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Ch220-Dearly Beloved



The biggest bottleneck was Anastasia’s invulnerability.

There wasn’t always a magical solution for every problem, but most problems had a couple of angles from which they could be approached.

Take the emperor for example.

An extremely powerful man, who Sylver will most likely fight at some point.

His first option was to run.

Tuck his tail between his legs, and run away from the fight, until the dragon is freed. Sylver could teleport back to Arda, he could dig down, he could find a fae creature and haggle his way into its safe realm, Sylver was an expert when it came to running away from opponents he didn’t have a chance against.

His second option was to stay and fight.

Not a great option, but the good thing about the living, is that they could be killed. It just might take a while, and Sylver might have to ask Lola to send him help, and he might cripple himself in the process, but Sylver had faced worse odds before.

Sure, he didn’t win against those odds, but he put up a good enough fight. And even if winning against the emperor wasn’t on the table, he could always talk his way out of it. Or buy himself some time, at the very least.

The best option was not to interact with the emperor at all. Kill him without letting him see Sylver's face.

Keep the girl away from him, long enough for the mountains to finish falling over, get Edmund from the dragon, and then leave.

The plan was perfect in its simplicity.

Except Owl knew Sylver had the girl, assuming he knew what was inside the “package” of course.

So, when he discovered that Sylver didn’t have her, he was either going to deal with Sylver himself, or he was going to tell the emperor since the emperor is the one who’s supposed to be impregnating this woman.

Anastasia’s story was fairly short. She went to sleep, woke up in complete darkness, heard a knocking, knocked back, and then a pale-faced man pulled her out of her slime-filled box.

Except 3 years had passed between the moment she disappeared from her bedroom and was pulled out by Sylver. During that time her younger brother had taken it upon himself to find her and ended up becoming an adventurer of sorts.

His search eventually led him to Arda, where he met a very friendly barkeep, called Faust. The brother got drunk, told Faust the whole story, and Faust offered to help him look for the girl. He introduced the brother to the Cats, and the Cord, but as far as Faust heard, neither group managed to find the girl.

He also never heard from the brother again, and currently didn’t know where he was, or even if he was still alive.

But the past wasn’t important.

The girl was here now, the how didn’t matter. Demons, fae, considering Aurick might be a [Hero], it wasn’t out of the question he used magic that Sylver would consider “impossible.”

It was one of the main reasons Sylver always did his best to keep away from them.

Either they had some kind of ridiculous magic, or they just happened to stumble onto an artifact that just so happened to be perfect for them. Suspending Anastasia in time would be nothing to a [Hero].

Not to mention, considering that she was invulnerable, it was possible she just didn’t feel the passage of time. Or maybe the slime inside was actively trying to hurt her, and because it was attacking every accessible inch of her, her own magic kept her “asleep” for 3 years.

The how didn’t matter.

Even if Sylver could recreate the box, and the seal, and hid her in the last place anyone would think to look, it would still be too risky. They found her once, they can find her again.

Admittedly, they had to summon a demon to find her, but now they knew what she looked like, and where her family lives. Her being impervious to magic would make any sort of clairvoyancy pointless, but Sylver had the feeling Owl wasn’t the kind of man to not have a backup plan.

He’d go as far as to say he already made a copy of the red sphere Sylver had in his robe. Since the sphere wasn’t impervious to magic.

So, hiding the girl was out.

Any place Sylver could hide her, they could get her back from. Even if he threw her into space, it wouldn’t be that hard to bring her back. The only difficult bit would be breaking through the atmosphere, moving around in a vacuum using magic was child’s play to a mage.

They’d have to fight through all the monsters swimming around up there, but the ones near Eira weren’t that big of a threat.

And aside from the risk of Anastasia being found and returned, Sylver plain and simple didn’t want to subject her to the horrors of space.

It was worse than being trapped underwater. At least when you’re at the bottom of the sea, you’re not going anywhere. Eventually, someone will dive down to get you.

But outer space?

If you don’t land on something, you just keep going and going.


With no hope of ever coming back to Eira.

Sylver had only done that once. Against a wizard that somehow managed to create a magical loop, that made it impossible for him to die. Sylver grabbed him, and threw himself, and the wizard, high into the sky, and then kept going.

Then Sylver killed himself, and woke up in a new body, back inside the Ibis, while that wizard was never heard from again. It was much later that Sylver realized the true awfulness of what he had done to that poor man.

Sylver couldn’t even remember why they were fighting, only that he didn’t have any alternatives.

Another reason Sylver didn’t want to put Anastasia through this, was that he did have a much easier way to solve thing particular problem.

