Bodysuit 23 #817 (Patreon)
Seriously, it's such a pisser to finally get things going again only to wrap up the chapter and immediately go to a break just after taking a week off! Well, week off from the comic but definitely not a week off where I was relaxing! But still. Sorry about all that!
End of last week I took my PC to a Micro Center to get a diagnostic check before USAA was willing to pay out for the damages to the PC. While they waited, however, they went ahead and paid me for all the other damages, so I was able to start buying stuff like new bookshelves, of which I spent a huge chunk of Saturday building!
Anyway, my PC came back fine, so now I have a backup emergency PC on the off chance anything happens to my new PC. I contact USAA and tell them the good news, and that they can scratch off the PC from the insurance payment. USAA calls me, confirms it, and off they go and cancel the PC payment!
...Along with the entirety of the payment for all the other damages! Just went and yoinked the money out from my bank account. That got me into a panic as I contacted them to get it corrected. Hours later I get a call back with my representative acknowledging that they had fucked up and would correct it. Now the money's back, I'm not fucked, apartment is relatively back to normal outside of the floor and walls looking like shit until I eventually move out because they're not gonna fix it otherwise. Over a week later and my burst pipe adventure has more or less come to a close. There's some things I still need to get, like a new VCR because mine went kaput, but for the most part everything's back to normal.
Are y'all cool with Kevin suiting up as random anime characters for a few weeks?