she looked gorgeous as she rolled her body. She would lift up her baggy hoodie to play with her own tits to send her pleasure skyrocketing. Lisa knows the exact face she makes when she’s about to cum because she’s seen it so many times before. She always has to stop what she’s doing and watch Jennie’s face scrunch up, her eyes fluttering shut in the process, and her mouth gaping.

Y/n feels the gush of Jennie’s cum against her mouth. She licks up her mess without being told to do so, just like the good girl she should be.

“Good slut,” Lisa purrs. The praise makes Y/n feel somewhat proud of herself which is even more degrading. But she is lucky. How many people would be able to say they got to taste Jennie’s wet pussy and make her cum? This may not exactly be an easy way to get a letter of recommendation, but she bets that she’s having a better time than those other three interns she met today.

Jennie pulls herself off of Y/n’s face and plops down on the floor next to her head. Her legs are slightly parted and Lisa can see how wet and pink Jennie’s pussy is. She’s tempted herself to get between them and get a familiar taste, but she can’t concern herself with someone other than Y/n right now.

“I thought she was going to be a reluctant bitch, but I should’ve known she was an eager slut,” even when she was low on energy, Jennie was always up for degrading someone.

Lisa begins to feel up Y/n's body. That confused look that once sat in her eyes had dissolved and she looked a little more dazed. Her eyes were glossy but she wasn’t completely at that stage where her mind was broken. Her shyness and inherent innocence makes her ten times hotter. Lisa circles her fingers around her nipples to keep them aroused.

"Jennie and I play with each other all the time. Since it's your first time as our little intern, we want to give you a welcoming gift."

Y/n feels herself being lifted up. She finds herself resting in Jennie’s lap and the idol sucking on the shell of her ear. She knew exactly what she was doing, how her wet tongue can make any girl melt into a puddle of submissiveness.

"I wanna — I wanna play with you both!"

Poor Y/n can barely speak with Jennie toying with her like this. They take her eagerness as a good sign though. It’s not easy to resist either one of them and if it wasn’t one of them, it would have been Jisoo or Rosé turning Y/n into their submissive bitch. Her holes are dripping now, but she’s only been teased so far. Lisa didn’t slide her fingers into that sloppy cunt even though she was tempted to. Jennie only played with her tits whilst grinding against her face. Y/n wants them to treat her body well even if it has to come with mean words. It’s not something she’s willing to admit out loud, but she wants to get fucked by one of them so bad. Either one of them could finger her pussy and she’d lose her mind within seconds. Her holes are wet just from thinking about it.

“Such an impatient lil’ baby…”

It’s only fair to fuck her until she’s gushing and crying. They’ve teased her long enough and it wouldn’t be fun if they didn’t stretch her pussy out a little bit.

"She's so fucking hot and sloppy."

Y/n moans like a loud whore at those harsh words. Jennie keeps her company while Lisa disappears behind one of the doors connected to the dance room. A hand travels down her body and Jennie starts rubbing circles into her clit. Y/n clutches her arms in anticipation for what’s to come next.

Lisa returns but Y/n’s eyes are tightly shut. She doesn’t feel her presence until she feels something poking at her opening.

“Fuck —  I can't wait for you to fuck her pretty pussy with that big dick."

Y/n’s eyes open wide just as Lisa pushes the cock inside of her. If it wasn’t for Jennie’s hand that covered her mouth when some of her whimpers began to slip out, she'd be crying out loudly enough for anyone walking by to hear.

"It's going to be so hot seeing her take it all."

"Oh, that creamy pussy is going to swallow every inch in her pussy."

Lisa begins to splash the tip of the toy in Y/n's wet desire. Her pussy squelches so loudly, further sending her into a state of humiliation. Lisa slowly slides the cock inside of her but it still takes her a few seconds to adjust to how thick and long it is. It’s the biggest she’s ever had in her inexperienced pussy and she’s reeling over how it feels like it’s splitting her in two. Lisa only feels embolden to fuck her tight pussy rough and hard when she hears her muffled cries. Jennie toys around with her tits to create a dangerous concoction of pleasure and pain. Y/n felt ashamed because her pussy is wet enough for the cock to fit into her without any pauses. It slides in and out of her sweet hole easier than she thought it would. The size still leaves an imprint on her, but the pain doesn’t last her for long. She feels like a total slut. She cries into the palm of Jennie’s hand as Lisa continues to violate her twat.

"This is what happens to cute little interns who go wandering around…once we get our hands on you then you’re ours.”

Lisa was pumping into Y/n’s tight heat, making it nice and sloppy. Her hips were jerking around due to the tip rubbing right against her cervix. It was so deep that Y/n believes she won’t be able to walk straight after this little encounter.

“Does it feel good in your tight pussy?” Jennie asks Y/n despite still covering her mouth with her own hand. Y/n shakes her head fervently before making eye contact with Jennie. The tears well in the corner of her eyes threaten to run down the sides of her face.

It does feel good, she can’t deny it. Lisa angles the cock inside of Y/n and from the whimper she just tried to let out, it must be a spot that makes her see stars. Lisa establishes a steady rhythm and pumps the cock in and out of Y/n at a pace that is damn near punishing.

“I think our little bit is going to cum!”

Lisa hand slaps against Y/n’s thigh creating such a lewd noise. Both her and Jennie were flushed by the sight of Y/n’s sloppy wet cunt. She was proving to be a pathetic little bitch that just needs to get filled up by a pretty girl to shut her up. They want to be the ones to make decisions for her while she doesn’t use her pretty little brain at all. She could easily pass as their stagehand or one of their personal assistants, and they’ll take her all over with them just to have a mouth and body readily available for them to play with.

Delicious yet wicked thoughts are brewing in their minds and they can’t wait to see what Rosé and Jisoo do with their new little pet.

“Make her cum Lisa! Make her cute pussy cum for us!”

Lisa began to pound into her at Jennie’s command. It was a toe curling, euphoria inducing moment for Y/n. Never has sex felt this good, and never would she have thought that being treated like she’s nothing would make her cum this hard. Over and over again does the cock hit her sweet spot that prolongs her orgasm. Lisa continues to fuck her through her high despite her jerking hips trying to obstruct her. Jennie was right there to keep Y/n still as best as she could. Y/n’s body wanted to react wildly but they wouldn’t let her.

“I knew we’d make the little slut cum,” Jennie squeals.

Lisa pulls the cock out and holds it up in front of Y/n and Jennie. It’s glistening with Y/n’s cum in the light. The physical manifestation of her humiliation was all over that cock. She had gotten off on being treated like a bitch and the worst part was that she was having a hard time regretting it.

“Nasty girl.”

“Who knew we’d get lucky today.”

Jennie pushes Y/n off of her lap and lets her thump on the floor as if she’s irrelevant. Y/n lies on her back for a few seconds before she feels something soft fall on her.

“Get dressed,” Lisa throws her skirt at her and then her blazer.

She’s in a daze, still feeling the remnants of her orgasm in her hips, but she starts to put her blouse on. She totally forgot about her bra because of how empty her head feels.

“Smile,” Jennie says out of the blue. Y/n was in the middle of lazily buttoning up her blouse when she saw Jennie’s phone in her face. The phone is blocking her face as she takes a photo of Y/n sitting on her knees. Y/n doesn’t smile like Jennie asks her to but the picture is perfect anyway. She looks a mess with her make-up ruined and her hair a mess.

Jennie immediately sent it to Rosé. She’ll be happy to get a preview of the little thing they’re going to send to her.


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