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Popped on Outlaw Star over the weekend. First time I've watched it in a long time despite buying the blurays back in 2017. This time I went with the Japanese audio track as I've always watched it dubbed since the Toonami days.

It's a lot of fun. I love the action and the grappler ship designs. Plus the character designs are really awesome looking, like Gene and Aishi. And when the animation pumps on all cylinders it's the absolute coolest shit. It reminded me of why I've been wanting to write a story about spaceships with giant swords for years.

Speaking of, didn't get much writing done for it in the past week. Just about 700ish words on Friday. Spent most of the week in terms of writing doing Kat related stuff. Now with that out of the way I hope to get more Spaceships With Swords stuff written. We're already halfway through October, so won't be long before the end of January deadline for me to submit it to that contest!



Brittany Dodson

Looks like the power is out as well. Oh dear how will they stay warm:)+)


As I read this it’s finally 60 degrees in Florida


I remember last year when temps dropped down to the single digits over the weekend. Sunday I woke and there was no power. Turned out the company had started rolling blackouts to keep the grid from frying. Understandable, but I had to run the heat even harder when power came back to "catch up".

Robert Sage

ohh outlaw star is such a good anime!