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After hearing the success of a younger cousin's record breaking athletic accomplishment at an ivy league university and being reminded of how much I'm the failure in my extended family, I figured I'd get off my ass and get the Kat webtoon ready to go. Then once it's launched, I can use the fact that people are reading it to be the perennial fire under my ass.

Problem was after getting the start in November, I started lagging behind and got lazy by mid January.

But no more! Outside of the prologue strip and the thumbnail required for webtoons, I finally have what I think is a good set of launch strips!

Drawing it as a webtoon has been a learning experience. One of which I realized was that I could probably afford to spread things out more. I've inked through strip 9, with storyboards for the next two strips afterward. I'll need to go back and rework those. The question then becomes "do I split those two into four, and thereby slowing the posting dates, or do I make the strips even longer to fit everything I want in them."

As you can see, Kat is gonna be a much more quick/dirty looking compared to Bodysuit 23. I'm fully taking advantage of the fact backgrounds aren't as expected in the format, freeing me the time it takes to draw them and instead refocus the energy onto the characters. I'm also forgoing shading in it, outside of something like the inside of a shirt sleeve, or an obvious shadow on the ground. I'll leave the shading like I do in B23 for more "cinematic" moments.

Basically I'm making it so that I don't fucking kill myself trying to juggle two comics at once where I'm the one having to do the writing, story boarding, drawings, inking, and coloring with minimal input.

Let me know your thoughts!

And for those who aren't or were never into Kat, fear not! As I'll not be posting it here. I'm thinking of creating a second patreon to host Kat, where I'll more than likely not have as significant rewards compared to here, if at all. Though I've posted non-bodysuit related artwork here before, it's still very much a 18+ niche fetish patreon that is also my art dumping ground of various levels of saucy content. The other patreon would just be Kat related stuff and nothing else. And even then it'll most likely be strips posted MAYBE a day before wider release, if that.

What I'm saying is there will be no reason to double dip for those who will want to support me and think they'll enjoy Kat as well. 




The long strip format is fine if you publish it for Webtoons. It's okay to make a second comic but simpler and more familiar to make income from the comics platform, just don't overdo it. A creative likes to create but should not exceed what he can encompass otherwise he runs out. The good thing is that you already have Kat's story in mind and that saves a lot of time when it comes to illustrating. I wish you luck with your second project. And please don't stop giving us good bodysuit art supplies.


Good luck! been a long time fan and I know any series you write I'll be there for!