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I pretty much wrote out the entire chapter, and after rereading through it 5 times, decided I didn't like the direction it was going. 

I've now deleted it and started over, but after some thinking, decided it would be better to write it after I've had a night to sleep on it. 

The start of arcs are always the trickiest, because of all the plot points I need to set up.

In the meantime, if anyone has any questions, please ask them here in the comments, and I will do my best to answer them!



Take your time, write the story ya want us to read. Your quality is always so good so I know it's worth the wait.

Ian Ballard

Take your time! Quality always worth the wait. Is Chrys' absorbing her future self a normal clairvoyant thing or part of the eye's influence?


Kenny i was reading Technomagica and had wondered why you never commisioned any pictures of your story? i really want to see how Sylver, Spring, Lola and Arda looks like.


What color do you own the most of, by surface area? What was the last thing to make you sneeze? Who's your third-favorite relative?

Yuval Roth

Is Chrys and normal precog throuy basically simulation influenced by Dinah and worm precogs respectively, I noticed the similarities and was curious.


Mostly an influence of the eye, but Chrys' attempt to absorb her future self was out of reflex/habit, from when she used the book as a focus. It hasn't been explained in the story yet, but this kind of thing is why clairvoyants are typically very smart as children, they more often than not absorb a piece of their future self's memories.


Despite the huge amount of money I'm making from this story, I'm wasting all of it on an investment that I can't stop right now. Once it pays back I'm getting art, maps, character cards, maybe even coins!


What color do you own the most of, by surface area? Black, mostly due to my keyboard, table mat, pc, monitors, and that most of my belonging are black in color. What was the last thing to make you sneeze? I sneezed a few seconds ago before writing this, it was due to the dust in the air from the storm outside. Who's your third-favorite relative? I have no idea. I either love or hate my relatives, I can't rank them.


The limitation is because anything else I felt would be too OP. The story already confirmed that there is no such thing as free will in the Sylver Seeker world, so any type of "real" future sight would be impossible to defend against. Unless of course it was the kind of future sight were the future already takes into account the precog seeing the future, which makes them seeing a future they cannot change pointless. It's been a long time since I read Worm, but probably yes. To be honest it's more like there are only so many ways to see the future, and I just happened to choose one of the types that was used in Worm.

Seen Death

I might be remembering slightly wrong, but if i remember : "to be considered a mage of X tier you needed to be able to cast 10? Spells of that tier" for sylver to be 11th tier necromancer: couldnt him casting 10 11th tier spells be near- cataclysmic lol how does that work out


It goes down the higher the tier is. For 11th tier just casting it once is good enough, especially if you don't have anything to compare it to. You also have to remember Sylver is a prideful/arrogant person, so when he say stuff like "the greatest necromancer who ever lived" you have to take his word with a grain of salt.


Do you have an ending in mind for the series?


I do! But I have no idea how long the series will end up being. A couple of "end-game" elements have already been introduced, that will become obvious down the line.


Nyx vs. Sylver, who wins?


Either a draw, or Sylver wins. They know each other's weakness, but Sylver is willing to use Nyx's against her, and Nyx is unwilling to use Sylver's against him, because it might actually kill him for good.


What did the Tier 11 soul spell do exactly? I might have missed something or forgotten, or is this something you don't want to spoil yet?


It was supposed to melt and mangle the traitors soul. Corrupt his software so to speak.


What tier is a level 500?


If we're talking a glass cannon type of mage, around tier 4 or 5. Depending on the type of magic we're talking about, a tier 2 geomancer spell uses 10 times more magic than a tier 2 pyromancer spell.


I thought it was every 100 levels equals a new tier of magic or ki being used?