Bodysuit 23 #190 (Patreon)
2016-11-02 03:57:43
That poor sap's over 5 years old! Life has still yet to improve for him!
Missed my personal goal of getting episode 3 of MG Dallas out in October. My friend who's been editing it since the beginning sort of fell off the map, so I guess life kicked him in the gonads or something recently. Or school. One of those two options and absolutely no other. Probably.
Went and voted today too, except I'm still registered in Tarrant County instead of Dallas, so I had to drive over to vote during lunch, since if I wait until after work it'd take over an hour to get to a poll. Except the drive during lunch wasn't great either, so my lunch break today ended up being about 2 hours. Thank god I work at a place that's lenient on that sort of thing.