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Finally finished the first chapter of my contest novel today! Woooo! Clocked in at around 10k~ words before I go do some heavy editing. If you want to beta read I've linked to a google doc page over on the discord to check it out. Feedback is welcomed!

Seriously, it's welcomed.

Work's been on the slow side, so its given me plenty of time to do comic work and writing without feeling like I'm busy and drowning in it. There was a client a few weeks back that I had to do a bunch of back and forth making a bunch of small adjustments to their label for their high end chocolate company. The person was super nice and apologetic about the constant changes, which were things like "can you move this bit over by like 2 pixels". Not particularly difficult to do on my end, of course. Wound up not bothering with showing changes to the salesperson who was being a bit of an ass about it all. Anyway, she came by today to thank me for the work I did and gave me these bourbon filled chocolate candies. There were 4 of them, so I offered one to my supervisor. They were really good!

8 chocolates from their store costs $27! Doubt I'll ever buy from them because shucks howdy, but man did I enjoy them! Very much one of those nice gift chocolates.

Been watching more Outlaw Star, which continues to be a lot of fun. About halfway through it now. 

And I guess that's all I got to say tonight!




Knowing Southerners some idiot in a 4WD smashed into a utility pole.


Having lived in Niagara Falls, this story line is quite funny. Also, I remember watching Outlaw Star on Toonami. That was a great show! The opening and closing songs were great.


‘There’s barely any snow’ this is Texas. An inch of snow is hell on earth


Geez, in Poland we totally ignore snow in such small ammount - just get the winter tyres, and drive careful :P


Reminds me of those times when all the weather reports were calling for significant overnight snowfall so the schools and many offices made the decision to close, but what we actually gof was barely a dusting. Free day off!