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So originally I was gonna do this whole huge chunk before I took a break with this chapter...

I CHANGED MY MIND! Gonna take a two week break after the page after this because despite taking those two weeks before for Hell Week, I was still ultra busy so I never got a real break! As I was storyboarding I looked at where I was with the chapter currently, which is page 26 (27 later this week), and felt now's a good time to pause. Thankfully I got the next huge chunk of the chapter already written, so I don't have that hanging over my shoulder. Still gotta outline and write what comes after that, though, but that's still a ways off.

What with the holidays and weddings and shit that went on during this chapter there has been a lot of infrequent breaks, which I apologize. I'm also taking this short break during what I'm calling my "doing fuck all weekends," which is something I'm planning to start doing this year. Once a month I'm gonna do absolutely no comic work. No Kat. No B23. Nada nothin'! Just some nice relaxing me time to enjoy myself, play some games, read, watch things whatever. I figured having a set time once a month will be better in terms of randomly crashing periodically and taking an update off. It'll also give y'all advanced warning. My thinking is the last weekend of the month. 




Jesse is one of my favorite characters at this point. A kind and loveable man with a big heart. Also, yes Mega. Take a break if you need one. We love your content but we care about you and your mental/physical health more. If you feel burnt out or tired then take a break and rest. We don't mind waiting while you do so.

Brittany Dodson

Breaks are needed less we break so take the time and relax. Comic wise why do I think Jesse and Maranda will be a great pair together