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Our first (full) Patreon Exclusive series! Y'all voted for SU between some other choices a few weeks ago and I finally had some time to record a few episodes!

How It Works:

Because of copyright, I still can't just provide you the full video/audio of the show, so you will need your own copy. I'll give you about 10-20 seconds per episode to sync/resync, from there we'll run it all the way through.

These reactions also will be uncut, meaning you'll see every stupid face I make or every booger picked. The episodes are also only like...11 minutes so it'd be hard to cut something that already has minimal fat.

How Often Will Videos Come Out?

Ideally, I'll be watching videos in 3-5 batches and release a video every 1-2 weeks. There may be gaps here and there depending on schedule, but that's my current plan. I won't be mass binge watching like I do for the YT channel. This is to give me an opportunity to interact with you all a bit more and theorize! So definitely drop comments, join the Discord, etc. I'm doing this for y'all - so I want to talk about it!

Are You Accepting Feedback On The Format?
There's only so much I'd actually be able to change with the format, but I do ask a few questions to y'all in the outro, so watch that and let me know what you think!

Will You Be Watching The Movies?

Y'all tell me! Do I need to watch the movies, when should I watch the movies, etc! I'm trying to not get spoiled by things, so just let me know!

Steven Universe Playlist

Thanks a ton for joining me on the adventure, I hope you all enjoy! 💜



Phillip Grischa

I watched your reaction to the first two episodes so far, I'll try to space it out a little. :) You're in for a ride, I look forward to you getting to the meat of the story. There's only one movie and it takes place after season 5. There are also several shorts but they are just cute side stories and not really relevant to the plot, the best one is probably the extended opening, I recommend watching that early in season 2 after the opening animation changes, the rest don't matter that much, I'd watch the first set somewhere in the middle of season 2 and the second set somewhere in the middle of season 4 which is roughly where they were produced.


As you are the first to respond, I will be taking your word as gospel 🤣 So I don't have to worry though for sometime so that's nice. I'm super excited for this series! It was one of the earliest shows I thought of doing for the channel but just could not figure out how to do it. So I think this'll be a lot more fun and a lot more "intimate" with a smaller community :)

Phillip Grischa

I could have been a bit more specific, if you watch the shorts too early they will spoil as of now unseen characters but middle of season 2 and middle of season 4 is safe as both sets of shorts took up the slot of one regular episode and got the corresponding production number. The first set is episode 58 and the second set episode 112 in production order but like I said they are not actually plot relevant and don't have to be watched in those exact spots.


I think when I casually scrolled through to see how many episodes they were worded in that way, not 100% sure cause I didn't want a thumbnail to spoil anything, but I'll keep this in mind! Thank you :)


Let me start off by saying that I’m very excited for you to watch this show! Just a suggestion regarding your question(s) in the end though, I think that you can perhaps give a brief comment after each episode you watch, nothing long ofc, just maybe mention something you liked from the episode or something that caught your eye. And in the end, you can talk more about what you thought of the episodes and what you think about the show and where it’s heading :) Regarding the show as a whole, it does start off ~very~ slow and has its fair share of filler episodes throughout, but the wait is very much worth it in my opinion! The music alone makes it very enjoyable ~☆


Thank you for the suggestion! I will think about this when I do some more recording which will be sometime this week or next :) As far as filler goes, I assume there's a decent amount with how many episodes there are... and I use filler very loosely - it's all working towards something I'm sure. I agree on the music though, from what I've seen already the audio work in general is great!

Phillip Grischa

I disagree that the show has its fair share filler, there's exactly one filler episode in the entire series, every other episode either moves the larger story forward, does world building or develops individual characters and their relationships.


I am not sure yet if other people down the line mention the existence of the SU epilogue series- so wanted to give a bit more of a thorough answer to one of your questions: "Y'all tell me! Do I need to watch the movies, when should I watch the movies, etc" Steven Universe s1-5 is in itself a complete story even if you don't watch anything beyond it- but the movie, set after season 5, is very fun viewing. After the movie, there is then a final "epilogue" series called Steven Universe: Future. I definitely recommend watching both for the full experience with this world and these characters. And now! To have fun watching these reactions! Woo! I'm sure I'll leave another comment rambling about episode relevant things later. I am being spoiled with the number of people who are doing SU reactions on Patreon now, wow, ahah.


Someone actually JUST recently answered this, but a good reminder! I will absolutely be watching the movie, which will likely end up on YT instead of Patreon. And The Future series will likely end up on YT since it appears to be not as many episodes as the original. Thanks for joining me! :D


Coming back in after watching the first batch- It'll be fun commenting on these knowing where you already are in the show now (s3 episodes 4-8 were just posted as of comment), because there's already stuff sneakily introduced in these first few episodes that you've of course already seen payoff on. Number one on that list for me is... the very sneaky introduction of Rose's Room we see in "Together Breakfast." It's the room Steven slides through while going down the pole, and I think it's super cool that they even play the Rose's Room music for those few seconds. Number two, which is built on pretty quickly, is the fact that you already see Connie's glow bracelet in Steven's freezer in episode one. ;w; Number three is... how the Sea Spire goddess statue from "Cheeseburger Backpack" comes back to build up the conflict of the episode "The Test" later in season 1. Watching this episode with this context in mind, it puts the Gems' very gentle response to Steven's failure into a completely different light- they never expected him to get that far in the first place, and just wanted to get a sense for how prepared he was to deal with more dangerous adventures. And for an even more sneaky little detail, there's a namedrop of a character we don't even see until the S1 finale and don't meet until mid S2- (Sadie's mom Barb, name-dropped as a mailwoman by Jamie.) I just really love how intentional the creators were in setting up the world of this show at this point... they ingest just enough specific detail that it makes it feel more "lived-in," like there really IS a whole town of people outside of Steven's immediate sphere of influence, all of whom have their own things going on and their own problems. Like I have no idea if the Crewniverse (this is the cutesy name given to the show crew, ahah) knew exactly WHO "Barb" was at this point of production, but by throwing in a specific name for that piece of dialogue they gave themselves the ability to pull on that thread later on if they wanted. It's a nice way to allow oneself a bit of creative freedom while also making the lore building feel cohesive. Awesome reactions, I am excited to cruise through some of these and catch up in the coming days!


Oh, sweet! I'm sure the YouTube community would have a ball with that.