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remember Eddie's new bf, Kal? time to get to meet him in his natural habitat!! I'm looking forward to all the details in this scene a lot. I think we'll get to know a little more about who Kal is by his surroundings! haven't decided about the open robe or not, what do you guys think?



Mac Foraday

I'm starting to get a bit worried. It's been half a month since he posted this and he hasn't liked any of the comments. He usually likes them within a few days. I hope nothing happened to Celery Man. Hopefully, he just got really busy and will be back soon

Celery Man

I'm here I'm here!! ๐Ÿ’š I got SO busy trying to get Kal's painting finished for the 1st of the month (tomorrow, or technically today) and I forgot to come back to this post to respond. I am psyched with how the painting turned out though and I hope you will be too (you'll see it in 12 hours!!). and thanks for saying this, it's like actually touching me that you noticed my absence that way ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—