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EDIT : +3 image(s)

Here are the new features in V1. 4! This post will be updated from times to times.

This update will be more focused on the art so I will draw several drawings in CG.

Death 2.0 (NEW)

In order to solve a crash bug, the death has been modified. Now, you won't have a game over anymore if you are in front of Yenma without a card album. However, you'll be stuck temporarely in the Other World and you'll have to find the card album with some powefull cards to beat Yenma. This will lead to more exploration in the Other World.

Yenma will also know the way you died and will make a comment about it.

Chi-Chi's Fantasy (Quest) (NEW)

A new little quest has been added for Chi-Chi. You'll have to find a way to unlock her deepest fantasies. 2 fantasies are currently available.

If you have any idea of a fantasy she could have, please write a comment below.

Level Up system

You will now be able to level up your character to increase his HP/ MP. Getting enough HP is usefull during naughty scenes involving slaps. With enough HP, you'll be able to resist slap longer an go further during naughty scenes.

To level up your character, complete the quests to earn XP points.

Currently max level is 5.

Gallery 2.0

I noticed that the gallery is full of edits from the show and Oolong isn't played that much so I solved those two problems.

Now, the edits will be removed from the Gallery. Then, Oolong will be able to take photo of naughty scenes wich will be unlocked in the gallery. So in the end, you'll unlock almost every drawing in the game.

Chi-Chi Naughty Cooking (UPDATED)

A lot of players asked for it so I will finish an old feature about Chi-Chi cooking with and without clothes by redraw every drawing in CG. I may add some new drawings too.


Choose your meal and Chi-Chi will prepare it for you. Try to do naughty things to Chi-Chi before she finishes to prepare the meal (Before the countdown comes to 0).

Example : G-r-o-p-i-n-g ass / Show boobs / etc...


  • Your actions will increase or decrease Chi-Chi' excitation (she will get an excitation gauge).
  • Each character has it's own g-r-o-p-i-n-g speciality so they will earn more excitation points touching specific parts of Chi-Chi.
  • Earning excitation points to the max will unlock one of Chi-Chi's fantasy.
  • Some dialogs will change depending on the favorite man you choosed for Chi-Chi in the "confession" menu.


Convince Chi-Chi's to drink her b-o-o-b-i-e milk and play it with a timing gameplay.

Dream Mirror

See what people are dreaming about using Princess Snake's Dream mirror. New CG drawings !

Controls improvement

Now the controls shown in the "controls menu" will adapt to the character you are playing with so you'll be able to see more clearly what kind of things the character can do.

Excitation stats

Now you 'll be able to see each character's excitation points when you choose them.




when does this version come out?


I'm very curious and very excited ... can't wait to see your drawings

Naughty Turtle

I don't know yet but I will release the first add on when all the drawings for Chi-Chi cooking event will be done


When will chichi tutor job and others come?

Naughty Turtle

The jobs will come when I'll have more maps available in the game however I don't know when it will be

Mr That Guy

Are these drawings going to be fully coloured?


You the greatest. A true MVP


Please Story Chichi x Willy Complete 100%


Are there going to have scene chichi want to have sex with roshi without being drunk ?


Good Evening, Did you ask for sugestion about chichi's fantasy?


Maybe The photo shoot going too far, or maybe chichi fantasing about night visitor in her bedroom like roshi, oolong or willy?


I think Chichi's fantasy should be about Roshi. The journal entry that talks about the time she saw his naked body is the trigger. The game already gives Chichi a horny face animation so a fantasy about Roshi seems like the natural next step.


If you want to include Oolong more, you could use him for Chichi's fantasy. He has the ability to transform, so he could transform to whatever she wants. Also, this could lead into ideas for future quests. Like if Oolong could sabotage Willy/Roshi's date with Chichi and transform as them, making him her play thing afterwards. But Conkercool's idea makes the most sense.


Maybe a fantasy about Bulma?


Como liberar novas páginas da "mysterious molester"?

Naughty Turtle

Hola! Para desbloquearlo, tendrás que esperar en la cola del Zmart (jugando con Chi-Chi )


all pages?


suggestion, about chi-chi cooking. At a certain moment to excite CHI-CHI the character penetrates her. About the old gohan continue Chi-chi's interactions with him. Continue Bulma's Interactions with the characters as well.


Continue Chi-Chi's interactions with the people of west city. Please!


Yes. Harasser, The men evil seller. One question: is it the chi-chi that is fucking the night among the trees in west city?


chi-chi working with bitch at night


and bulma :)


master roshi having more interaction with chi-chi and mainly bulma


could include subtitles in other languages. Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and etc.


when are you exactly going to finish the desperate housewife quest been waiting forever to see it finish

Naughty Turtle

There will be new desperate housewife content in the next coming update. I will redraw full CG the previous scenes before add the new content with the new scenes

Naughty Turtle

Hi Sogeking, it will be too much time consuming to translate it in other languages so (for now) it will stay in english

Naughty Turtle

No it's not chichi, it's the girl talking to a man during the day. However I will change the sprite because it can be confusing with chichi


alright i just suggested


hey, any news about new update? maybe Grandpa Gohan x Chi Chi? :D And what do you think about kid Gohan x Chi Chi it is possible?

Naughty Turtle

Hi Suweren, I'm releasing a poll to choose the next content today so you'll be able to vote for Grandpa Gohan ;D About kid gohan and Chichi, I don't think so however there is the scene with Oolong taking kid gohan appearance tricking chichi in her bed (this scene needs to be finished too)