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The music in this absolutely SLAPS! I couldn't be more happy to have had this as a musical. I don't want to spoil any of my outro/discussion. BUT, tell me your favorite song(s) please! :)

I hope y'all enjoy the reaction as much as I enjoyed the movie. Absolute delight!




My favorite songs are independent together and change! All of them are bangers in my opinion but those two are my all time favorites lol and the future series is definitely worth the watch!! It goes into some stuff we didn’t expect to see but it was important to acknowledge


Aaaah excited to watch later! My favorite songs in this are ALSO Independent Together and Change, ahahah. XD I love that Steven’s VA finally gets an opportunity to fully show off his range, with the character’s age-up. And of course the surprise Steven and Greg fusion is just a very hype moment, with a song that frankly— in my mind— is radio worthy.


Greg and Steven's fusion is named Steg. Mimzy is voiced by Spinel's VA. I also feel like Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss may have been partially inspired by Spinel, especially the movements of his robot limbs (but I don't know for sure.) She kinda exploded in popularity after the movie came out and there seemed to be quite a few things inspired by her. Pink being child-like is the point and is the way she was portrayed in the original show (we just saw her more as Rose.) She was shown to be very impulsive, playful and threw temper tantrums (for example, in a dream flashback with Yellow when she attempted to contact a ship she just randomly pressed a touch screen all over the place and then got violent and broke a screen when she was denied her own colony–though to be fair Yellow was also shown to be physically abusive by grabbing her arm in a way that hurt.) She was also much smaller than the other Diamonds–her dynamic with them is like a child and her abusive family. This makes Pink very unique, because while she wasn't a literal child she was child-like in a way Gems normally aren't, with her being very spontaneous, not caring about the rules and coming up with things for fun. In fact, it seems Spinel is also an unique Gem, based on Pink herself to be her playmate (since Gems normally would not have a need for one and a Pearl wouldn't be allowed to be one because of the strict roles and hierarchy.) Though it is also true that she was starting to mature around the time she had Spinel: Yellow and Blue gave her Spinel and the garden so she can play and act childish in an isolated area (presumably asking her to act more mature outside of it as a compromise,) but you can see from her expressions that she wasn't really entertained by Spinel's antics. She disliked being treated like a child and tried to become more mature, so the other Diamonds would take her more seriously and treat her like an equal. Though, of course, she still wasn't actually very mature–she just left Spinel like that. She became more mature as Rose, but she still had a bit goofy nature...and continued to struggle with understanding other people's emotions and that her actions have consequences. Those two things just seem to be in her nature and the way Rebecca Sugar has described Rose she seemed to have a lot of self-hatred over her flaws (notably, she is always meant to be drawn with sad-looking eyes,) feeling like she couldn't meaningfully change who she was (which is why many people theorize that while Rose genuinely wanted to have a child, having Steven may have also been a form of suicide for her and her believing something better will come from her. People also theorize the ending song Love Like You is from her perspective.) Also, fun fact: it's been confirmed that the Diamonds are inspired by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of the Id, Ego and Superego. The Id is pure impulses, with no ability to think about further consequences of one's actions and just wanting to do what you enjoy all the time, and small children only have it (Pink is based on this.) Yellow and Blue are based on the Ego, which is the mediator between the Id and Superego who tries to make the person function realistically. Superego (White Diamond) is your internal judge, with all the internalized moral standards of the society, striving for perfection and making you feel shame and guilt if you behave incorrectly.


Independent Together hits different. I've been listening to it nonstop on Spotify 😅


Hope you enjoy(ed)! Every song was a banger in this, ESPECIALLY Sadie's song. I could have seen that on the radio tbh.


Great commentary on Rose/Pink! What fascinates me about her is that we essentially see her story in reverse. So while it may on a certain level be easy to read her as a character who becomes “worse” over time, one has to definitely remember that the events we see later on in the show happened earlier in her life. Thus, when one puts things in reverse order, it’s quite stirring and lovely just how much growth she DID go through over the years, in the person she became. Just… I get the sense that she never felt like it was enough- that SHE was enough, that she had done enough to redeem herself for the mistakes of her past. Tragic figure. The ultimate example of the “haunting the narrative” trope for me. (Bonus note: what makes me sad is that I genuinely don’t think Pink ever expected that Spinel would take her so seriously and stand still for THOUSANDS of years. I don’t see what she did as a malicious act, but rather… someone being careless with their “belongings” and also failing to fully comprehend their true impact. Pink was so used to the other Diamonds never taking her seriously that I think she expected Spinel would give up after too long and find something better to do. Still a messed up move with monumentally painful consequences, but it’s made all the more messy by the context at play.


