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John Coutelier

No - thank you. All I did this week was rescue a group of orphans and nuns from Robo-Nazis. At one point ran out of ammo and had to improvise a bow from whale-bone and my own sartorius. But you guys - you're the real heroes.


Huge fan! I have my own Lego room and always sort by piece only


I bought a Lego Millennial Falcon on a whim a few years back, and realised once it was actually made, I was both too old to have that and it had no place in an adult residence really, unless you're massively committed to that kind of thing and have room for it. When I passed it on to an actual child, I realised we'd lost the instructions, packed it in a shoddy box for shipping stuffed with loo roll hoping it didn't fall apart, and then had the depressing notion that the kid had no actual chance of having a complete Lego Millennium Falcon if it fell apart a bit, unless he was one of these prodigious freaks who could look up Lego blueprints online. And his parents would say "Thanks anyway guys!". Which they did. Some of these Lego kits definitely need a bit more management than "chucking in a box".