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Okay so the Brosnan Bond films won (barely you dogs) and I wanted to float the idea of doing the video games that tie in within the same video.  Would that interest anyone?



Yes, DO extra work you idiot


Knowing how much Sunday movies hates extra work, BLOODY GOTEM!

Graeme Mcnamara

Dude, we love your content but 'as a fatheeeerrr' i'd feel guilty voting extra work this close to the end of Claire's term. Just relax ya wombat! (Do Australians still/actually say that? I just remembsr it from neighbours)


100% yes. You guys doing video video games (badly might I add) is some of my favourite content 😂


Yes, Nightfire is an absolute classic game!

Charles the Absolute Worst

So long as you include Perfect Dark. People used to bitch about dust2 double doors no-scopes, as if farsight facility camping wasn't a thousands times worse.


I voted yes, but I feel like you could just do an extra episode about the goldeneye game and ignore the rest if you wanted to.


After these games I know we all want to see you do the infamous Cat in the Hat starring Mike Myers


We need the LXG caravan of garbage

Shawn Furniss

Pretty simple answer to this. If the Covid doesn't kill you all the extra work you're allowing us to put on you will. Now where did I put that horse whip?


😂😂 I need you to make videos until you can’t I’m soo bored need more content lol


Someone, what’s the time stamp of Maso’s joke about Captain Marvel in last week’s Pod? What were they talking about??