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Hello and welcome to Patreon, here is an early video. Are you excited for he Snyder Cut? THE DCEU IS BACK OR MAYBE IT NEVER LEFT WHO KNOWS.


Controversial Comic Book Moments

The history of comics is rife with controversial moments that have upset fans and the general public alike. Sometimes it's killing a beloved hero like The Death Of Superman and sometimes it's that time we saw Batman's...Dawn Of Justice. Here's some of our favorites from over the decades. Thanks for watching! Also did you hear they are releasing the Snyder Cut? You heard it here first. SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► http://bit.ly/1IQB3kh Cancelled Comic Book Sequels ► https://youtu.be/IPb4OYDLH5s James' Twitter ► http://twitter.com/mrsundaymovies Maso's Twitter ► http://twitter.com/wikipediabrown Edited by Raw Collings ► https://twitter.com/RAWCollings TWP Itunes ► https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-weekly-planet/id718158767?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 TWP Direct Download ► https://play.acast.com/s/theweeklyplanet TWP YouTube Channel ► https://goo.gl/1ZQFGH Patreon ► https://patreon.com/mrsundaymovies Amazon Affiliate Link ► https://amzn.to/2nc12P4 T-Shirts/Merch ► https://www.teepublic.com/stores/mr-sunday-movies #DCComics #Marvel #Comics #ReleaseTheSnyderCut



Yall getting HBO Max down under???


We're all in and gonna have so much fun.


I KNOW it never left joker confirmed canon




How fun is this? Seriously... I need to know how to react. Jk, I'm actually quite hype. Sounds fun to me!


How come you stopped putting The Weekly Planet logo on your excerpt videos?


My most controversial comic book moment was when Wolverine got bone claws. What I hated most about that was the insistence that he'd always had them. They wrote a bunch of flashback stories where he had bone claws, which contradicted all the previous flashbacks where he had no claws. Also, bone claws look stupid. Also, real claws aren't bone, they're keratin.


Is Melbourne all in though?

Graeme Mcnamara

I can understand your objection at rrtcons but tbf Wolvies origins have changed a lot over time and having bone claws make more sense as he would have the muscles required to extend them.

Graeme Mcnamara

Also please understand i am not now nor will i ever defend that movie. I just liked that change.


As a guy who came got into comics pretty late in the game, say late 2000s ish, bone claws felt like a good fit to me. It's probably because I came in without having read anything previous, so I juts went "Oh, he's got actual claws... And he's called Wolverine... Makes sense." But yes, I can see how if you'd been reading up to that point, the change could feel very clunky.


The comics prior to the change always presented the claws as a bionic gadget. They were often drawn as though they were thin and swordlike. Afterward, they seemed to suggest he was growing the bone claws and then reabsorbing them. Those two things seem incompatible to me. It's worse than organic vs. mechanical webshooters IMHO.


organic web shooters are a complete invention of the raimi movies and exist in no other adaptations of Peter Parker’s powers.


https://www.cbr.com/follow-the-path-spider-mans-organic-webshooters/2/ After the movies, he got them in the comics too.

