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been going bananas on this painting the past week-ish and gettin' it done!! well, almost done, not quite. still a bunch to do before the 1st!

enjoy this little teaser. and pray for me as I repaint the sails of this boat for the 40th time, trying to make it look accurate while I have no idea how sailboats actually work!!😰😓




Lovely lighting choice as always!

Jaime M.

Shadow work is on point. 👍👏


Ooh! Sunset? The colour looks gorgeous. Sails are irritating. Back when I was studying art, I spent a lot of time round this barge museum we had in my home town. All old coastal and estuary barges. They were fascinating to sketch and paint, but the sails were awfully hard to get right; and these were old, heavy canvas sails. Modern sails are even worse, they have a translucence to them that I could never depict, but you're skills are infinitely superior to mine.

David Maddux


Gryph Daley

Unfff!!! I want to bury my nose & enjoy the musk, coconut lotion, and sweat that I _know_ is there!!! ;)

Celery Man

seriously, sails!! like they're a discipline all by themselves. luckily for me, this kind of direct head-on lighting doesn't bring out the translucency of the sail material so I dont have to worry about that so much here. if I did... 😰😰😰

Ty W

Can’t wait to see the finished product!


I'm looking forward to this so much! I love Eddie.