And apparently, Anastasia had arrived at the same conclusion Sylver had.

As did Faust.

Even Ria had realized the obvious solution.

It’s just that none of them liked it.

And now that Sylver had brought himself into the present to listen to the conversation, he realized Faust hadn’t spoken for a while, and both he and Anastasia were staring at Sylver.

“I want to talk to my family,” Anastasia repeated before Sylver had a chance to find the right words.

There was something about her eyes. Sylver’s perception of her had been heavily skewed due to her lack of fear, but this didn’t feel like simple boldness.

“Would you not prefer to discuss the elephant in the room first?” Sylver offered.

It wasn’t just that she wasn’t panicking, it was that she was looking at the situation from a completely emotionless point of view. As if it was happening to someone who wasn’t her.

She’s weighing her options… Sylver realized as the door behind him opened, and a shade carrying a terrified crow in his hands walked in. Sylver was very gentle as he placed the small creature onto the table and kept it in place with a small piece of [Necrotic Mutilation].

“It might take a while,” Sylver said, as the bird stopped struggling entirely, and moved its head to stare at Sylver.

“Apparently not. Chrys, meet Anastasia Da’Munio. Anastasia, this is Chrys,” Sylver said, as Anastasia nodded at the raven with the glowing eye, and the raven did the same to her.

“Has anyone died since I was gone?” Anastasia asked.

The glow in the raven’s eye disappeared, as the bird went back to being scared shitless.

“She’s asking someone, give her a minute,” Sylver guessed.

“Do you have any relatives?” Anastasia asked.

She was looking at Faust, so Sylver just lowered his head and went back to staring at the small raven.

“Syl and a friend back home are the closest thing I have to a family. Oh, I’m loosely related to Martimer De’Leon, but only in name. I met him once, but we didn’t really talk,” Faust answered.

“Where do you plan to be in 10 years?” Anastasia asked.

“I’m not sure. I have a…  I’m cursed and Syl’s helping me remove it. Until that’s gone, I’m going to be staying in Arda, or wherever he wants me to be,” Faust explained.

“Even though you already have a whole sect to your name here?” Anastasia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sylver tried to stroke the back of the raven’s neck, but apparently, that only further scared it.

Faust turned to look at Sylver, who answered without looking up from the bird.

“It isn’t going to be safe to be here soon. Once we’re done, we’re going back to Arda,” Sylver said, as Anastasia sat up a bit straighter in the bed she was sitting in.

“Do you work for him, or is it more of a partnership?” Anastasia asked.

“I mean… We’re experts in our respective fields. If Syl says to jump, I trust that he knows that jumping is the right move at that moment in time, and I’ll jump. And vice versa if it’s something cultivation-related, he trusts that I know what I’m talking about,” Faust explained, as Sylver nodded along.

“I see,” Anastasia said.

“Everyone. Is. Alive. Oliver. Da. Munio. Was. Last. Seen. 5. Months. Ago. Near. Kereki,” the raven squawked out.

The one Chrys had used earlier had sounded better.

“Who’s the current Duke of Varsun?” Anastasia asked as the light in the raven’s eye flicked for a couple of seconds.

“Elmira. Da. Munio,” the Chrys raven answered.

Anastasia was still perfectly calm and relaxed, but there was a half-second of hesitation before she asked the question.

“Have I been declared dead?” Anastasia asked. There was a pause.

“Missing,” Chrys said, as Anastasia breathed out a faint sigh of relief.

“Alright… That’s all I wanted to know, thank you,” Anastasia said, as the raven stared at her for a while longer, and then turned its head to look at Sylver.

He nodded at the bird, and as the light disappeared from its eye handed it to a shade behind him, who left the room.

Anastasia cleared her throat before she spoke.

“Just so I understand correctly, you’re not the ones that kidnapped me, right?” Anastasia asked.

Sylver lifted the small red orb he had been fondling since he got it and placed it down on the table.

“They used this to find you. I helped them make it. I didn’t know who they were looking for, or why, I only knew conventional methods of tracking had been tried, and failed,” Sylver explained, as he rolled the small orb with the tiny boat compass inside underneath his palm.

“What about the emperor ancestry business? How are you involved?” Anastasia asked.

Sylver cocked his head to the side as he tried to get a read on her. He wasn’t used to looking at a person using only his eyes, and from her tone, Anastasia had training to prevent people from figuring out what exactly she was thinking by analyzing her body language.

“The people who want to prevent it are holding my brother hostage. If the child is born, they won’t give him to me. There’s a time limit. I don’t know how long, but every minute the emperor doesn’t have his hands on you, the closer I get to having my brother back,” Sylver explained.

