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alright everybody! you wrote your questions and I wrote answers!! I know I said I'd pick 5 questions, but I didn't want anybody to feel left out, so I ended up writing answers for all of them!! Hope you enjoy reading a little bit more about Eddie's backstory, character, and relationship with Seamus and how things came to be. 💚


Q: I wanna know everything about the Eddie Seamus & Kal triangle (from @Priya)

This is something that we'll all (me included) learn more about as time goes on! But, the story thus far is that Eddie has had a boner for his roommate Seamus since they met, and it's only gotten harder over time as they became close friends on top of living together. Seamus feels attraction in return, but is terrified to admit it to himself or anybody else, as despite being bi-leaning-homo he's still presenting himself as a straight guy. Eddie recently ran out of patience with the mixed signals from Seamus and his attraction being unrequited, and started looking for somebody new to give his affections to. He met Kal at his grad school where Kal is a teaching assistant, and they hit it off quickly. Seamus is now watching their relationship start to take flight, wondering what he might have missed out on, and why he couldn't bring himself to go after the great thing right in front of him while he had the chance.

Q: How did Eddie and Seamus become friends and then roommates? (from @Tvol86) 

and also,

Living space: did one or the other of them inhabit the place first, or did they seek it out from-scratch together? (from @David Maddux)

They became roommates first, without even knowing each other! Eddie had just landed in Boston to start his grad program in marine biology at B.U., and had found a 2-bedroom apartment he was going to split with a classmate. Unfortunately for him, the classmate bailed at the last second and Eddie needed to fill the spot quick before his bank account ran out - so he posted the apartment on an app searching for a roommate. Seamus, who had been looking to move to a different neighborhood, applied that same day, and Eddie invited him over to the place to meet. Once he saw Seamus in person, Eddie didn't need much convincing to accept him on board as his roommate. But from there, the two of them began to find they had more interests in common than either expected - they bonded over shared music tastes, going running together, swimming at the gym, and comparing stories from their childhoods. After a year had gone by, they realized they'd become close in ways that surprised them both, and in fact closer than either had ever felt before with a friend...

Q: How do they share meals, do they eat together, in the living room, in the kitchen, who cooks, in what outfit? Do they spend their evenings together? In front of the TV, in bars...? (from @Didier Heritier) 

and also,

Even though Seamus is in the food & beverage industry, I have a hunch Eddie is the one with culinary skills. Between the two guys, is he the one who cooks most often? (from @David Maddux)

With Seamus's bartending schedule being so erratic, and him being out of the apartment on dates or other meetups so much, the two aren't often home at the same times. But somewhere during their first year together, they realized that more often than not they would both end up around on Sunday evenings, and would sit down to dinner together - and that became a tradition that stuck. Now they'll subconsciously keep their schedules open on Sundays to make sure they have time to share a dinner, sitting around the tiny breakfast table in the apartment's kitchen. Neither is a very accomplished or devoted chef, but as some of you already guessed, Seamus is much worse at food prep than Eddie, so Eddie takes over making dinner most of the time.

Other times that they find themselves at home in the apartment together, they might watch a movie or show (e.g. The Departed if Seamus is picking; Game of Thrones if it's up to Eddie) together on the futon in the common room, or maybe just put on some music they enjoy and chat over a drink or two, or an edible. They get along well enough that even taking care of apartment chores together ends up being more fun than not.

Q:   Can you tell us anything about his family? Siblings, how often he sees them, fights over the boat, etc.? (from @Murphyus)

Eddie has two older brothers, both of which he has very little in common with. The two of them were more similar to each other, and Eddie was always the third younger wheel growing up. Both his brothers were big football stars in high school and both went on to play in college, and enjoyed the popularity and attention. While they were never outright mean or cruel to Eddie, the differences in their personalities meant that they never truly became close. Eddie's parents were more outwardly supportive of his brothers during his childhood and he always felt the lingering sting of their approval of his brothers' achievements over his own. Eddie pleaded with his parents to buy their small sailboat off them with his savings when he moved up to Boston, and for once he was grateful to have brothers who were so different from himself, as they had no interest to contest his bid for it.

Q: What was he like as a kid? Shy? Nerdy? (from @Daniel Vivacqua)

Growing up, Eddie was pretty introverted and quiet. He found joy in spending time by himself out in the woods and along the big river behind his family's house - he'd always head straight there after getting home from school, eager to escape the chaos of the classroom, the schoolbus, and his brothers. During winter when going outside wasn't an option, he loved escaping into his favorite games - the Zelda series foremost among them. Even through high school, Eddie remained pretty quiet and withdrawn into himself and his studies, focusing on school over socializing. It wasn't until he went away to college and came out during freshman year that he began to find his way out of his shell and start forming real friendships.

Q: What’s his go-to comfort food? (from @Griffin Barrows)

A nice big bowl of ramen with all the fixings. And not the instant Maruchan stuff either, the real deal! He found out about it in college at a shop near campus and was instantly hooked. Just hold the meat, Eddie's a committed vegetarian. Backup option if he's snowed in at home or it's late night and places aren't open: Trader Joe's mac and cheese bites in mass quantities.

Q: Does he play a musical instrument? (from @Randol Bass)

He does not, but has always looked up to people who do! That may have been one of the reasons he was attracted to Kal... more about that later!

Q: Any surprising hidden talents or quirks? What's his favorite song and movie? Cat person or dog person? (from @David)

He has a few talents, but I don't know how surprising they'll be. He's a very talented and accomplished sailor, enough that he's confident going out on cruises solo. He's also an avid swimmer and snorkeler! He's got a green thumb, though the dry apartment and Boston winters mean he has very few ways to flex those muscles, but he still does his best. He loves all animals, so he's a cat AND dog person at the same time. 

Favorite song: "So Special", by MUNA, along with most every other song they've done. Other artists he likes: Lana Del Rey, the 1975, the Japanese House, Bibio, Gryffin

Favorite movie: the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Honorable mentions: Contact, Princess Mononoke, Firefly. He's pretty nerdy when it comes to media choices; anything fantasy or sci fi is probably fair game!

Q: If Eddie didn't have the option of his fave Jamison whiskey, what would he drink to feel comfortable on a 1st date? (from @Gryph Daley)

As a matter of fact, the Jameson + Pepsi + lime combo cocktail is Seamus's invention! And maybe it actually tastes good, or maybe Eddie just adores him that much, but it's become one of his favorite drinks. But, to answer your question, if that weren't an option, Eddie would get himself a local beer, something on the lighter side, but he might throw in a shot of whiskey or tequila if he's super nervous and needs something to help himself calm down!



David Maddux

Three words: Eddie. Cooking. Naked. (For an obviously ‘hungry’ Seamus.)

Griffin Barrows

Gosh, I love how human your boys feel ⚓️☘️