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Daphne's back! Didn't expect to see her, didya? Unless you recalled the pinup of her sitting at the park I drew months ago! She makes up the final member of this 4 man party. Going into this arc I had wanted to go with a weird grouping that otherwise wouldn't have made sense for them to all get together and let their personalities play off one another. "Doris, Miranda, Jesse, and Daphne! That's a weird-ass grouping! That'll be fun!" - me last year. This is pairing is also going to have ramifications in the future of the comic!

The LED bulb in my LG PW600G projector is finally kicking the bucket after 8 years of use. The blue LED isn't working, leaving only the red and green LED and being incredibly dark looking. I had gotten it for $300 back in 2016 when Fry's Electronics put them on clearance, saving me $200. It was a hell of a projector, which I used in my bedroom of my studio apartment. It was originally my main way of watching stuff until I was able to get a semi decent and affordable LG 4k tv (also at Frys) a year later.

I've been looking at projectors for a replacement, but everything is way more than I wanna pay, nor do I want to rely on those cheapo ones as I'm sure they'll fail pretty quickly. I'm sure those are good for occasional camping trips or once in a blue moon backyard movie night, but I can't imagine it lasting with regular use.

I've thought about a TV, but the benefit of the projector was that all I needed was this tiny little wall shelf to display on the wall and not need anything to hold the TV up. My projector screen is places over a sliding closet door that I use for storage and rarely go into. If I get a TV then I gotta buy a high enough shelf to prop it up (can't use a wall mount on the sliding doors). But on the other hand, it'll mean I can have a game console hooked up to it, when my projector only had a chromecast due to not enough space behind the projector for the wiring.

Since I don't know if I'll be moving in the next few months or not I'm not gonna bother with grabbing anything. I can go back to how I used to do it in college where I'd install those plastic hook hangers on the wall to hold a phone/tablet next to my pillows and can watch stuff that way. Or, ya know, walk the ten steps to the living room and watch something there.

RIP little projector. You were awesome.

In other news Princess Peach Showtime came in the mail! I had gotten it to play with my niece after I had shown her a trailer for it and she seemed really interested! A few times when we've gotten together she's asked to play video games after I bust out the wii u for her to look at back around February.

In preparation for my eventually playing it with her, I figured I should go ahead and complete the game so everything is unlocked and she can do whatever. She's only 6, so I can't imagine she'd have the patience to sit through the tutorials and movies and stuff, only to be told "no you can't be Mermaid Peach because you have to play through the game for a few hours before you unlock it." Saving the potential headache! That and I also remember being a kid renting games that people had finished and having fun playing with all the unlocked stuff.

The game itself... is very much a entry level kids game! It is not doing much for me. I like the idea that each play has a fun little mechanic that's only available in its play, but you have to play halfway through a level before you can use the power, and then the level is incredibly short. Of course I've only played through two plays so far, so maybe they get longer later. Or maybe they have additional levels with the same plays to keep using those power ups. The outfits Peach gets are really awesome, though. Seems like you can only use them in the plays themselves and not in the lobby? A shame.

Once I play it with her I'll report back on how that turned out. I'm sure my issues with the game won't be problems with her as she rarely ever plays games and the concept of having mario run AND jump at the same time is beyond her, so just being able to walk around as Peach, even in the lobby where there's not much going on, might be enough for her to get enjoyment out of it and be a fun memory for her when she's older.



Etrio Loss

This is gonna be fun! So happy to see Daphne again.

Grim Nobody

The boss with the giant health bar just entered the chat.