“I see… Katia spoke to me about you,” Anastasia said.

Sylver kept quiet as he tried to remember who Anastasia was talking about.

“What did she say?” Sylver asked. It seemed like a safe question.

“She said you’re very reasonable. And that you’re willing to go to great lengths to get what you want,” Anastasia said.

Katia… Katia…

Katia, right… the noble girl with the teleportation mage fiancé. She helped me convince Novva to try to get out of Tuli one more time.

Anastasia turned towards Faust.

“I want you to marry me,” Anastasia said.

Faust, understandably, didn’t say anything and just stared at her.

“Those are my terms. I realize neither of you are at fault for this situation, but if you want me to cooperate, so to speak, this is what I want,” Anastasia said.

Sylver leaned back in his seat, as he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable with the woman.

“How about-”

“Can we talk outside Syl?” Faust interrupted, as he stood up from his seat and already had one foot out of the door by the time he was done talking.

Sylver followed behind him and left 2 shades to guard the door. He had one of the decoy shades take its robe off and placed it on the table in the room Anastasia was in.


“You don’t have any ideas, right? Apart from the obvious?” Faust asked, with an odd note of nervousness in his voice.


“Anything magical isn’t going to work, because of her thing. And all that leaves is Ki stuff, but I’ve got nothing, so you’ve got nothing. You’re not going to get a demon involved when there’s a simpler solution available. And we don’t know how long we have until Owl comes here to check she’s still in the box,” Faust quickly explained, as he used his invisible hand to straighten out his bathrobe-like clothing.

Sylver just watched the man for a while, as Faust loosened his belt, and tied it into a much more presentable-looking knot.

“Faust… I want you to be honest with me. Are you doing this just to help me? Or is this something you genuinely want? Think it over. Because I’m going to believe whatever you say to me,” Sylver said, as he placed his hands on Faust’s shoulders, and waited for the cultivator to make eye contact with him.

Faust kept his head down while he fiddled around with his slightly stained collar.

“I mean, I won’t lie and say this is ideal. We’ve only known each other for less than an hour… But when it’s right, it’s right. She’s unkillable, completely devoid of fear, I can bring her to any fight I want, and don’t need to worry about a stray sword decapitating her, she’s calm, knows what she wants, and… I don’t know. This feels right to me Syl. Follow your heart, dive in headfirst, and all that” Faust said.

Or rather quoted since that was the advice Sylver had so wisely given him at the start of their journey.

“In that case, I want to hear you say that you’re doing this because you want to. Because I’ve lost very close friends over things like this Faust. If you’re not 100% certain you’re going to be happy with this woman, tell me right now. I’ll figure out an alternative, you don’t have to do this,” Sylver said.

About a half-minute passed before Faust lifted his head and made eye contact with Sylver.

“I’m sure Syl. She’s invincible, fearless, and bossy in a good way. Also, she fell through the roof. How can I not marry her?” Faust asked with a nervous smile on his face.

“She didn’t fall through the roof?” Sylver said after a moment.

“She did. Broke through even,” Faust said.


“You pulled her box through the hatch on the roof and broke it in the process. Hence, my wife came to me by falling through the roof,” Faust double down, as Sylver tightened his grip on Faust’s shoulders.

“Alright. Fine. Last chance to change your mind,” Sylver offered, as Faust just nodded his head at him.

“I’m sure Syl. I mean, this is what I came here for… Shit… We can’t get a priest to marry us, can we?” Faust asked as Sylver thought it over.

“Do you know where Tuli is?” Sylver asked as Faust nodded.

“Northwest of Arda in the Sinis Sea,” Faust said.

“Alright…” Sylver said, as he reached into his robe, and pulled out an empty page, and the ring Sophia had given him.

After a few seconds, ink floated onto the page and drew out a map, with several markers. “You’ll meet one of the Cats at some point anyway, but if you don’t, stop here, and show them this,” Sylver said, as he handed Faust the page, and placed Sophia’s ring on top of it.

“Right, they won’t be able to track us if we’re inside Tuli. Smart,” Faust realized, as Sylver rummaged through his pockets, and placed a small bone into Faust’s palm.

“That’s about 500 gold coins, don’t enter towns if you can. I’ll give you Will to, so you can keep moving while you rest,” Sylver explained, as he placed another bone into Faust’s booklet, and placed the demon tracking orb onto it as well.

“Wait, are we leaving now?” Faust asked with a dumbfounded look, as Sylver placed another bone onto the pile.