Ah, and now the secret of my icon- hiding in plain sight- has been revealed: it was art of 16 year old Steven after the time skip all along. I was of half a mind to change it for a while because it’s TECHNICALLY a spoiler if one thinks about it too deeply, but I figured that it probably wouldn’t be noticed or thought about if I didn’t bring attention to it. I have watched this movie an unhealthy number of times and am very excited to ramble about it. (I still plan on writing out some thoughts about the finale too, but time has gotten away from me, ahah. I’ll backtrack.) I’ll just go chronologically with my thoughts, here… - The beginning song is very amusing to me when imagined in the context of like… Steven awkwardly standing off to the side whilst the Gems who were gunning to execute him only two years ago for a crime he (and his mother) didn’t commit sing his praises. It’s also one hell of a pedestal to place him on, sheesh. “Ever compassionate?” Man, give the poor guy a break. He’s only sixteen, ahah. It’s also hilarious to me that Steven overtly showed up to what was supposed to be his literal coronation just to go “ahahah yeah no thank you, I wanna go home now. Byeeee!” Valid. I wouldn’t wanna hang around the Diamonds for longer than I had to, either. I will always be impressed at the way this movie seamlessly introduces all its core characters and concepts to any members of the audience who may be joining in to watch with no context with like, their kids or something. We get a solid rundown of all of the Gems’ histories and Steven’s powers so that everyone is on the same page about what is lost when they all get reset- even small things like Steven’s bubbles, or his healing spit, or what space he’s trying to access when he reaches into Lion’s mane. It allows the whole film to stand on its own super easily— I actually have a few friends who only ever watched this movie, and they said they were able to follow along fine. Of course having full context makes the experience even richer, but I like how self-contained this is. On the topic of rejuvenation, and (jumping forward a bit) how absolutely fucked up Steven starts to look by the end of the movie, I tend to headcanon that the rejuvenator’s effects basically severed his connection with his gem much like in CYM but without his two halves being physically separated. He literally looks like he’s on death’s door for a bit there, and like… yeah, if he’s overtly got a whole “organ” of sorts that’s been partially disconnected from the rest of his body and is sputtering in and out, no wonder. Oofies. At least it’s nice to know that Gem hard light weapons have no bodily effect on him otherwise, ahah. Greg almost saying “holy shit” and having to cover up his near swear is GOLD. My god.


