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Hi everyone! A delightfully slower bunch of episodes here. But a ton to take away from them, let's discuss!

- Steven can possess bodies?

- Healing is back?

- Healing corrupted Gems one day???

Episodes 14-18 




Oooh, episode I'm looking forward to the most... Damn, that's a hard one. I don't actually wanna give episode names or even numbers to avoid giving blatant expectation spoilers, but there's an arc sometime within the next season that actually leaked online a good week or so before original airing, back in the day- and it was absolutely a euphoric and wild time, because I ended up sneaking away from my university lecture to hide in the library and binge those episode before they got involuntarily spoiled for me online, and then got to enjoy whispering and musing about it with friends over discord until they finally released officially. These episodes were the sort where what happens is both a huge surprise and also very hype, so I myself will ALSO be hype to eventually see your response to what happens in them. I'll let you know in the comments when you get to this batch, ahah. (Will probably respond to this comment with ep chatter after I start watching the actual reaction part of the video ahah.)


I SUPER respect Steven Universe for actually allowing Lars' VA to continue voicing him while possessed by Steven, because every other cartoon I've seen with a body swap also swapped the VAs because they assumed the audience wouldn't "get" it. The VA really did do such a great job at imitating Steven's whole vibe, it's almost uncanny. Man, pretty wild that one of Steven's canonical powers is to possess people though- especially given "possession" is often a villainous coded ability and Steven's just a little cutie patootie you wanna pinch the cheeks of. _ Don't have too much to discuss about Beach City Drift (good ep, but I feel like it speaks for itself), but DAMN the music in it sure is swell. Some of my favorite tracks of the whole show, great for blasting through headphones. _ Oh my god Restaurant Wars is one of my favorite townie focused eps, it's so darn chaotic XD I feel kinda terrible for Ronaldo in this ep though- he was genuinely telling the truth and no one around him thought he was serious because THEY don't take him seriously, oof. "I'm full- of sADneSS!" *wheeze* _ Admission: Kiki is my favorite of the twins and I wish we see more of her. I agree with you, she just seems so genuine and down to earth, and focus episodes like this give such a nice little portal into her base inner workings as a side character. I like how they visually portrayed Kiki feeling like she was suffocating under her family member's demands through the cheese metaphor. (Lost in the sauce, but for real.) And of course, plenty of groan worthy puns. _ Another admission: I actually am not a fan of how they re-introduce Steven's healing powers by having him "mend" an inanimate object, I feel like this doesn't make sense with what's been established and choose to imagine he can only heal gems and organic matter instead. This is just a personal nitpick, though. Augh, yes... so THIS was the episode where the corruption on Earth was confirmed to be caused by the Diamonds. As a fun little continuity note... in the animated sequence with Centi's drawings, you hear this soft, kinda haunting musical chord and then she scribbles everything out with white. You've actually seen a visual representation of the phenomenon she's describing before, in the Lapis episode "Same Old World," though of course the audience was given no plot explanation for it back then. Watch Lapis' retelling of her past to find it, right after she's abandoned in the mirror on the galaxy warp. You can even hear the same chord progression playing in the backing music. As clarification, the Centipeedle IS corrupted- she just found her way back to the rest of her crew, who- from her drawings of them and the similar corrupted forms- are implied to be the same type of base gem. _ Also we absolutely 100% have some spice coming up in season 3. Buckle up. :D


The New Lars is one of the most irritating episodes for me, I feel like Steven has grown up enough at this point that he should be respecting Lars and Sadie's boundaries more than this. I'm really looking forward to an episode that is probably in the batch after next.


Yeah, it feels more like early season 1 version of Steven.