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Coming in hot after a stream. Wound up going for about 3 hours. Nearly 11:30 pm and I'm finally able to post this and start cooking dinner before heading to bed to prepare for thanksgiving tomorrow. For those in the US I hope you have a happy thanksgiving!


These past few weeks have really shown the limits of my abilities. Not only have I missed updates here, but with my other comic as well. All it takes is a single wrench throw to completely throw everything off. Couple weeks ago I was dealing with an immense amount of stress, which caused the first of the dominoes to fall. Followed by attending my brother's wedding, getting sick, then having to visit family for Thanksgiving. Each of those instances I try to get work done anyway, but I just completely crap out. Earlier on Tuesday I sat down to get started on a comic stream, but I was so exhausted that I decided to punt inking Kat until Wednesday and going to bed around 8pm, where I slept on and off until 7:30 am, which I had to get up for work. This resulted in me doing Tuesday's comic work on Wednesday on top of what needed to be done on Wednesday. In the end my Wednesday comic stream ran for about 3 hours from about 8pm to 11pm. Since I didn't have work Thursday it wasn't too bad, but this meant I was more or less working for 11 hours that day when you combine my full time job plus after work comic streams.

It's becoming pretty clear that I'm going to have to rework how I go about working. I've had to stop working on the novel for that writing contest because I just couldn't keep up. I ran out of script for Bodysuit 23, ran out of storyboards for Kat, which meant having to quickly whip something up before getting started on regular comic work. Every Saturday I keep meaning to get some of that prep work done, or get ahead on stuff like coloring Kat, but ultimately I wind up crashing for most of the day. Past few Saturdays I've been completely dead. Another hurdle I'm dealing with is sleeping issues due to some medication I'm currently taking. If I don't take sleeping pills at the right time I just cannot get to sleep. As of writing this I've been up for about 26 hours now and still not tired. Hoping to stay up till about maybe 8-10pm, in which I'll take a sleeping pill and crash for about 12 hours, hopefully saving my Saturday from being a total shit show.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do in terms of reworking a schedule. I don't want to keep missing updates, especially since I'm going to have another Hell Week (TM) at work from Dec. 19th - 27th, where I'll be the only person working the art department again. Thankfully it's close to Christmas, so I can't imagine it getting that busy (honestly there's a good chance it'll be mostly dead), but I don't plan on risking it, so we're going to have another set of Cooper guest strips like before. This means another week of no true Kat updates, which fucking sucks. If anything I'm going to have to dedicate a free weekend with zero comic updates. Like, first weekend of the month I don't work on comic episodes/pages, freeing up a Thursday - Sunday. On those days I can dedicate myself to writing script stuff, storyboards, etc. for the rest of the month. Get it all done in one go. Then have some time for myself to relax a bit without anything nagging me in the back of my mind.

I'll make a post whenever I figure out how it'll go.



Brittany Dodson

Option 3 take her down with you, it is then


It's not the slide that's the concern, it's the stop. =P