Pearl and Ruby and Sapphire’s reset forms were pretty much what I expected, but Amethyst was a bit of a surprise… I found it interesting how she could only mimic when she first emerged. I think her natural inclination for shapeshifting makes a lot of sense when considering her origins… it was a blank slate Gem’s curious attempts to understand the world she was so suddenly thrust into, with no context of her own history or role. They made a nod to this reality back in the original show, with Amethyst once describing herself as “just a dumb sponge that followed [Vidalia] around.” Here, we learn that’s very much not a metaphor, ahah. I’ve seen a few folks question that scene where Ruby is about to get smashed by the anvil, saying “why didn’t she MOVE?” but I actually think her staying put makes perfect sense when considering the intensely damaged way Gems conceive of themselves within the old regime. She was told just an hour or so earlier that she “wouldn’t last the day,” and is so used to serving as a replaceable soldier that I think she genuinely doesn’t see any point in straying from Sapphire’s prediction to save herself. There’s TONS of rubies, what does she matter? But of course, in a wonderful inversion from their first meeting… Sapphire believes otherwise. She falls for THIS Ruby, and DOES think she inherently matters and is worth saving… even if that means defying her own straight line future vision to do so. Peak romance, I love them and Garnet so much. The other aspect of this movie I often find is deeply misunderstood is Steven and Greg’s fusion. I sometimes see folks go “lol why is he so muscular” or question the sexuality he exudes in his performance (lol the Elvis hip thrusts), but in my mind that’s JUST the thing- this fusion exists to be a performance. He exists to be a literal “rock god.” And with the way fusion visually amplifies the dynamic between fusion partners, I think it’s very lovely to imagine Steg as the embodiment of Steven and Greg both hyping each other up, like… with Greg being so insanely proud of his son for everything he’s accomplished and the person he’s grown to be, and Steven looking up to his dad like he’s the stars in his skies. And through this experience, Greg gets to (in a way) live out two separate dreams of his in the most unexpected way possible… his dream of being a rock star, and his dream to fuse. After all, there was that whole episode back in s2 where he tried to fuse with Rose, but couldn’t because Gems couldn’t interface with humans. But with Steven… Steven is the bridge, and thus it’s finally a wish that could be fulfilled. Definitely my favorite scene in this whole movie is the tense showdown between Steven and Spinel up on that injector. What I find most jarring about it is A) how absolutely SHAMELESS Spinel is in saying “I am going to kill you” right to his face, and B) the fact that she point blank draws blood from him. You mentioned being a bit surprised to hear characters fling around the word “kill” or “die” in this movie, and while these words have definitely been used before in the main show, there’s just… I don’t know. They’re used more for a dramatic punch here instead of a punchline as they often were in past seasons, and it ups the emotional stakes almost immediately. Not only that, but Steven has never outright bled in this show. Not once. We’ve seen him have a small cut, and we’ve seen with little scuffs, and we’ve seen him with a black eye— but never full-out blood dripping from his nose. This is a super effective moment to me BECAUSE they held back on injuring Steven in this way for all those past seasons. His gem powers aren’t working, which means— crucially— his HEALING isn’t working, which means Spinel’s punches actively harm him and a thousand foot drop from the top of this injector will kill him. Youch. I also just give huge props to Steven’s VA for that vocal performance during that scene, it’s very well done. The last little detail I quite like about this movie is that it’s a musical to its CORE- some movies with songs are just that, movies with song sequences. But not only is this one packed full of music, said music follows traditional stage musical conventions: songs are used to actively push the story forward, and utilize repeating themes and motifs in song “reprisals” to call back to previous scenes and subtly say important things about the characters and their relationships. When Spinel is singing with the Diamonds in the last scene, you can tell from the structure of the music alone that their dynamic is likely to work out for good… because Spinel borrows the hopeful melody she sang with Steven earlier, and even listens to the Diamonds’ song enough to start singing a modified version of that, too! Plus, the Diamonds join in on Spinel’s reprise of “Found” as well… showing that they are all willing to make an effort to listen to each other and communicate healthily this time. Not to mention, the movie starts with curtains opening and ends with the main crew coming out for the “bows” at the end of their “performance.” Just, augh. Good movie. Very much a comfort film for me.


While a lot of people hate Rose after finding out about her past, personally I like her more now. In the past when we knew very little about her she just seemed kinda off to me and l didn't know her motives and her actual nature, so she came across a bit fake and untrustworthy to me. But now I understand what her deal is. And yeah, what she did to Spinel was really bad, but I think it's also notable that she was trying to hide her annoyance with Spinel and didn't directly tell her she doesn't want to be her friend. Like maybe by Pink's logic it was a nicer thing to do. There's also the fact that at the time Gems who failed to do their purpose were destroyed, but Pink probably didn't think that far ahead.


I think rose has a consistent theme of running away from her problems and hurting people in the process. She felt mistreated and ignored by the dimonds so instead of challenging them herself she faked her shattering and fought a war as someone else. Instead of telling everyone about the fight she had with bismuth over the breaking point she bubbled her and lied to everyone for thousands of years. To the point that they presumed she was dead. Rose knew pearl had feelings for her but instead of turning her down permanently she led her on for thousands of years. You could see stevens existence as perfectly in line with her morality. Leaving all of her mess to her son. She did do some good things but not nearly enough lmao


Rebecca Sugar has confirmed that Rose had feelings for Pearl as well and that their relationship is more complicated and not just unrequited love. Rose just didn't seem to understand romantic relationships (or relationships in general) super well and didn't seem to be monogamous. Rose was oblivious to a lot of stuff while I don't think Pearl was willing to bring up some things that bothered her because of her own insecurities. A big reason Rose was so into Greg seemed to be the fact that he was willing to speak up and directly tell her when he felt disrespected, which made Rose realize she had done something bad.