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With that out of the way, thank you everyone who is currently reading this for all the support!

I literally couldn’t have done this without you!

As to what this is, I’m fairly certain most of you have noticed that a lot of big stories have been moving to Amazon and I am proud to announce I am doing the same!

Sylver Seeker Book 1 is available for Pre-Order, and will be out on September 26th 2023!

And not only is there an extremely well-edited Ebook, but there is also an audiobook (link will be added soon).

Book 1 will tell Ciege's story, to be more specific, it starts with his "death," and ends shortly after his "rebirth." It's a bit over 200k words, and the chapters it was made from are chapters 1 through 47.

Chapters 5 through 47 will be removed on the 10th of September (KU rules).

There are about a million things I want to say, about the published version, about the process, and how much work it was to polish it into a presentable state that I'm proud of, but if I do that then this would be a 10k word announcement, and from what I've seen its best to keep them short.

So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask below!

And one more time, thank you for all the support!



Congrats! I'm glad you're able to publish it and hopefully more people will get to enjoy this amazing story!




Congrats! Love the cover art too - same artist as Actus's books?

Jake Chisholm

Are there any plans for patrons to be able to get a signed copy? Idk if it’s something you’re interested in doing, but I’ve got three signed books so far and I’d love more. They’re such an amazing thing to have… plus, I love your stuff. (By get, I of course mean buy, even if it’s more expensive than regular retail price)


Congratulations! It’s absolutely deserved! I haven’t found many stories that are half as engaging, or utilise a necromancer protagonist anywhere near as well as you


Noice, i know that its a pain and lot of work to be published, congrat (also i remember saying a author, that author get fucked hard in the contract and what they get in the end, lot of dividend get out of their hand)

Robert Hinshaw

Congratulations man, couldn't happen to more fun story!


I would be thrilled to have singed copies (to sell/give out) but that's a bit down the line. The book and audiobook needs to sell well first, then I can start working on merch (coins, keychains, life sized decorative skulls lamps with glowing eyes with runes carved into them)


That does happen, but in my case I got an extremely good deal and I couldn't be happier!

Jake Chisholm

To be clear, I don’t know any of the details and everything I’m saying could be completely impossible… but what I’m saying is you’d have some for patrons only thing where you pay maybe double, then you (you you not the patron) get a copy of the book, sign it, and send it to them. You could do it limited by either quantity or time or both. You’d only need to get as many books as people actually purchase, once the time is up or whatever. For example Caerulex had a special patreon tier for a little bit where people who did that one got a signed copy. (Though I’d advise against that specific method, as any early bird subscriber like me wouldn’t want to lose their benefits by switching). Again, this could be impossible or too much effort I have no clue, just the best I could think of. Not trying to pressure you or anything.


Congradumalations :D

Seen Death

Great to hear! Glad youre able to be successful doing something youre good at! Cover looks good aswell, it should help catch the attention of more future readers significantly Im trying to think of questions to ask you, but it seems im a bit too distracted by the book being published, it seems im not the only one though lol Sounds like its about time i reread from the beginning, looking foward to it!