“No. You’re going to very quickly tell 1 person you’re leaving, and that they’re in charge while you’re gone. Except they’re going to pretend you’re underground meditating or something, come up with an excuse why you can’t be bothered. The longer I can keep up the ruse that she’s still here, the better,” Sylver explained, as he organized some spare clothing, bedrolls, food, toiletries, and a handful of armor and weapons, just in case.

“What are you going to do for money? The ingredients are barely worth-”

“I’ll figure something out, don’t worry about me. Maybe leave some recipes that even an idiot could follow. I know some of the kids helped you out with your brewing. Worst case scenario, I’ll sell the recipes. Or I might kidnap some alchemists, and force them to make potions for me, the important thing is that you and Anastasia are as far away from here as possible,” Sylver explained, as he placed 3 more bones onto the pile, and finally summoned a bag into his hand, and shoved the page, bones, and sphere into the bag.

“What if you need us to come back?” Faust asked, as Sylver turned him around, and started tightening the straps around his shoulders.

“Chrys will contact you through a bird or something. After about a day of travel, break the bones. Take what you need, and leave the rest,” Sylver said.

“Can you call Michael over?” Faust asked.

“Which one is Michael?”

“He’s got 3 lines on his belt,” Faust said, with a gesture at his own belt, which had 5 lines.

It took the shades 11 seconds to find “Michael.” Another 5 to tell the boy Faust wanted to speak to him. And then the mask-wearing boy appeared next to Sylver.

“I’m leaving, Syl is in charge until I return. If anyone asks, I’m underground revitalizing my ether linking meridians. Give me a 10-gram red jade,” Faust said, as Michael nodded along, and took out a shiny red stone out of his sleeve.

Sylver gave Faust an empty booklet, and after a flash of light, Sylver saw that the whole thing was filled with odd-looking diagrams, and symbols, that he saw were alchemical recipes. Faust handed Michael the now dull-looking piece of jade and handed the booklet to Sylver.

“That is all,” Faust said, as Michael nodded, and disappeared. “Talk to Xalibur if you need help with anything. He’s more knowledgeable than he appears. What else…” Faust wondered as he and Sylver walked over to Anastasia’s door. “I wish we had more time,” Faust whined, as Sylver opened the door.

Anastasia was dressed in Sylver’s puffy robe and was holding one of his masks in her hand.

“If he swears upon his name to marry you, can you get started on the… baby-making,” Sylver said, as he couldn’t think of a less vulgar way to end his sentence.

“Sure. But he has to swear first,” Anastasia said.

Sylver got to watch as Faust took a deep breath and breathed out every drop of uncertainty he may have had. He stood up straight, squared his shoulders, sucked in his stomach, and spoke in a clear and level voice.

“I swear on my name to marry you,” Faust said.

Sylver felt something roll down his cheek, and as he reached up to touch his face, realized he was crying.

Anastasia gave Sylver a look, and Faust turned to look at him a moment later, and his face twisted into utter bewilderment.

Sylver wiped his sleeve across his face.

“Sorry, I always cry at these things. Come here,” Sylver said, as he gestured at the one-armed cultivator, and pulled the man into a tight hug. “Be careful and stay safe,” Sylver said with a lump in his throat.

“I will. We’ll come back once... well, you know,” Faust said awkwardly, as he patted Sylver on the back.

“I’ll hold down the fort until then… Could you give us a minute?” Sylver asked Faust.

Faust was understandably reluctant to leave his fiancé, but he trusted that Sylver had good reason for asking him to leave.

Anastasia stood where she stood, and looked at the “cold-hearted psychopath,” as Katia had described him, and answered the question she assumed Sylver hadn’t quite figured out how to phrase.

“He has kind eyes. And if you’re even half the man Novva of Pere said you were, then Faust must be someone really special. Are you going to try to threaten me?” Anastasia asked as Sylver shook his head.

“Please don’t hurt him,” Sylver said in a calm, albeit still teary-eyed voice.

“I won’t,” Anastasia answered quietly. Just like with the crying, Sylver had once again caught her off guard.

Sylver took the mask she had been holding in her hand, and stored it away, as he replaced it with one of his older masks, that he had used when his body still looked like Ciege’s. It was smaller and would fit her face better.

“We’ll have a proper celebration once everything is over. And for what it’s worth… I’m sorry you’re in this situation,” Sylver said, as Anastasia shrugged her shoulders.

“Everything that happens, happens for a reason. And it’s not all bad. Consider what the alternative is,” Anastasia said.

“It was very nice meeting you,” Ria said, as she slipped out of the back of Sylver’s robe and materialized into a humanoid shape. She and Anastasia shook hands, while Sylver once again brushed the tears out of his eyes.


