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Good news everyone, the audio verion of the first episode of COG is ready to go.  However the video is still uploading and taking forever.  So I've linked that below and when it's ready it'll open up.  I'm going to bed because it's 2am but it should be ready in 2-3 hours from this post.


Thanks for your patience and support!





First patreon I've supported! love you guys


You guys bloody did it! What legends you are


Took me a while to finally support, but a big thanks to everyone behind the content!

Blake Kercovich

Been listening to the podcast for about a year. Finally decided to pony up some cash and support my favorite work time distraction!

Graeme Mcnamara

yeah I'm with Blake, decided to jump on the band wagon and throw some hard earned cash your way.


My life revolves around waiting for the podcast on a Monday, but this caravan of garbage is rad cause now its waiting for 2 things per week. Technically, that should mean I'll live twice as long, so thanks for that you mad cunts