Bodysuit 23 #739 (Patreon)
I saw Cocaine Bear on Friday.
Go see Cocaine Bear. It's a hell of a fun time. I didn't realize going in that Lord and Miller were producers for it. Moment I saw their names during the opening credits I knew I was in for a good time. It's very dumb and silly with its premise, with the characters understanding how ridiculous it is but also how incredibly dangerous it is as well.
In anime watching, I got around to watching all of Do It Yourself. It's a very cute, mellow "let me write about my hobby staring cute girls" show. I really enjoyed the character designs, where they have this simplistic nature to them that allows for some fun animation moments. They're also very cute.
The Engrish can get a bit much at times, though, but whatever. I'm sure the Japanese VA is doing her damnedest.