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Hello patrons!! Hope everybody is having a fantastic summer. Did any of you guys do anything fun to celebrate Pride month??

Here's a quick update on everything you can expect on here!!

🥬This month: 

  • I'm working hard to finish up Seamus and Eddie and their movie night! This painting has honestly been a battle, lol, every aspect of it has been so challenging. BUT - I am proud of how things are shaping up and I think the end result is gonna be really cool. I am having so much fun with all the environmental details and hope that stuff resonates with you guys too.

  • Once I finish the main "canon" version I'll work on some variations! But let me set your expectations now, I don't think we're gonna see a fully nude version of this scene!! Yes I can hear your groans of disappointment, but, I'm not ready to take Seamus and Eddie there yet. We gotta wait for these things! We gotta enjoy the tension. That said, there will be some variations that are hotter (and harder) than the main version so stay tuned on that...

🥬Next month:

  • July is gonna be all about Tusky and his endless summer pool party!! I got an idea for a filthy, messy scene that is gonna leave a lot of the other party guests very satisfied (and aroused). I dont want to say anything more while I let the idea solidify but... hope you guys are thirsty 🍹

  • August's painting is wide open at this point, I'm not committed to any direction. We could see some more of Kal🐠 (or Kal + Eddie...), we could revisit the fantasy D&D world characters, or anything else. I'll plan to make a voting poll for the high-tier patrons partway through July to get some input from you guys on where we should go in August!!


  • The beginning of August is the anniversary of when I launched this Patreon, which means... some patrons will be hitting their 2-year membership milestone!!🏆 And I want to reward those guys with a special painting. Like the 1-year milestone special, this one will never go out on social media or get posted publicly, it'll be special for people who hit that milestone.

  • Random Gym Bro hasn't shown up in a bit and I swear we gotta get him back for another scene or two 🏋️‍♂️


  • Hard to believe it but September is the month where I'll be working on Tusky's Halloween costume for this year!! So I'll start a poll well in advance of that to see what people are feeling like they want to see on him this year 🎃

That's what we got on the horizon!! Hope there's something exciting for you in there, no matter what you're interested in.

🥬Little bit of IRL Celeryman update here:

For the past couple years I've been writing/running my first D&D campaign as DM and going balls to the wall with it! I've invested so much creative energy in writing a deep, dramatic storyline and working every audiovisual angle that I can to make an immersive environment for my players (who are some of my close friends!). We're about 6 months out from the grand finale of everything, and the whole journey has been so memorable and rewarding, BUT... I am getting ready to be done with it, lol, cause it feels like having another job. 😅 Once that campaign is over, I look forward to having more energy to invest in my work on here for you guys.

As always, thank you, THANK YOU for supporting me and enabling me to make this art that I enjoy so much!! 💚💚




Are you running a premade campaign or homebrew? I want to hear all about it! And if there are any NPCs that you're inspired to paint, it would be cool to know the background

Parker Derrick

That’s dope!! I totally feel you on the D&D campaign too, those can feel like they take so much time to prep. Here’s to an amazing end of your campaign though! 🔥

Celery Man

it's been all homebrew!! and VERY homebrew, I created custom combat abilities and weapons, level-up bonuses, all kinds of stuff. It's sorta D&D in name only at this point. the setting of the campaign has been dark fantasy / horror, think like dark souls + bloodborne + final fantasy + castlevania all thrown into a blender. and funny you should mention NPCs... Verrix and Sipher actually had cameos in the campaign storyline!! unbeknownst to my players who have zero clue I do any of this art on this account 🤣🤣

Celery Man

yeah, the amount of prep I have to put into writing the plot, dialogue, exposition, and creating graphics for maps, characters, and then stuff like lighting effects and music... aw man it's so much. but I love it, in the end, and I think it's really been immersing the players and getting them on board too! excited for the big finale 😎

Mac Foraday

Aw man, Seamus and Eddie haven't been fully nude together since the locker room scene all those years ago...

Chris Reynolds

I feel the DM commitment. I ran a campaign pre- during and post-covid so was happy to hand over the baton to a buddy. And now, inevitably, I kind of miss it. 😂

Celery Man

I know!! it hurts. maybe there's a way we can make that happen in an upcoming painting where it would make sense with their reality and their storyline.

Celery Man

yes! lol, I know I'll feel the same way. super letdown and probably in a depressive spiral when I no longer have the campaign to sink my creative teeth into, and dont get to feel like the maestro anymore. but... also... relieved to be free of that huge burden of work 😅😅


Love ur commitment to the Canon Celery-verse, even if it means I don't get to see what my heart needs 🫣 but this piece is gonna rule regardless

Chris Reynolds

For sure the relief is huge and long-lived! I’ve recently taken up ceramics and so confining my DnD to player.


Careful you don't get stuck as the only DM... trying to get anyone to run for me is a full time job in itself! As for having patience, do you know us so little? We're in this for the long haul; we're Invested! I can't wait for the full version of this painting though! 💜💜💜💜💜

Celery Man

haha, I swear Seamus/Eddie/Kal are the only characters I try to stay realistic and committed to!! I just want them to have a believable realistic story arc 🥺

Celery Man

I know right?! thankfully there's another in our group who DM'd before I took over, and I think he's chomping at the bit to get back to it. I don't think he likes not being in charge... 🤣


Oh absolutely 💯 % bro it's your world!! I love the tease of it all. Besides these pieces are EXTRA charged bc of the dedication 🫡🫡


I can understand the need for tension and … release 😛 just like with good music, this should be epic when it gets there. That being said, even without full nudes, big hard things tend to find their ways out of tight confines, if only to peak out from an opening… 😜 It looks and sounds great so far!

Harry Blackerby

Have you ever used any generated maps, like from Dungeon Alchemist to help make your maps the way you want?

Griffin Barrows

Ce-le-ry! Ce-le-ry! 👏🏼🎉

Celery Man

that's a good observation!! cloth can get tight and stretched very thin over objects that suddenly enlarge 🤔

Andy Q

I love your updates. Thank you for taking the time.

Eric Kirkland

I think Seamus needs to take advantage of the napper and start stroking his own while he stares at sleeping beauty :)

Celery Man

I use inkarnate.com (plus a lot of paintover in photoshop) to create all my maps!!

Politest Helium

I genuinely appreciate your paintings *not* immediately putting Seamus and Eddie into sexual scenarios, since it genuinely feels like there's a storyline of sorts, a gradual change happening in their relationship. To me, that feels much more natural and compelling in the context of the paintings you've done with them so far.

Celery Man

oh good!! thats exactly what I'm trying to do with them - it's a slowly evolving story over time and I try to stay faithful to it as much as I can. happy to hear it's landing 😁💚


CM, is it me or have you been adding more hair to the fellas as they mature?

Celery Man

not intentionally!! eddie's always been a furry fellow, and with seamus I try to get that feeling of a light dusting of fine hair.