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It's the start of a brand new chapter! Is the cover foreshadowing something?! WHO KNOWS!!!

Bought a couple games on Friday night, them being The Making of Karateka and Pseudoregalia. Karateka was a game I played from time to time on my family's old Apple ][, with its monochrome green screen monitor. I was never very good at it, but nevertheless I enjoyed it. I could never get past level 2. The documentary was a very cool insight into the process of its development, including various prototypes and ports that were made. The other game developer interviews were pretty pointless, but all the interviews with Jordan Mechner and his father were an absolute delight. They went into the process of how they did the rotoscoping, the process that went behind creating the music, and showed numerous letters and notes from back in the early 80s. Even if you may not like Karateka or not have any nostalgia attachment to it like I do, it's a very cool documentary to see the process of single person game development in the industry's early days.

Psudeoregalia is a 3D metroidvania game that came out last year that I just finally got around to grabbing. It completely nailed the atmosphere of old Nintendo 64 games from the late 90s, but with amazing modern 3D platforming. I managed to beat the game in about 5 hours, which to me is the perfect weekend game. I highly recommend checking it out. It's dirt cheap at $6, but you can still play the shorter game jam version available on itch.io for free to get a taste.






OK... that ice cream truck... that face... this must be the mad scientist Owen once took down...

Wild Card

Oh this will be real fun to read!!