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  • __092_process_mp4.mp4



here's a video showing my process painting Verrix standing majestically on his cliff. there's an mp4 version attached to this post which is much higher quality!! feel free to ask anything you want to know more about, I am always happy to talk more about this stuff 💚🎨



GreyGaymer - Eli

YOOOOOOO THIS IS WILD!! What's your time frame like for each stage? It's amazing to see all the polishing! Do you find yourself struggling to maintain momentum as you cleanup and polish? Or is it more of a thing you really lean into?

Celery Man

I'm so slow it's crazy so each phase is a few days. sometimes I need to let ideas sit and marinate before I can figure out how to fix them or which direction to move in! but you hit the nail on the head with a sense of lost momentum as I refine and render in detail - it's FUN, because I like details, but there is a definite sense of the big exciting decisions being done at that point, and all that remains to do is just render out the idea. almost programmatically. but, there is something sort of transcendent about getting into every little detail of a character - you feel like you know them so intimately by the end of the painting!!


It looks like you studied a bunch of different poses before settling on the final. What goes into your process to figure out how the image will look in terms of composition and figure?

Celery Man

yeah this one in particular took me ages to find the pose that felt right! I had an initial idea and it just wasn't working out. I often start by getting inspired by a reference photo - just something to spark the imagination and work from there. in this case the final product ended up being wayyy far away from the original inspiration but I feel like it got where it needed to be in the end.