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Not much to report on today. Gonna be going to the folks tomorrow night and work early Friday morning (5:30 AMish) to see if that is something I can pull off and feel good about once I move back home. Otherwise if I absolutely hate it I'll just keep the apartment for another yet, which I don't really want to do as I'd rather save money, but hey. I loathe driving, and driving 70-80 miles a day round trip for work is gonna be a bitch, but my dad's done it since 2006 so technically I should be able to manage.




300 for one shoot? Hell yeah


Eh, once they're out of the bodysuit, they can still put it back on from time to time to model.


Now she's serious


You know, if the appearance of the suit never ages a model could remain in the game for decades longer than is typical so long as they stayed in shape.


The first frame reminds me of the dr livsey meme for some strange reason 😂


For some reason I thought Angela was taller than Doris. Just me not paying close enough attention.