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Yaaaaaay it's the best Star Wars! You might have already grabbed this on Big Sandwich but if not, here it is in all it's glory. Best Star Wars.




Man, really looking forward to hearing it but having to watch the movie again... What a double edged sword you pulled here


I really can't be bothered to watch it again, like TLJ commentary, I'll just treat this like a podcast I think.


Me too Jonathan, me too.


It's the only reason I would ever re watch this film


more like an ancient sith dagger with like a schematic for a battle station built like 40 years prior (or something?)


If you dont look at it, it cant hurt you. I pretend it's not real cannon. A fan made trilogy by Disney. A fever dream made of farts and nostalgia. Thanks for the commentary thou. Its therapy.


I logged in to say exactly that. Shit of a film. Only this commentary will make it partially bearable.


About 50% of Star Wars movies are shit. So we’re just back to 2005.


They should do Attack of the Clones next, otherwise I will probably never go through that torture again




Thanks for giving me a reason to use my Disney+ except to watch animated shows and Rookie Of The Ghost again. Can we have commentary for Blackbeards’s Ghost?


Great commentary. If I ever watch this TROS again it will be because I want to listen to this.

Just James

Are there any movie series that score better than that? Is 50% good?


I saw this twice in the theatres - once in a midnight premiere, where everyone walked out depressed, second with a bunch of mates who couldn't make the premiere - again, everyone bummed out by the end. This commentary is the only reason I'm watching it a third time :D And I'm loving it - despite you trying to be positive, your problems with it are spot-on mine. Geez what a fricken mess. I can't believe all the stuff set up in TFA and TLJ that Abrams walked away from. MESS. Especially that 'Rey is no-one' (SO SO SO SO GOOD) and staff lightsaber AAAARGH. PLEASE STOP GIVING TERRIO A JOB. STOP ENCOURAGING HIM. Sorry, I'm not yelling at you, it's just I've loved SW since I was five years old, watching ESB in a chaotic movie theatre. OK ... I'll calm down now, I promise :D