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hey mighty celery stalks, here are the answers to your questions about Tusky!! I kinda really got into this in a big way, haha, especially his origin story. I hope you enjoy chewing through this delicious wall of text and savor the backstory and lore!! and hopefully all this makes you love the character more in the future, the way I do. I think I got everybody's questions answered, they aren't necessarily in order but they're all there. If you think I missed something or you want a little more info, hit me with a followup question in the comments!! pdf version attached if you want to download so you dont have to scroll all over Patreon in the future. okay, here we go...

Questions 1 and 2, from Collarmehorny and Ronlof:
“Being a half-orc, which species were his parents? Or is he an Orphan and doesn't know?” + “What’s his backstory? Which parent is the full-blooded orc and what is the other half?”

Tusky’s origin story is shrouded in mystery and has become the stuff of myth, passed down in whispers and tales dismissed as urban legends. And since multiple versions of the legend exist out there, each one spun differently by those who told it, I’ll do my best to find the areas of overlap between all of them and bring you the truth!

In another time, in another universe far away from ours, there once lived an orc shaman who was fascinated by the stars. He spent his life imagining worlds beyond his own, and so, consumed by curiosity and an interdimensional wanderlust, he devised a ritual that would allow him to step through the dimensions surrounding our own. For years he prepared, until at last he was ready. Incense lit, reagents arranged, sigils drawn - it was time. He took a deep breath, and uttered the magic word. With an ear-splitting thundercrack, he was gone!

Through space and anti-space he passed, spiraling through the unknowable margins between dimensions, until within the same instant as he’d left, he reappeared - in another world entirely! A world that just so happened to be the one that you and I call home. In midair he popped into existence, tumbling head over heels through frigid air, to land in a heap of powdery snow. Tall snow-laden pines loomed overhead, leaning in a winter wind that swept across the slope of the mountain on which he’d landed. His orcish shaman’s garments were scant, barely more than decorations on his dark green skin, and the icy cold began to overtake him immediately. But as luck would have it, as he struggled to his feet, in the distance he saw a moving shape.

A lone man, laden with a heavy backpack, was hiking the mountain and had just made camp for the night with a small fire and tent. He wandered among the pines near his campfire, looking for fallen branches to use as fuel. The hiker looked up, stunned to see a towering musclebound orc standing on the trail. The orc was equally astounded to see a human for the first time. The two studied each other - and felt an immediate, powerful attraction. The orc shaman’s arousal was clear to see as he grew in response, scantily clad as he was. Though he was unable to communicate in any spoken language, the hiker nevertheless beckoned the orc over to his tent and campfire. The orc walked barefoot through the powdery snow to the campsite and knelt before the hiker and his fire. Eager for the warmth, and to pursue the passion he felt building between them. The hiker’s tent was near to the campfire, and he invited them both inside.

What happened between them next is perhaps best left to the imagination. But throughout that evening and night, the hiker and the orc explored their desires, and each other, driving one another to greater and greater heights of excitement. Orcs are gifted with endless sexual vitality, which proved contagious to the shaman’s human partner. Over and over they exploded with passion, utterly satisfied and yet still unsatisfied, needing more and more again and again.

In the morning, as the winter sun cast its rays through the snow-covered pines, they had simply ceased to be. Perhaps they’d inadvertently skipped to another dimension together, or perhaps ascended to some other state of being entirely. Whatever the case, the hiker and the orc shaman were gone - and in the place they’d been was a curious egg-shaped object. It was large, as large as the hiker’s tent had been, and its surface was rough and bark-like. Days passed, then weeks, then months. Snow swept up in drifts around the large egg, and then at last began to melt and thaw. And when the warm days of summer finally arrived, the surface of the egg began to crack. At noon on a warm sunlit day, the egg fell apart in pieces. Within it was a green figure of a grown male - a half-orc.

It was Tusky, as he later chose to name himself, inside that egg. He straightened up, nude and green, fully grown and covered in a dusting of black body hair. He was the product of both his sires, taking characteristics from each. From his orcish father came his green skin, muscular build, and protruding white tusks. From his human father came his facial features, black fur, and circumcised penis.

The sun was hot overhead as he stood, breathing in the smells of the forest and gazing into the distance off the mountainside. The birds and creatures of the forest passed by, pausing to investigate this newcomer to their environment. Tusky greeted each of them in turn, spending long hours beneath the sun and trees, before at last starting the hike down the mountainside to begin his life’s adventures. To this day, Tusky deeply loves the natural world and all its animal inhabitants, and always feels most at home in the warmth of summer.

Question 3, from Murphyus: “Any information you can give us about how you write and design orcs? Any broader mythology you have for them? Are we ever going to see full blooded orcs?”

