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I had to put my dog down today, I don't know when I'll be able to write.

I'll probably be ok in a couple of days, but the next chapter will be ready when it's ready.


K Hilliard

Death sucks. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the update.


Hey man, it's ok. Take a few days to decompress. This is the kind of situation you work through in your own time and I don't think anyone can be mad about that, so take your time.


Don't worry about it. Take care of yourself first


Please take as long as you need, story can wait for later.


Honestly, I don't want a chapter after that happens. Give yourself the time to grieve and accept their passing. To much pressure after something like that is asking for all sorts of problems.


I read things like this to have a glimpse at a creative mind; I have no interest in pressuring you, especially not when you had to put down your DOG, do you think we are monsters? 😢😥😭; That is what I think when it comes to putting down a 🐕, man's best friend wouldn't even want you to grieve, which makes it even sadder...

Tim Deral

My condolences mate

Tim Johnson

sorry for your loss man. take your time. the vast majority of us are understanding. just ignore any assholes that demand a chapter.

edu rodeiro

Be well! He will be cozy cozy in the clouds! Watching you write, Maybe give silver seeker a new pet to honor him?

Jan Tholen

The worst that can happen. i feel your pain




Pls take a some time of get in the right mind set again and than get back to work. you will burn yourself out otherwise and pls dont feel guilty about not geting one out now. we care more about the sorry being good in the long term than having it on point now. sort you stuff out in piece life is ruff so dont make it harder on yourself! If you need more convincing: we are your customers the customer is king and always right so do as we say and rest

Rasual Shiro

I agree and as someone who recently lost a critter the processing it is healthy to do and someone that really can't and shouldn't be put off.


I hope you will be able to immortalise your dog in your book somehow

Mr. Bigglesworth

All liches need faithful hellhounds...

Kyle J Smith

I’m terribly sorry for your loss.


Take all the time you need. Sorry to hear about your dog, it’s always sad to lose a close pet like that.


Take care and I'm sorry for your lost. No one should be okay the day their pet dies. I know I wasn't. So take all the time you need to grieve and mourne.


It's always rough when a pet goes, especially round the holidays. Take your time and know youve got a community that sees you as a person, not a content producing robot.


Take whatever you need.

sri kalyan mulukutla

One will not understand the loss of a dog till u have one and lose one. They are in all honesty like our children. Luckily for most of us we don’t live long enough to see the death of our children. I hope you can make sense of this loss and move forward. Also trust me, getting a new dog is just a new dog, there is no replacement. Just new relationships that’s all.

John Jeppson

I'm so sorry. Take the time you need!

Michael Henson

It's heartbreaking dude. Most of us have been there. The pain never really goes away, but it does fade a little bit.

Seen Death

Hope youre having as good of a holiday as you can! Btw i found where the Ibis live! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/311340556535988225/925056101869830224/20211227_110140.jpg