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Hi everyone, this was initially an exclusive commentary track for those USB tapes we sell. BUT. Because of all things terrible here it is for everyone.  Please stay safe and and check in on loved ones.




Philanthropist Legends James and Maso


I’ve been in self quarantine since the 5th!! Thank you...the space madness was getting to me


You guys partially realized this but: Thanos didn't have to create time travel in 2014 but the Russos did say that he + Ebony Maw did need to reverse engineer more Pym particles (or the magic/space equivalent). Because Nebula would only have had enough Pym particles to get herself back to 2023, so they would have needed more in order to bring the ship through the quantum realm. So when she hands that vial to Thanos in 2014, he and Maw immediately went and figured out how to make more.


Thanks guys!


Thanks guys! #KickInYaDick!

Lori Tim Handley

Since I purchased the cassette/USB with this on it and it is now free, do I get a partial refund? Nah, you're alright!




James - "thank you so much for buying the USB tape" Me - (shifty eyes)... "you are most welcome Mr Sunday"




To your point about shooting it before Black Panther came out, at the final battle when Cap is saying Avengers assemble your can see Black Panther standing next to him and charging. But you can also see him in the added reshoots where Black Panther and all Wakanda warriors are charging from a separate area. Also it hard cuts from Thor’s battle cry during the charge, to Black Panther and his group charging, and then back to the end of Thor’s cry and you seen Black Panther in two very different spots. I noticed all this because I rewatched the movie 3 times on a plane ride


This is not matching up with Live Free or Die Hard at all


Can you please watch and talk about the new Wrong Turn, or any of them for that matter