2 days had passed since Faust and Anastasia had left.

Sylver watched the first sun begin to rise, while he scratched the underside of Mora’s head. She still needed some time to rest, but she at least started walking around now.

The people down below scurried around like ants, the ground keepers met up and discussed who would clean where, the maids picked up the laundry and moved it to the washing room, and the cooks started making their way through the herd garden, as the martial artists stretched and then left to hunt.

Overall, the sect was running itself.

Sylver spent most of his time experimenting with mushrooms, drinking tea, and talking to Chrys, who kept him up to date regarding Faust’s and Anastasia’s condition.

The phrase “going at it like rabbits,” came up more times than it had any right to, but it was an accurate description of their nighttime activities. And daytime activities too, when it was easier to have Will fly them than it was to run on the ground.

Chrys didn’t get into the specifics of how things worked with Anastasia’s invulnerability, but apparently, there was enough wiggle room for Faust to do what he needed to do.

Sylver hadn’t heard from Owl, the Bucklers, and sadly the 11 mountain peaks, remained standing without any issues.

The fake box was buried deep underground. Sylver had filled it up with rocks to mimic the weight the original decoy box had before it had been swapped for the box Anastasia was in.

He assumed that the decoy he had been given had contained a corpse, going by the weight distribution, but Sylver was worried using a local corpse would make it too obvious.

As Mora lifted her head from Sylver’s lap, and on wobbly feet moved towards her corner of the roof, Sylver saw a man wearing a symbol on his clothes that wasn’t a white skull.

Xalibur had taken the time to explain to Sylver how exactly the symbol language worked in this place. After a moment’s pause to puzzle out the meaning of the symbol on the man’s torso, Sylver gave up and asked Ria.

He’s a messenger. From the Blue Rat sect,” Ria said.

Sylver had decided not to ask the group of healers whether they knew about Anastasia. Because it no longer mattered, and because one of Owl’s men might be watching them.

Sylver turned into fog as he flew down the wall and materialized a few steps away from the messenger. Sylver took the envelope, and Michael showed up a moment later and paid the man for his service.

Sylver opened the envelope, and as he started to walk up the wall to return the roof, read through it.

“Huh…” Sylver said to himself, as he folded up the letter, and hid it inside his robe.

Good news, or bad news?” Ria asked as Sylver materialized inside his workshop, via a small hole he had made in the wall.

Good for us, bad for them. The Night Fever like curse has infected more people than anyone realized. Just about every major sect is affected,” Sylver said, as he got to his backpack, and began to rummage through it.

So, we’re going to cure it?” Ria asked as Sylver found the folded piece of wax paper he had been looking for.

No, we’re going to go see the witches that live in the swamp. Or, more accurately, we’re going to join Tarragon’s expedition to find the source of the disease, which his group figured out came from the swamp,” Sylver explained, while he tried not to smile too hard.

And we’re going to ask them to cure it?” Ria asked, although she already knew that Sylver’s answer wasn’t going to be a simple yes.

No. We’re going to ask them to help us infect the emperor. Maybe something a bit deadlier. Or something only a [Swamp Lord] could cure,” Sylver explained, as he didn’t bother removing the paper, and simply swallowed it along with the powder inside.




good chapter!

Enzo Elacqua

Is this a first born type of thing? I’m confused as to why she can’t just get another kid or something?

Enzo Elacqua

And even if it a first born thing won’t the kid just get raped (if it’s a girl)?


It buys time. They can't use magic on her to speed it up so he just bought 9 month worth of time.


Love how alway the story done by the author go in unexpected way in my view each time :)


Yup, it is refreshing to see a story where the solution isn't "find the power already within myself to solve the impossible issue". I also love that "walking away" is a viable alternative in this story to "fight to the death".


Also, (this is kinda morbid, but whatever) since a child being born would be, well, a child, they would have to wait until that child could have children herself to produce an heir to the emperor. I'm assuming that if the girl's bloodline passed onto another child, she wouldn't be able to produce an heir with the same bloodline with the emperor.

WIlly Willy Wild Wild West

Called it, damn does that feel good. Also, I’m very excited for this next part.


Since we know it's on a clock I assume 13+ years is probably plenty.

Umut Numanoglu

Is there a reason why Syl is not getting help from Ria regarding mushroom synth, isn't it why we use super computer mainly?


I don't think he really knows what a computer is, he mostly seems to accident himself into finding uses for Ria

Jacob Gondringer

Love this chapter, theater ones have issue of being too wandering but this is great!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.