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We did it. Just like we said we would. Thanks for the support.




The League of Extrodinary Gentle-Tram?


I had never seen this movie in full but in college, my Production Design teacher was inexplicably WAY into it. We almost never studied film production design stuff for the class (he was more interested in theater stuff) but he made an exception to show us the DVD bonus features about some of this film's practical effects/sets, like it was fucking Blade Runner. It was insane. Anyway now I'm watching this movie with the commentary so thanks, guys.


It's an Austrayan bonaaaanza


I was so excited about voting for this commentary that I forgot I had to rewatch the movie again to appreciate it. I played myself.


I've wacked it on that fucking cassette USB thing I've bought around X-Mas...its my night light baby!


FUCK YESSSS!!! Thank you so much boys, it’s Christmas in February :)


James. You will never read this. But they didn't stop for shooting practice. They were shooting on top of the moving boat.


Those poor libraries....


good job guys ya did it i was convinced when i heard this was coming so i finally decided to chuck not just one but 2 bucks who would have thought it would be for LXG a movie i have watch literally dozens of times.

Jay (ThePinkTribble)

Cheers for the chuckles M8s! Because I know the movie pretty well I was just going to listen without watching along, but I caved and rented on Prime. I must admit it's one of those movies I'll leave playing if it happens to be on telly.


I watch this movie when I was like 10 so ofc I thought it was the best movie ever 😂🤦🏾‍♂️ seen it recently no so good lmfao