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This batch of episodes...absolute BANGERS. The story told through this arc...which I know I'm making up my own amount of episodes per video, but it was great! Really fantastic batch here.

Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did!





The episode "Friend Ship" cut off before it finished.


Second time this week I've done this :/ I'm sorry... give me about 20-30 minutes and it'll be fixed. I'll update the post and comment here!


Technically, dancing for fusion isn't something that HAS to happen, but it really helps with synchronization which is very important for fusing + works as a bonding experience. Ruby and Sapphire were really upset and angry about what happened, so they're not normally quite that extreme. Sapphire is cool-headed and Ruby has a temper, but they are normally nice to each other and their friends. Sour Cream and Onion being half-brothers was heavily implied earlier this season, when Sour Cream mimicked his stepdad (a fisher who doesn't want him to be a DJ) by making the same mumbling sounds only Yellowtail and Onion do. And Vidalia was actually briefly shown in the episode where Greg and Rose first met. They obviously didn't show anything, but for an older viewer it's heavily implied she and Marty (Greg's old jerk manager) were, uh, making Sour Cream in the van. And she definitely seemed quite a bit younger than him, further showing how nasty Marty was. And it was weird, but I think Onion having the mouse in his mouth was his way of showing Steven that he didn't let it die after all.


I was trying to remember if they had danced all the previous times to fuse and I couldn't remember, but I was pretty sure there was at least once instance of that not being the case. Thank you for the clarification! I love Ruby and Sapphire so much 🤣 Honestly seeing them as emotional as they were was fun, but I'm glad to hear they're not always at extremes. Mannnnn, I completely missed all of that. In hindsight (obviously) it makes SO much sense haha but I haven't been looking at the "smaller" details much, just the overall larger picture of episodes. I need to nit pick some more! It didn't even cross my mind that was the same mouse, I had just assumed it was a new one or something. This is actually really sweet. I love that.


Tiny detail I love from Cry For Help: Garnet is choosing to watch TV with Steven that morning ;w; I wonder how long they were sitting there enjoying some bonding time. Also, I think it's hilarious how every single blind reactor I've ever watched has tried the silly finger sausage thing that Steven talks to Amethyst about, it's very wholesome. _ A fun fact I love about Keystone Motel is that they actually had to re-storyboard Ruby so her expressions suitably matched Charlyne Yi's really spicy voicework. Iconic, tbh.