With Tusky I was excited to try translating an orc character into our present-day world. He was always intended to be half-orcish - inspired originally by one of my husband’s D&D characters! - but there are definitely full blooded orcs out there! Maybe someday we’ll see Tusky take a trip to the ancestral home world of his orcish father, and see how he looks alongside full-blooded orcs.

Question 5, from Griffin Barrows: “Tusky seems to straddle the fantasy-verse (w/ Verrix) and the real-verse (w/ Seamus); where in your cosmos does he fit?”

Tusky inherited the ability from his orcish father to travel between dimensions seamlessly - in fact, with the exception of a few mishaps, is entirely in control of this ability and can travel at will. He’ll bounce between worlds as he pleases, though our own world is a favorite anchor point for him. Often he revisits the mountain of his birth, stopping back to observe the changing of the seasons, the passing generations of the creatures who live there, and the gradual evolution of the forest itself. But he’s no stranger to worlds of all types and stripes - Verrix and Sipher’s gothic fantasy-verse included.

5b: “We see he likes to suck and be sucked; what else does he get into?“

When it comes to sex, Tusky approaches every partner with a blank slate. Maybe it's his orcish genes, or maybe he’s just really that open-minded, but Tusky is into anything and everything that his partner might be into - okay, of course there are some limits, but MOST stuff! He’s an extremely adaptive partner who loves whatever bedroom activities arouse and satisfy his partner. He’s vers on a grand scale! He gets a lot of joy out of driving his partners over the top with excitement, making them lose their minds with pleasure in the climax.

Question 4, from Mynameis_Jeff: “Does he or will he have a love interest/boyfriend? Or is he just a slutty boy just having fun? He's just so cute! I'd love to see him in love with another sexy boy.“

Probably because he’s adapted to hopping from world to world through the dimensions, Tusky is never one for long, exclusive relationships. But that’s definitely not due to a lack of heart or emotion with his partners! On the contrary, Tusky loves every partner as deeply as if they were a mate for life, finding a way to forge a deep connection even within whatever brief window of time they might know each other. You could think of him as the ultimate polyamorist - partnered to everybody across all the universes all at once. He’s a free spirit and always looking for exciting new experiences; he’s less likely to stick to familiar partners over and over again.

Question 7, from Don Hodges: “What do you envision his personality to be like ?”

Tusky is endlessly positive, enthusiastic, caring, and gentle. He loves to have a good time, but also make sure everybody else is, too! He has a great sense of humor and loves a good laugh, but never at anybody else’s expense. He has a protective nature, leaping to defend those he sees being wronged, and is quick to take others under his big green wing. He strives to leave the world a better place - before dimension-hopping on to the next one!

Question 6, from Kybal Lutra: “What does Tusky like to do, outside of having amazing sex with hot men?

What type of music does he like to listen to?”

He loves traveling to exotic destinations of all types - both civilized and natural. He loves the forest, and also loves swimming in oceans and lagoons. He’s an avid admirer of flora and fauna both on the land and in the water. Sometimes he undertakes these trips alone, other times with a friend! Eddie shares his love for and fascination with marine life, so maybe I’ll paint the two of them scuba diving together someday…

As far as music, Tusky is an unabashed lover of pop music, dance music, synth and disco. If it feels like summer and carefree joy, that’s what he’s all about! In my mind, I always think of this synth track as his themesong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Avlh980k4

6b “What’s his preferred fighting style/weapon?”

You might have noticed I mentioned a few mishaps during his dimension-hopping earlier… one of those involved getting stuck on a medieval world which was caught in a battle against some invading demons, where Tusky was unable to leave until the demons had been vanquished. During that time he mastered the bastard sword - being able to switch from one-handed or two-handed fighting styles with ease fits a vers half-orc like him 😜

6c “Does he have daddy issues?”

I think this question takes on a different tone in the context of his origin story! I had to think about this a lot, but I think he’s aware that his fathers are out there somewhere in the universe, and he’s content with that. I think while he was within his egg on the mountainside, he received some kind of memory transfer from both his fathers, allowing him to know who they were, their lives, their stories. And so he carries that within himself and it gives him a sense of grounding, some knowledge of where he came from.

Bonus question 6d: “Has he been to the movies? Has be given a blowjob to a guy while at the movies? Has he GOTTEN a blowjob from a guy while at the movies?”

Yes, yes, and yes! During a throwback night screening of “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” at a small theater somewhere in the heart of the country. He and two friends were the only people in the dark theater, and, well, that shirtless scene of Indy gets everybody in the mood…



Griffin Barrows

"He’s vers on a grand scale! ... making them lose their minds with pleasure in the climax." Bro 🤤💙


Dang, Tusky is more complicated and way cooler than I previously thought. I should remember that when staring at all that delicious orcy beef🤔