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You want to listen to this?  Thanks for the support!




Posted just went I needed it

Braden Summers

Yeah maybe, I'll see if I have time.


Whats in it for me Jimmy?


Well, I was just about to shake a Martini, but while I'm reaching for the Vodka that I keep next to the Nitroglycerin, I'll briefly let myself get distracted by this.


not that i want to, but i'm gonna

John Coutelier

I had a primary school teacher who not only never taught, but would frequently throw chairs at kids, lock them in the cupboard, tie them up with a skipping rope - with hindsight, she obviously shouldn't have kept her job as she clearly hated kids, but she did for quite a while.

Ashley Dickinson

I dont even want to make a red dwarf comment but my need to do it outweighs my self hatred for doing so. Im sorry

Casen Jamvo

Hey, several of my suggestions were read out! What a thrill, thanks mates!


I got a mention!!! Also you guys pull a Snyder Cut leak this morning with that Caravan of Garbage Nick Fury Ep???