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Tried getting back into Genshin Impact, but remembered how there's no deadzone for controllers in the game. Even last year when I played it the right stick would be super sensitive and always send the camera panning downward so that I'd see the ground, even if I didn't touch it. I'd gotten used to it last year, so it's not impossible for me to get used to it again. Just super annoying to deal with. It's the only game I have that issue with on PS5.

Really just want the new Zelda game to come out as I prefer that over Genshin. It's pretty and all, but man is the dialogue so overwritten, where it feels like a slog to get through. And most of it isn't interesting, either. Guess that's on my for doing sidequests I technically don't need to do at all. Gonna do the Chasm stuff before I go to the meat of the new region.




Oh Madison, don't be upset. At least you know SOME TRUTH. :P

Brittany Dodson

Oh that noise it’s just Doris…

Brittany Dodson

They said they had to get back to Her earlier so I assume she is likely tied to a rock in the water with the sound