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Thank you for joining us on the spookiest time of the year. And I'm not just talking about tax time. Cheers for the support!


John Coutelier

The spookiest part to me is always the Halloween party someone will insist on dragging me to. Just a crowd of pasty Irish and British people packed into the kitchen like sardines, the cacophony of droning and murmuring drowning out any thought (actually I think there was a conversation about taxes - someone lamenting that kids aren't taught how to do it properly). Always would rather just watch a movie.


the "Den Den Den duDen Den Den Den" theme is only used in the Matt Smith era actually James


at 1:56:15 Mason mentions those who sign up will get feed, and James agreed. Do only the Australian folks get the free feed? Just wondering because I have not received any feed. Do you have different kinds? If everyone gets feed, can we choose? I would prefer chicken feed if possible.