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The art of the new update it's almost done, and then just remains the code! So the new update will be released in a few weeks!  

Here is the actual progress tracker:




Also known as Pinky, Mina is a cheerful and easygoing girl who displays a smile on her face most of the time. Highly social and excitable. Despite having minimal combat abilities, Mina makes up for it with her Quirk proficiency and incredible reaction time, using it offensively and for utility. Her quirk, Acid, allows her to produce a corrosive liquid from her body. She can control the solubility, corrosiveness, and viscosity of her acid, although there is a limit to how long she can produce the corrosive liquid until her skin gradually loses its natural resistance to it.

There is no doubt that she will accomplish what she has been training for and will become a great Hero.



· Has a great technique and proficiency with her quirk

· Her acid is not only useful for offensive situations, but for utility.


· Poor combat skills

· Overusing her quirk will result in damaging her own skin with her acid


Heroes Academy Decision: APPROVED





New update when??


I would also like to know when new updates dropping