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Hey everyone!  I wasn't gonna make a video till Thursday, but I thought, hey, I'll make this video.  So I did.  And this is it, a few hours early.  Thanks for all the support!


Who Dies In CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR (Trailer 2 & Comic Breakdown)

SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► http://bit.ly/1IQB3kh Captain America: Civil War trailer two and the Civil War story arc drops a few Easter Eggs and References that hint and who my die in the upcoming Marvel sequel. Though this probably doesn't extend to the entire line-up of Captain America, Iron man, Bucky, War Machine, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Spider-man, Falcon, Ant-man and...probably someone else.



I laughed to hard at the idoit bit ..

Ben Close

The perfect scenario: Captain America AND a member of Team Iron Man, but not Iron Man, cause he should be in Spiderman, both die. Then in Infinity War, Cap is revived, and the other one, well... Who cares/10. Then in Infinity War, Thanos kills Thor, and... wait for it..... Captain America wields Mjolnir. Boom. Do it Marvel. Just do it.


My scenario is just slightly different; Captain America dies in Civil War and doesn't get resurrected until Infinity War part 2 then he picks up Mjolnir, with lightning all around him (side note: all the avengers are badly broken an this point by Thanos) and yells "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" !!!!


I give this video a solid 9/10


WE the commenters are doing a number thing now. Alright


I give the video inaccuracy 9/10