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To all the people that recently subbed to the Patreon, don't buy any lottery tickets, and stay the fuck away from places where something can fall on you.

Because damn are you unlucky right now.

Anyway, as the title says, the next chapter is going to be late by another 24 hours. I'm fine, just had to wake up early to deal with some government paperwork bs and now I'm barely able to keep my eyes open.

That's about it, sorry for the delay.



I work in construction. Remember if a steel beam falls on me, lol.


Gonna inject this chapter straight into veins when it drops


Perfection takes time ♥️

That One Guy

Happens, thanks for the update

Avery Aderyn

A story with such frequent and long updates is vulnerable to upsets in an author's life, such is the nature of the beast.


I know the feeling, paperwork bs using your time :)

Mario Morales

Dude, this is still the most updated story I support on Patreon. A little bit of delaying when needed is totally expected.

P enyuk

This is because you use DD/MM/YY like an uncultured barbarian. "Today is December 4, 2021" <--- See this? It is MM/DD/YYYY because December is not a number.

P enyuk

Make sure to carry a flask of JP-8 on you at all times in case of steel beams.

Jeff Fischer

Heh, just so you know every American is going to read that as April 12, 2021 and be really confused.


I don't suppose you wanna preach about the inherent superiority of the imperial system next?


Because of my job, working with air craft, my brain is distressed by that format. Im used to YYYYMMDD so today would be 20211203.

Jake Chisholm

A day is nothing, you don’t even need to apologize. We’re all here because we love what you do, and we can wait for it.

Terry Stevens

Chill the fuck out man. You’ve kept us updated, thats all that matters. Thanks for that btw.